The Vienna correspondent of the Times, a close observer, reports
that the Clerical campaign in Hungary is becoming energetic. The present effort is to conquer the Universities and expel Liberal Professors, and the students are enlisted in great numbers. The Hungarians are not fanatics, but tp judge from the accounts, the priesthood are assisted by the fact that many Professors are Jews or extreme agnostic, who suffer their lectures to become direct or concealed attacks on Christianity. This greatly irritates the Catholics, who, under such circumstances, think themselves, with some justice, subjects of religious persecution. As the Govern- ment does not wish for a conflict with them, or with its own party, the Liberals, it has a difficult course to steer, which is none the simpler because many of the great Hungarian ladies have joined "the Crusaders," or because the Emperor, him. self a " pious " though moderate Catholic, is present in Buda. Pesth. The question of limiting the freedom of Professors upon religious subjects has already been raised, and though the Magyars are essentially secular in their politics, there will be furious contests in the Chamber.