4 NOVEMBER 1854, Page 17


ADmiRALTy, Oct. 28.-The following promotions, dated the 26th instant, have this day taken place„consequeutant the-decease, teethe 25th instant, of Rear-Admiral of the Blue J. Leith-Capt. 0. V. Harcourt ; Capt. the Right Hon. Henry .1. C., Earl Talbot, C.B. ; Capt Sir W. Symonds, Knt. C.13. to be Rear-Admirals on the Reserved Half-pay List; Capt. J. Scott, C.B. to be Rear-Admiral of the Blue.

Oct. 30..The following promotions, dated -the 27th instant, have this day taken place, consequent on the decease; on the 26th instant, of Vice-Admiral of the Blue R. Arthur, C.D.-Rear-Admiral of the Bed W. F. Owen to be Vice-Admiral of the Blue ; Rear-Admiral of tae-White Bit C. Sullivan; Bart. to be Rear-Admiral of the Red ; Rear-Admiral of the 13lueE. Boxer, C.41. to be-Rear-Admiral of the White.; Capt. W. Sandon-to be Rear-Admistal.of the Blue. •

Retired Cept. J. F. Studdert has been promoted to the rank. of Retired RearaAci. miral on the terms- propoeed.in the London Casette oatbe let Sept. 1848, but with. out increase of half-pay.

ADMIRALTY, Oct. 21.-Cmps of Royal Marines-Lieut.-Col. W. Jail% to full-ply retirement of that rank, with the rank of CoL under the proeisioh of her Majesty's Order in Council, 13th Septa.1854.