4 JANUARY 1840, Page 1




America-President's Message to Con. gross, 50. Boundary question, 194,362, 385, 674. 801. Presidential election, 841. 1178.

Eelgiunt--New Ministry, 338, 302. Open- ing of the Chambers, 1081. Chinn - Exrulsion of the British from Macao, 2e. Conflicts between the British and Chinese, 25. 146. Neg., Rations with the Chinese, 108. Bri isli trade prohibited. 242. Neill° overtures from Captain Elliot, 347. " Public Despateh to the QIIteell of England," 493. Chinese preparations for war. 530. Attempt to destroy British ships by the Chinese, 553. British expedition against, 872; arrival at Macao, 1031, 1085. Attempt to burn the British fleet, 1081. Taking of Chusan, 1178, 1181; official despatches, 1206

Colonies - Canada -- Resolutions of the tipper Canada Legislature in favour of 11to reunion of the Provinces, 49 ; pro. rogation, 2135. The Clergy Ilesorves, 146, 194. Si:icicle of Mr. Simpson, 848. 872. India-Proceedings against the Nawab of Kurnool. 57. Storm nud capture of Keed, 145. Preparations fur war with China. 242, 348, 434. Uneasy state of further India. 743, 1(81, 1084. Viet..ry over 1).,st Mohammed, 1178, 1183. New iltainswick thou of •• Respoesible Government "iii the House of Assembly, 380, Neer Zealand-News front. 250, 705. Pur• chase or you Niehols.m. 411. 11:1 .1 despatch front Colonel Wakefield, 483. Reply of CII1/011U 11010400 0/ii Sviluey

deptenti n 560. British sat ie eigiity declared by Cuptain I lobiati, 9.2.

Nova scot in- Prorega I iell ;I,: ;loos° of Assembly, 386. South Aestralia ltecdI of Governor 0m101..1004, West

Indies-- British (Minna emsed new Civil List, 489, 530. Janoliett - tug of the Legislature, 1230.

Damascus - Persecution of the Jews, 386, 598, 51:1.

Egypt -Itisurrection in Syria, 659, 705, 730, 745. Refusal by atellemet Ali of the l'Itiminant of the Four Combiiiel Powers. 841. 865, 873. It tuba mimeo,

of Ileyront. 870, 966, 969. Di!parte re

of the Emir Consuls from Ales all r'a, 993. War in Ss tin. 1017, 1033, 1057, 1061,11(9, 1161; telsim; it Acre, 1133. Blockade or .11estiedria, 1090. Ne- gotiatioes with the Pasha, 1185; C'en- ventioo, 1207. Retrospect of Syrian Affairs. 1208.

France--The Address, 43, 53. botation for the Duke do Nemours, 107, 146 ; Defeat and Resignation of the Ministry, 176. 193. New Ministry, 217. Re- duction of the Five per Cents. 303. Merritt:to of the Duke de Nenieurs, 409. Ri•tnoval of the Ashes ef Napo• Iron to France, 458. 489, J'‘e5, 1160; Funeral Ohsequies, 1305. Disasters in Attica, .182, 530. 553, 6-.6, 69e. Prone within of the Chambers, 673. landing of L. us Napeleou id 7 t5, 756, 769, 778; Trial. ,J95, 937, 946, 96:.

Anton .1 Cast, 703, 517, 901, 985, Vii of the Eiug I. Boulogne. 793. Strike'' of the Workmen or Paris. Sll. 849; Disturbances. 80.

Trial of Slade's., La , s'; 1, s9.:, 021,

1208 Fortiiieation of Paris. 893, War in the East, 936. 069, lotsj. at roile1t..d 111.1:1:SZI. Tillers s Note to the 1 :

dor in ',Mimi. Al.elipt to As SISSillat.. die King. 901, 1009. let I. Resienatieti ot"I'Lier, toll;, 1e33. NI.00 Ministry, 101 ,, 1e.'3. of the Clbers. 103:,. toe, ; Address. 11115, 1.110, 1129, 1134, 1,37, 1107. 1102, Ii;;, 1133. Lied ',emu., stout's Note te lard (trios ;Pe, BOO, Inundations in the South, lose, 1137 ; the letitelet it or Lyoos, 1153. stlte or Parties, 1:77. Difference It ith Morocco. 1229.

H0110101.-AlAiicatiou of the King. 946, 961.912 Mexico Defeat of the Federalists, 922. Napies-Threatimed Rupture with, 369, 385, 399 ; Mediati. n of France, 403, 431.

