4 JUNE 1842, Page 20


Tuesday, May SI.


Clothier and Moody, Castle Street. Bloomsbury, coal dealers—Whitworth and Mac- farlane. Manchester, packers—Runcorn and Gregory. Manchester, glassaleaters- Mitudall and Tel:want, Penrith, grocers—Griffiths and Co. Smethwick, engiueers; as far as regards Griffiths —Johnston and Hardey, Hull—G. and J. Adams,Vwes, cabt- net-makers—Sherratt aud Draper, Macclesfield, silk-mauufacturers—Dodeson and Co. Kirkby Ireleth, slatmmerchauts; as far as regards Dodgsou—Fielding and Hindle,

Accrington cloth-manufacturers-Tyler and Davenport, Gray's Intl-Waterhouse and Hatfield. B At Court, Fleet Street. silver-platers-P. and P. Martineau. Goulstone Street. Whitechapel. sugar-refiners-Maior and Weir, Brighton, corn.dealers -Dyson junior and Lodge. Grange Mawr. Yorkshire. manufacturer of fancy goods - F. and G. Smith. Keighley. worsted spinners-Lindley and Booed, Manchestz r, fustian stiffeners -Phillips and Ronald, Liverpool. woo4taplers. iNsoLVRNTS.

BALDING. Gamma. Reuling. coal-dealer. May 31. CLARK. Holum, JOHN, and FARROW, Hume CHARLES, King William Street, City, wine-merchants, May 30. surnit, WILMAM Garr. Vaexhall Walk. surgeon. May 31. THOMPsON, ROBERT BENNETT. W0041 Street. warehouseman. May 31.


BEANLAND. JOSEPH. Bradford. Yorkshire, WOOIStOpler, to surreuder, June 13. July 12: solicitnrs, Mr. Fenton, Fenchurch Street; and Messrs. Fenton and Jones; and Messrs. Battye and Clay. Huddersfield. BrOGS. Gnaws. Lower Thames Street, coal-merchant, June 10, July 12: solicitor, Mr. Stephen. Skinner's Place. Sise Lime; official assignee, Mr. Alsager, Birchin Lane.

Et/resew, EDWARD, Manchester, thread-manufacturer, June 14. July 12: solicitors, Mr. Newman, Lincoln's Inn Fields; and Mr. Widoughby, Manchester. FRANK, JOHN. Maeshury Hall, Oswestry, farmer, June 11, July 12; solicitor, Mr. °swell, Lincoln's Inn Fields. Gamer. GEORGE, Ratcliff Highway. upholsterer, June 7. July 12 : solicitor, Mr. Howell, Ratcliff Highway; official assignee. Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard. HEROMAN. JOHN and EDWARD. Havana Mills. Congleton, millers, June 9. July 12: solicitors. Mr. Norris. Liverpool ; and Messrs. Norris and Co. Bartlett's Buldings.

JAcKSON, Lodes, Lincoln, chemist. June 14. July 12: solicitors. Messrs. Hawkins and Co. New Boswell Coon : and Messrs. Dudding and Denby, Lincoln. JOHNSON. THPMAS THAW, Wood Street. riband-manufacturer, June 10. July 12: soli- citor, Mr. Sadgrove, Mark Lane; official assignee, Mr. Graham, Basinghall Street. Rencrsow, CALEB. High Holborn, tailor. June 10, July 12: solicitors. Messrs. Mar- don and Prichard. Newgate Street; official assignee. Mr. Gibson. Basinghall Street. ROSE. HENRY. Blackburn, drysalter. June 15. July 12: solicitors, Messrs. Adlington and Co. Bedford Row; and Messrs. Ascroft, Preston.

Simirows, BENJAMIN. and BROOK, JONATH4N, Bermondsey, iroufounders, June 7, July 12: solicitors. Messrs Lindsay and Mason. Cateaton Street; official assignee, Mr. Green, Aldermanbury.

STANFORD, JOHN, Pall Mall, architect. June 8, July 12: solicitors. Messrs. Barber and Bircham, New Bridge St.: official assignee. Mr. Lackington. Coleman Street Buildings. THOMPSON, BENJAMIN, Neweastleupon-Tyne, iron-manufacturer, June 17, July 12: solicitors, Crosby and Compton, Old Jewry; and Mr. Hoyle. Newcastle-upon-Tyne. WooLLEY, SAMUEL, Birchwood. Derbyshire, coal-dealer, June 8, July 12: solicitors, Mr. Yallop, Furuival's Inn; and Messrs. Parsons, Nottingham. DIVIDENDS.

