WAR-OFFICE, Apart 30th.-Brevet : Commissions to bear date 30th April 1844.-To be Lieut.-Colonels in the Army-Major T. Ryan. 50th Foot ; Major E. W. Bray, 39th Foot; Major G. L. Christie, 3d Foot ; Major J. Stopford, 40th Foot; Major M. Barr, 29th Foot; Major P. J. Petit, 50th Foot; Major H. Havelock. 13th Foot; Major C. T. Van Straubenzee, 39th Foot. To be Majors iu the Army-Capt. P. M'Kie, 3d Foot ; Capt. F. Coddriugton, 40th Foot; Capt. .1. B. Oliver, 40th Fool ; Capt. A. W.F. Somerset, lot, or Grenadier Guards; Capt. M. G. Nixon. 39th Foot; Capt. W. L.Tudor. 50th Foot. To be Lieut.-Cull. in the Army. in the East Indies-Major II. C. Barnard 51st Bengal Native Infantry ; Major J. G. Drummond. 6th Bengal Native Infantry ; Major H. Dick, 51st Bengal Native lufantry; Major 0. Phillipps, 56th Bengal Native Infantry ; Major W. H. Earle, 39th Bengal Native lufantry; Major W. Mactier, 9th Boated Native Ca- valry; Major W. Garden, 36th Bengal Native Infantry; Major E. J. Smith. Bengal Engineers; Major J. Nash, 4311. Bengal Light infantry ; Major W. Geddes. Bengal Ar- tillery ; Major T. Sanders. Bengal Artillery; Major H. J. White, 50th Beng Native Infantry ; Major C. E. T. Oldlield, C.O., 5th Bengal Light Cavalry; Major J. Alex- auder, tlengal Artillery; Major J. T. Lane, Bengal Artillery. To be Majors in the Army. iu the East turtles-Capt. P. Grant. 59th Bengal Native Infantry ; Capt. B. Browne. Bengal Artillery; Capt. H. M. Graces, 16th Bengal Grenadiers; Capt. C. Grant. Bengal Artillery ; Capt. B. Y. Reilly. Bengal Engineers; Capt. F. Brind, Ben- gal Artillery ; Capt. H. Clayton, 4th Bengal Light Cavalry; Capt. R. J. H. Birch, 17th Bengal Native Infantry; Capt. H. J. Guyuu. 31st Bengal Native Infantry; Capt. J. Saunders. 50th Bengal Native Infantry ; Capt. J. H. M'Donald, Bengal Artillery; Capt. G. Campbell. Bengal Artillery; Capt. R. Cautley, 10th Bengal Light Cavalry; Capt. R. Smith. 28th Bengal Native Infautry; Capt. P. lanes, 14th Bengal Native In- fantry; Capt. P. Harris, 70th Bengal Native Infantry; Capt. C. Firing, 7th Bengal Light Cavalry; Capt. N. A. Parker. 58th Bengal Native Infantry; Capt. F. R. Evans. 46th Bengal Native Infantry ; Capt. J. G. W. Curtis, 27th Beugai Native Infantry ; Capt. T. Youug, 2d Bengal Grenadiers ; Capt. G. Dalston, 58th Bengal Native Infantry. WAR-OFFICE. May 3.-1st Drag. Guards.-Lieut. B. Newland to be Capt. by pur- chase, vice M. Pipon, who retires; Cornet J. S. S. Stuart, to be Lieut. by purchase. vice Newland. 1st Foot-Capt. T. Graham to be Major. by purchase, vice Goodall, who retires; Lieut. F. R. Mein to be Capt. by purchase, vice Graham ; Ensign A. W. Gordon to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Meiu; T. G. Coles, Gent. to be Ensign. by pur- chase, vice Gordon. 25th Foot-Lieut. N. Armstrong, from half-pay of the Stat Foot, to he Lieut. vice Wellesley, appointed to the 73d Foot; Ensign W. Cumming to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Armstrong, who retires ; G. Needham. Geut. to be Ensign. by purchase. vice Cummiug. 35th Foot-Ensign R. II. Price to be Lieut. by pur- chase, vice T. J. G. Chatterion, who retires ; M. V. S. Morton, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Price. 56th Foot-Quartermaster Sergt. W. Dougherty to be Quarter- master, vice T. Debenham, who retires upon half-pay. 67th Foot-Sergt.- Major I. Graham to be Eusiga, without purchase, vice Montgomery, dec. 69th Foot -Capt.C. E. Bowes, from the 85th Foot, to be Capt. vice O'Reilly, who exchanges. 732 Foote- Lieut. E. Wellesley, from the 25th Foot, to be Lieut. vice Cubits, appuiuted Paymaster of the 7th Light Drags. 824 Foot-Ensign L. F. Bernard to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Nicholls, who retires ; F. H. Garner, Gent. to be Ensign, by pur. vice. Bernard. 85th Foot-Capt. D. K. O'Reilly, from the 69th Foot, to be Capt. vice Bevres, who exchanges. 86th Foot -Ensign J. J. Matthews, to be Lieut. by purchase. vice Thurs- by. promoted ; A. G. St. John Mildmay. Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Matthews. 87th Foot-Second-Lieut. the lion. R. W.D. Shirley, to be First-Lieut. by purchase, vice North. who retires; J. Halkett Is Coutear, Geut. to be Second-Lieut. by purchase, vice Shirley. 97th Foot-Lieut. W. Murray to be Adjt. vice Moore, pro- moted; Ensign A. J. Loftus to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Murray, appointed Adjt. ' • D. R. Croasdaile, Gent. to be Ensign, vice Loftus. 99th Foot-G. H. Wyn- yard. Gent. to be Ensign. without purchase, vice Armstrong, dec.
3d West Judie. Regt.-Ensigu F. A. Davidson to he Lieut. without purchase. vies Macdouuell. superseded; U. M. Burke. Gent. to be Ensign, vice Davidson.
Hospital S:aff.-Assist.-Surg. N. O'Connor, M.D. from the 59th Foot, to be Assist: Surg. to the Forces. vice W. Godfrey Watt, appointed to the 234 Foot.
Memorandum.-The date of the commission of Lieut. Whiny, of the 25th Foot, which appeared in the Gazette of the 26th ultimo, istffith April.
OFFICE OF ORDNANCE, April 30.-Royal Regt. of Artillery-Second-Lieut. G. H. ilesey, to be First-Lieut. vice Olphert, deceased. Afessorandum.-The dates of promotions of the undermentioned officers have been altered as follow-First Lieut. D. hi. Fraser, March 7,1844; First-Lieut. J. D. Teller, March 30, 1844; First-Lieut. A. C. Gleig, April 1, 1844.