Portugal-Opening of the Cortes, 49: 20; Openiug, 530. Mili- tary Revolt, 855, 913; Suppressien, 93:4. Aeeouellentent of the Qieen, 919. l'russia--Death of the King. 5S3, 613. Homage to the new King, 1014. Russia-War with Clove., 1, 233. 386; peace restored, 1064. Spain -Opeuieg of the Cartes, 193,

Mathid in a "state of siege," 218. Retreat of the Cellists into France. 626, 651. Revolutionary movement at Barcelona, 70 721.7139, New Minis- try, 809, 817, 849. Insurrection. 811, 865. 899. Espartern appointed Minis. ter, 913.937. 961.986. Abdication of the Q111•011 Regent, 1009, 1016. Pro- ceediugs of the new Regents, 1033. 1039. 1105. Dissolution of the Smite, of Madrid. 1053. Manifesto of Queen Christilia, 1130, Attack 00 the Ma.. drid Press by the military. 1201. Na-

• igetiou of the Demo, 1225.

Texas Indepteeleuce acknowledged by Great Britain. lilt) Turkey-Chronel, , gieal Table of Events from April 1839, to July 15, 1840, 1135.


Prince Allawt, 103, 128, 154. The Queen's Itlerria2e, 196, 150. Illness of the

Prineess .1iigusta, 702, 725, 771, 842, 866, 890 ; dealt of, 914, 938. Birth of a Pritieu,s, 1110, 1130. 1154.

Appointment. of the Commissioners for the disputed of Colonial Waste Lands, 56. Privileges a the !louse of Coin. mons-- Steel:dale v. Hansard. 79. 82, le5. 152 173.200, 387, 411 ; incarcera- tion of the Sherills-resolutions of the Common Coned, 80; meetiugs, 177. 200, 247, 281. Decision of the Judges in the esse of Frost and others. 106. Anti- Corn-law meeting at Guildhall. 126.

The Sanittoriunt, 154. Anti- Corn- law League, 176, 200. Murder of Mn. Templeman, 269, 295, 964. 482, 611. The hew postase, 970. Sleeting of Anti•Corte law Delegates. 29.1, 29G, 319. 510. Meeting on the subwet of New Zealand, 367, 372 ; blenders of the Times, :70 ; of the Meting Post, 372. lurtItig oil tIte ()piton War. 387. Mr. G. Palmer on the dissolution of tho S ittli Australian Commissiun, 414.

Mairtler of 1,ord Hessen, 939, .;119, 487, 510, 583, 608, 609. 659. De- 6,P:a against the right of Church- at.Jrilens to make a Cluirclorate, 941. Sentence of Mr. O'Connor, 964. Meet- ing of the Society for the Extinetion of the slave-trado. 534. Attentrt to as- sr...sinate the Queen, 555, 562, n81, 610, G53. Tithes. decided to be liable to r.,tes, 557. Quarrel between Lord Cardigan awl Captain John Reynolds, 559, 811 ; court-martial on eitptain R. A. lirynolils, 919. 992, 942, 963, 1013, 1198; duel between Lord Curdigan and Sir. Ilarvey Tuckett. 894, 919, 940, 987, 1010, 1131; Lord Cardigan and Major Morse l'o,per, 1160. Meeting on the persecutiou or the Jews at Damascus. 581; ef Atdi.shavery (tele:sates, 581. Riot:lien al SiterilD, 607.1329, 658, 702. Meeting or the British and Foreign MAI-slavery Society, 607; to establish o Public LibTray, 608. Celonel Ciunp. bell and the Colimial Ofliee, 635, 659.

Freedom of Ole y conferred on Prince Albert, 794, 818, 819. Sleeting id' the New Zealtilid Company. 891, Mayoral election, 914, 939, 913. 986. Stoppage of faminersley's bank, 915, 914,9132, 987. FILIal neuedent on the Sent li.west • cm railway, 1011. Death or Lord Hol- land. 1013, 111.17. Sleeting ot Amaral. ind land pm elm. crs, 1(85; Children's Frietel Sosie:y , I ej5. ('hr's against 111.,1;, 1 lank, 1086, 1179. , \VC gilt's bank 1131.

Mr. Diuteembe's aquitist Mr.

Tooke for improper use ef his lathe-two as Treasurer of the S. lily for the Dif-

bosioti4,1' I I: nowledee. 1202, 1209. E retion 0: CIA, in It Councilmen, 1226, It'. Vtn ;1-:ssiciales, 2, 8, 26, 39. 511. 103. I2j. '200. Report of the Direetors I t' Iho )1aneliester Clounber ui C0:1111IVII.I. Ole 'fleets of the :el.

• tration of the 151111; or linelatol, 13. outbreak in Slieflield, 56,

The Plyinonth company New Zealand." 175. 'I', Mk ler sedition, 2132,2.17, 261, trials,390 346.