June 17, Martin. Shoreditch, grocer-June 23. Fits Balls. Brixton, coach-proprietnr -June 21, Lee, Guildford, banker-June 23, Blyth. Colchester, merchant-June 23, Danford. George Yard. Lombard Street, money-scrivener-June 23, Hutton, Fen- church Street, merchant-June 23, Davis. Bath. architect -June 23. Swill. Gains- borough, auctioneer-June 23. Jones, Bridgewater, dealer in musical instruments- June 23, Robberds and Day. Norwich, paper-makers-June 22, Walker, Nottingham, silkman-June 23, Storey. Sheffield, pawnbroker-June 27, Trubshaw, Stafford. iron- founder-June 22, Jackson, King's Lynn. corn-merchant-June 23, V. and J. Hare, Taunton, house-agents-July 8, Morris. Newbridge, Glamorgaushire, grocer.

CERTIFICATES Tube granted, mans cause be shown to the contrary. on or before June 21. Hare. Union Court, City, merchant -Buckler]. Darlington, grocer-Morrison. Not- tingham. lace-manufacturer-East, K ingstborpe. Northamptonshire, carpenter-Bailey, Mount Street, Grcavenor Square, upholsterer - Benson, Birmingham, confectioner. SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS.

ARLADFS, JOHN. Reich, Aberdeeushire, cattle-dealer. June 7, July 5.

DUN, Twines, Edinburgh. dealer in furniture, June 6, July 27. Friesen, Jamas. Markinch. Fifeshire, publisher. June 6, July 4. Lyon, JAMES WALTER. Edinburgh, working-jeweller. June 6, July 4. Nienrrr, ARcHIBALD, Glasgow, minister of the Gospel, June 3, 24.

Rserasy, Glasgow, mason, June 6, July 4.

SMITH. James, Grange Mill. Forfarshire, yarn-miller, June 6, July 25.

JACK, ROBERT, Paisley, thread.manufacturer, June 3, July 24.

Friday, June 3.


S. and J. Darlington, Newgate Market, poultry salesmen-Swainson and Clayton, Manchester-Buckle and Co. Mark Lane-Tinkler and Newbald, Kingston upon- Hull, engravers-Curtis and Co. Glen:Inwood. Essex, nurserymen-Mottram and Moor. Lamb's Conduit Street, silk-mercers-Mullins and Co. Newington. pawn- brokers; as far as regards J. Mullins-H. and S. Maryland, Charlesworth, Derbyshire, cotton-spinners-Patten and Coward, Little Knight Rider Street, glass-merchants - Tait and Milligan. Dumfries, hosiers-Plummer and White, Norwich. inn-merchants -Martin and Muir, Liverpool. shawl-merchants-Dutton and Cockson, Tuubridge Wells, china dealers-Parker and Higgins. Worcester, attornies-J. D. and T. G. Wil- liams, Bury St. Edmund's. mercer-J. and 0. Richards. Fleet Street, booksellers-J. and I. Fisher, Radford, lace-manufacturers-Pearce and Ellis, Haverhill. Suffolk, grocers-Butterworth and Co. Huddersfield. woollen.cloth-manufacturera ; as far as regards B. Butterworth-Palen and Joyce, Trowbridge, common brewers-North and West, Bradford, Yorkshire, cotton-dyers-C. and C. Coles, Portsmouth, drapers.


Lowe, THOMAS, Beaufort Place, Chelsea, coal-merchant, June 2.


Asnwownr, EDMUND, Manchester, innkeeper, to surrender. June 20, July 15: solici- tors. Messrs. Adlingtou and Co. Bedford Raw ; and Mr. Chew, Manchester. BAINBRTDOE, JOHN. Richmond. Yorkshire, iroufounder. June 24, July 15 solicitors, Mr. Addison. Meckleuburgh Square; and Mr. Huntou, Richmond, Yorkshire. Bowen. GEORGE, Wooldale, Yorkshire, woollen-cloth manufacturer, June 11, July 15: solicitors. Mr. Cornthwaite, Dean's Court, Doctors' Commons; and Mr. Coruth- Waite, Liverpool. CHAPPELOW, WILLIAM. Long Acre, bridle-cutter. June 17, July 15: solicitor, Mr. Hornidge, Bloomsbury Square ; official assignee. Mr. Whitmore, Basingliall Street. GOOBER. Joan, Rastrick, Yorkshire, fancy-cloth manufacturer, June 14, July 15: so. ileitors. Messrs. Clarke and Medcalf, Lincoln's Inn Fields; and Messrs. Whitehead and Robinson. Huddersfield.

