4 JANUARY 1952, Page 5


AFTER what the superstitious,would regard as ill-omened delays Mr. Churchill and his colleagues are on the point of landing in New York. In certain American quarters their arrival seems, to be awaited with appre- hension rather than enthusiasm. The Prime Minister was not invited to come; he asked to come. -. That means-that he wants something and has come to get it. In any case he is about en. times as able as Mr. Truman and will make rings round him. And so 'on. All intensely stupid, and representing, 'ortunately, the views of entirely unimportant sections of opinion—with one or two regrettable exceptions. Actually the situation is perfectly clear. / Mr. Churchill rightly puts an understanding between the United , States and the British Cominonwealth above all other safeguards for peace in the world. He goes to Washington not to make demands but to talk _over all aspects of Anglo-American co-operation, with a view to avoiding misunderstanding everywhere.. After all, he has not- been to America as Prime Minister for six years and more. It'is of the highest value that he should make peTsonal contact with the principal authorities in the United States. British foreign policy may be, and is, kept out of party politics, but no one will deny that it makes some difference whether it is directed by Mr_Attlee and Mr. Morrison or by Mr. Churchill and Mr. Eden. It is well that Athericans should have the fullest opportunity of realising the difference. That alone is more than enough to justify the American visit. I