369. Fire at York Shill -ter. 408, 511. Sleetilig or Ow Birmingham Anti. Site. cry soreeh 7:6. Death of Lord Pelham. 797, 75:, 772; monument to, 820. Meetines it r the " men or Bir- mingham," 759, 772; of the " men of Nee. castle," 705. Clint. Coll.-Hea- viside V. Earthier, 752. Aceidont tiw Ilull mid Selby railway, 774, 797. Ace idetits on the Eastern Counties railway, 796. 819, 849. 892, 940. At- tempted murder ttt bellow, 821, 843, 8137,3').). :Murder nt newer, 821, 844. Libel- Rev, Mr. Hearin: a. Rev. II.

, ejtowell, 843. Colonel Thomprsou's

advice to the Leicester Chartists, 846. Fire at Devonport dockyard, 941,9133, 988; at Sheerness Dockyard, 963, 1036, 1060. High-Stewardship of the Uni. versity of Cambridge, 994. 1011, 1086. Sir W. Molesworth's letter to the in- habitants of Leeds on peace, 1017, 1041. Fatal Aceident on the Great Western railway. 1036. Collision between the Itritumnia mid the Phoenix steanters. 1036. Public breaklitst el the Plymouth Company or Now 'le:timid, 1059: Fatal accideut int the Birmingham railway, 1086, 1108. 1132,1156; un the York and

North Midland, 1091. 1108. Peace meeting at Leeds. 1036. Severe storms, 1107 ; loss of the City of IlrisMI steamer, 1110, 1132. Railway accidents, 1108, 1156, 1180. Mr. Gibson's address to the electors of Mauchester, 1227. Mur- der at Ashton, 1227. Poisening at Northampton, 1227.


Tim Ancliterarder dispute. 7. Paisley

New Zealand Emigration Society, 7. Manutlicturc or Whig Members of Par- liament at Edinburgh, 31. Presbytery of Strathbogie, 153, 175. Glasgow Wellington testimonial, 174. Meetings on the Church question. 223; of the. Commis of the General Assembly. 249; Strathbogie case, 1133. State of Church politics, 370, 413. New Zea- land meeting at Glasgow, 489. Session of the General Assembly, 514, 536. Scott monument at Edinburgh, 793. British Association it Glasgow, 870, 917. Election of Lord Provost of Edinburgh, 1089; Lord Rector of Glasgow Uniyerdly, Ill).). Ferocious murder near Glasgew. 1204. Court ef Session-Shad libogie Vilee, 1228.


O'Connell's Letter te tho Duke of Lein.

ster, 390, 370. Death or Mr. Drum, mond, 369,391. National Association, 441. O'Connell's Letters mu Repeal- fit 4. Repeat meetings. 703, 727, 772, 775, 122, 844, 893, 916, 942, 963, 989. 1012, 1036, 100'1,1228. Police Returns, 814, S69. Inauguration of the Civic

oflieers of Dublin, 941. Dispute tie. tween O'Connell and Colonel Bather, 9451. Formation or an " Irish Board of Trade," 1108, 1228. Schism among the Dublin Tories-Mr. Shave's conduct, 1108. Common Pleas-Irish Society v. Bishop of Derry, 1108. DeViSiell against the Starquis of Westneetth- comacre system, 1 i 33. Carlow election, 1157. 1181. Mayo election, 1181, 1903. 1228. Movement in favour of Irish ma- nufactures. 1201. Ulster Constitu- tional Association, 1228.


Opening of the Session, 50.

Address, the, 53, 79, Admiralty Judge, Salary or the, zils, 30, 607, Aflirma-

mations, 699. 747, Africa, British Trade with, 171,201. Albert's (Prince) Naturalization, 79, 82, 98, 125, 128 Provision tlas 82, 98, 128, Austria, Commeree with, 652.

Banking, 944, 268, Beer-houses, 171. 318, 553, Blasphemy, 1011Seeettell fir, 798. Boinelasy, the :Maine, 416, 675. Rewrite.; (I h.). ;laymen's to, 676. Bribery ttad iseatieg, 508. Budget. 966, Cambridge Election, 366. 391, 910, 402. Cattailit, 154; Chief justiceship or Upper, 225; Clergy Rosen es, 291, 344, 348, 363, 438, 508, 578. 651, 700, 725. 798; liennien of (I,,' Previmies, 290, 319, 513, 561, 579, 626,1'50, 0;4; St. Sulpiee Ordinal Lee, 750. Cerlislies ((he bishop of) Elate lilt, 678. ( 'Mowery reMrin, 268, 530,747, 770. Children empleyed tt tilIIiltlIi' ill es,749. Chimney -sw cep ors, 366. China trade. 151); war with, 243 252 2(8 • claims i0 the merchants, 267, 319, 321; the opoim• war, 338. 398, 363, '159.650, 721; trial of British subjects in, 410. Church articles, 500; discipline. 793, 748 ; ex- tension, ; rules, 147. Colonial pa-sengers bill ; 11111 Cis hies, 533, 602. Colonies, labour for, 677. Copyhold enfranchisement, 677. C.,pyright, 123, 171, 653. Curn•laws, 537, 3I4, 321, 917, 5116, 531, 555; grueling corn in bond, 507. Comity constabulary, 172, 579. Castoms duties, 990; Baltic and Canadian timber, 5:1'3, 539.

