4 JULY 1840, Page 11


Cadet It J. Cannon, vice I/lel:sun, imanoteil; t l•.t.t. cI E. W. Dance, vie.. Parker, promoted: Gent. Cadet 1V. Cookson, lice Speincer, promoted, Royal Engincers--To be S(11.1t111■1 Gout, Cadet W. D. (;ossett, n ire ..:;auley, promoted ; Gent. Cadet J. II. 1,m kin, vice NI eimies, promobal; Cut Cadet C. Sion, vtctl Reynolds, Keno: mil; Gent. l'adet F. Irmo:aril, vice Laffall, promoted. WAR ulTICE, July 3.--5t1. Itegt. of Dral. Guards—lire% et eel. C. All ix, from half. taw attattaehed, to be Lieut.-Col.. vice Sir .1. M. Wallace, who exchanges; NliVor the 1.inu, te, searien to he r,ieut.• Cul. by purchase, vino Allis, who relit,: Brevet. Ma. 'ion' F. 1vest'uat ta br Nlaior, by purchase, vivo Searlett ; Lieut. G. 1t, Colquitt to he

Capt. by poirehase, nice Vl'estetira ; Cor:iet I,. Robson to be Lieut. by purchase, vice

Coloptitt ; !coign G. Ii. Ilamillon, trout the i 5ll. Foot, to be Cornet, by purchase, vice liaison. 71h Drag Gliards—Assbd.•Sor.s. .1. Stewart, from the :.1talf, lo be .1s.:ist.•tiurz. vice Marshall. dee. 101h Foot—Ilia:vet Nlaaor 11. laieky, from the :Shit to be

Capt. vice Adanos, who exchanges. list Foi.t -Lieut. '1'. Itulkeloy to he Capt. without

purchase, vice Ogilvy, dee. 3501 Cu, igmo A. from the 6401 Foot, to he

Ensign, vice. Crosbie, who retires. 36111 Foot—!'apt. W. II. Adams. (*rant the 10th Foot, to be Capt. vice Lecky, who exchanges. 43i1 Foot—Ensign the Ilon. C. II.

Lindsay to he Lieut. by purchase, vivo Paget , promoted ; D. C. t.I.C1.:Ii., he Ensign, by purchase, vier I,indsay, 4711, ('not--Lielol..1. !Anther to be Capt. without

purchase, vice Dundee, dec. Eusigit C. F. Fordyee to he Lieut. vice Laniner ; Ensign S. '1'. Williams, from the 20th Font, 10 be Ensign, vice Eurilyee. 51st Foot—Ensign A. .1, W. Nsrtltey to be Lieut. by pureha,e. sire Balms, Milo retires; R. A. Frarringt Gent. to be Ensign, by plirchaso. sire NoEth,'x'. tiath Font.–\y. Gretaell, (;gut. to be Sty:. Lieut. by purchase, vice Dausey, who ire,. m, It, vv‘41,.,r,„.,s, Gent. to be Kosigu, percha'se. vice 'ii,. fall, nppa.iulcd t. the 35th Taut. ydlh

Foot—C. W. Nlinchin, (lei& to he Ensign, by paridia.e, vice Ilamiltim, appointed to oho 5th Drag Guards.

lot West ludic Itogt.—E. M. Macpherson, Cent. to be Assist.•Surg. vire Campbell, :misdated to the Stoll'.

cliattaeliell.-Licilt. II. IV. Ptiet. nom ii,' 4.111 Foot, to be Capt. by porehase. II:19014 Stair-- Assist.•Surg. A. Campbell, from 1st West India Regt. to be Assist.-Sorg. to the Forces, s it:,, Stewart, ,o1Tolille.1 to tile 7:1, I hag. Guards. Memoranda - 'apt. NI. Campbell, upon lialt%pay omattaelied,lias been allowed tore- tire nom the Army by the sale of his commission, he tieing about to betiome a *enter in New South \Vales.'

The comini,sions of the unilermentiouo 1 caleers lutvc been cancelled, from the dates set against their names, they having revolved 11o11111111i.111 allowances for their lialf•pay Limit. S. Clarke. 1oalis.poV. Calcolian from the of July 1840; Lieut. It Foote. halipay, llth Light Drags. 11-tula the 7111 Pei. 18-10; Lieltl. A. O. Von Itrovmh- sen, hall.pay Brunswielt Intiontry, from the 3t1 Judy 18-10.