4 MARCH 1922, Page 14


fressar-Entrou '" SPECTATOR="1' SIR,—In reading, the letters- in yeses-. issue • of February lltli, I was much interested-in one deseribirrg-the unusual visit of three male Ifawittithes,.ae- in January; on four differtatioceste alone, a single- male hawfineh appeared on -our lawn; wheret.iir fed . along with the .blackbizds, starlings, robins, and chaf- finches who come daily for. crumbs, and showed no sign of being either " shy or solitary." We identified it from the description in Besick—the curious form of bill,. and, for a finch, large thick-set body, making that easy. Each time we saw it feeding in the same place, close- to an old yew tree, on a lawn in front of the house, and attributed its unwonted appearance here to the severe and stormy weather we were then having.—I am,

Sir,. &c., B. C. Wu.sott. Wellnage, Duns, Berwickshire.