HARPER. WILLIAM. Cowper's Court. Cornhill, merchant, June 10. July 15: solici- tor. Mr. Kirkman, King William Street, London Bridge ;!official assignee, Mr. Groom. Abchurch Lane.

HEPBURN, PrrEs ANDERSON. Hampstead Road, bottled-beer merchant. June 10, July 15 : solicitor. Mr. Frowd, Essex Street, Strand ; official assignee, Mr. Lacking- ton, Coleman Street Buildings.

HEYWOOD, CHARLES SAMUEL and WILLIAM, Manchester, warehousemen, June 15. July 15 : solicitors. Messrs. Reed and Shaw, Friday Street ; and Messrs. Sale and Worth- ington, Manchester.

JACKSON, HENRY WILLIAM. Haverhill, Essex. wine-merchant, June 17, July 12 soli- citors, Mr. Holmes, Liverpool Street; and Mr. Jardine, Stoke. Suffolk.

LONORIDGE, GEORGE WILLIAM, Sunderland, ironmonger, July 7, 15: solicitors, Mr. Lovelaud, Symond's Inn • and Mr. Cooper. Sunderlaud. Norrinostam, Jour:, Cheltenham, picture-dealer, Juue 15, July15 : solicitors, Messrs. Roy and Co. Lothbury ; and Messrs. Bubb and Co. Chelteuham.

QUM'S, THOMAS, and Co. Fulham. brewers. June 10, July 15 : solicitors, Messrs. Fyson and Co. Old Jewry; official assignee, Mr. Johnson. Basioghall Street. WALKER, JAMES. Burton-upon-Trent, mercer,' June 17, July 15: solicitors, Messrs. Bicknell and Co. Lincoln's Ion Fields; and Mr. Drewry, Burtonmpon-Trent. DIVIDENDS,

June 24, Thompson, Princes Street. Spitalfields, bat-manufacturer-June 24, Jack- son, Poultry, glass-dealer-June 24. Maton and Hudson, Fore Street. leather-sellers-. June 25, Chappell, Lawrence Lane. butcher-June 27, Bailey. Mount Street. Gros- venor Square, upholsterer-June 27, Thorns, Warwick Square, printer-June 13, Hutchins. Whitechapel Road, linendraper-June 24. Legh. New Windsor, corn-dealer -June 29, Johnson. Nautwich, druggist-June 29. Comer, Nantwich. ironmonger- June 25, Marsden, Manchester. cons dealer-June 25, J. and T. Wood. Leeds, cloth- manufacturers-June27. Marshall, Ilkeston. Derbyshire, grocer-June 24, Carr, South Shields, grocer-June 27, Rigden, Wingham, Kent, maltster -June 27, Neech senior. Iiirkley. Suffolk. farmer-June 15. Holt, Livesey, Lancashire, grocer-June 23. Read, Worcester, wine-merchant-Juue 25. Curtis. King's Lynn. brewer-June 23. Preset tt. Upholland, Lancashire, innkeeper-June 27. J. and W. Green, Wetherby, timber mer- chants -Juce 28, Macaire and Co. Liverpool merchants-June 28, Railton and Pavey, Manchester, manufacturers of mousseline de laines-June 27, B. and T. Tattershall, Liverpool, corn-merchants.

01IRTOICATSS To be granted, gooks, cause be shim. to the contrary, on or before Jae 24. Thornton. Leicester. builder - Hunt, Old Broad Street, merchant-Willacy, Lancashire. corn-dealer-Batson and Bissell, Tipton, ironmasters -St. Clair, Birming- ham. pawnbroker-Nutt. Stratford Green. merchant-Bull. Miuories. grocer -Green. Clifford Street. tailor - Crowe, Sunderland, inukeeper-Bowlby. Bishop Wearmour scrivener -Hunt. Tipton, insumaster. SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS.

BA2/111. ALEXANDER GLIM, 0140120W. sadler. June 9. 30.

BLACK, JAMES. Aberdeen, merchant. June 8.30.