4 MAY 1934, Page 19


[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.]

SIR,—Reviewing Mr. Brailsford's Property or Peace in a recent number of The Spectator, Sir Norman Angell says that the effect of Mr. Brailsford's argument" has been to ally organiza- tions like the No More War Movement with the extreme Jingo forces, with Lords Eleaverbrook and Rothermere."

Sir Norman Angel's opinions are not my present, concern, but I must protest against his continued repetition of an unqualified falsehood. In this particular instance the attack is gratuitous and completely irrelevant to the subject of the review. As to its truth, one might as well say that the pacifists during the War were in alliance with the German Emperor because both were in opposition to the British Government; Such logic 'was, in fact, not uncommon.—! am, Sir, &c., REGINALD A. REYNOLDS, General Secretary. The No More War Movement,

55 Long Acre, London, W.C. 2.