4 JULY 1914, Page 10

On Monday night Mr. Lloyd George announced the details of

what the Times calls the third edition of the Finance Bill Part IV. (which deals with local grants-in-aid) into be dropped, since without a further resolution this cannot be put to the Mouse as part of the Finance Bill. But when the Revenue Bill has been considered, it is to be recommitted for the pur- pose of adding Part IV. and the dependent schedules. The Westminster Gazette scouts Mr. Austen Chamberlain's sug- gestion that Mr.-Lloyd George has muddled his own muddle, and professes to find clear advantages in the new arrange- ment. The fare is exactly the same, but Mr. Lloyd George, by rearranging it, reverts to the two-Bill instead of the three- Bill plan. When Mr. Healy said the other day that Mr. Lloyd George never brought in a Budget without having to issue a second edition of it, he was really understating the facts.