Death, punishmeut of, 219, 606, 675, 699. 723. Divorce, 150. East, affairs of the -treaty of Great Britain with Austria. Russia. and Prus- sia, 706,724,7.16. East and West Lelia protinee, 245. Ecclesiastical Courts, 725, 748,756; duties and revenues,268, 395, 634, 700, 722, 798. Educational charities, 319. Elections, controverted, 122. Emigration, 532. Equity Courts, reform of the, 958. Estimates, 242, 443, 706. Exchequer bills, funding of, 126.

Factories, inspector; of, 680. Faraam rectory, 634, 700. Finences, state of the, 79, 146, 487. First fruits and tenths, 220, 245. Floor, foreign, 606. Foreign commercial policy, 698. French commercial treaty, 723. Frivolous suits, 172.

Glasgow University, political asscciations in, 266.

Hanover, pension of the King of, 296; apartments of, 319. Hill Coolies, 125. Horse-racing, 221. 245.

India, conduct of the war in-votes of thanks. 125, 179; Petition from the Directors of the Rost India Company, 154; trade with. 199; idolatry in, 724, 770. infant felons.750. Inland ware- houses, 172. Ireland, agitation in,410; 686Bank70o0f,,7627,8, 4i8m4p56ort.ation of foreign flour into, 154; mendicity in, 269 ; state of, 799. Irish electors. registration of,

198, 291, 438, 482, 508, 554, 578, 686, 604, 612.629,650; qualification of. 508; Grand Jurv cuss, 561; municipal cor. ',orations, )154. 199. 244, 939, 460, 466, Juvenile offenders, 410.

Lenten lecttires on astronomy, 345. Ludlow election, 201,22l,346. 3135. ao. Magistrates, conduct of, 365. Mauritius. the, 770. Maynootit College, 605. Mi. glisters, confidence in, 100. 107; 'peti- tions for distnissal of, 462, 746. Mon- motith 267prisonors, the, 125. Mutiny bins Naples, war with, 363, 410, 4113; sulphur monopoly, 531,713S, Navy, rtate of the, 124; estimates. 177, 201, 220. New- port convicts. the, 295. Newport's (Sir John) pension, 149. 194. 201. New v4S9tt.tor ni:t r i l615e Nlit.a e , emigration to, 602; go. 627, 725. New Zealand, O'Connor, treatment of, 508, 538. Ord- 2n7a1n.cizi e2stintates--M r. Foote's dismissal, Penny postage, 58.701. 750. Persia, re. lesions with. 962. Perthshire. new writ for, 177,201. Polish refugees, 750. Political offenders, treatment of, in pri- son, 364, 531, 660, 749. Poordaw Com- mission, 700. Port Mahon, 199. Post- office, irregularities of the, 125. Potato sugar. 701. Prison discipline, 5:31. Privilege- Stoekdale v. Ilausard, 53, 68, 74,813, 105, 108. 192. 128, 150, 154, 169,

199, '2i8. 225, 245, 250.1193, 462; printed patters bill, 245,250, 266, 270, 344, 349, :362.

Queen, marriage of the : addressor con. gratulation, 154; attempt to assassi- nate the, 553, 561.

Regency, the, 674,698.792. Registration and qualification of Parliantentery elec. tors, 438. Regulation of railways, 701, 750. Scotch Courts of Justice, 148. Scotland, Church of, 126, 220, 268, 410. 439. 530, 579, 629, 660. Seatuirs (Lord), services and pension. 291. 296. 317, 349. 365. Seduction, 554, 678. Session, the mis. spent, 750. Socialism, 89, 123, 172. South America, Ilritislt trade with, 171. Spain, the civil war in, 198; claims of the British Legion, 199, Slade-duties, the, '267. Stephenson's (Sir.) appoint- ments, 910. Stock iii trade, rating of 701, 750. Sugareluties, 603 s



r)alt t,isp .2609rta.tion, 434, 985. 11.511. T;g111 I Viteeimaiiiii, 245, 579. Water, supply of, to the Metropolis, 150. Weaver clutrelws, 487, 012, 628. Wool' as ich Military Academy : expulsion of , cadets. ti71. Working classes, oiscon- tent of the, 123.

The Prorogation, 770.

Div isl,tius, 132, 203.

Papers on China, 293. (Serge the Third's liegeney Act. 661; tho Itegetley 1■111, 701. Relent on Banks of Isaac, 850.


A:jrial Perspective, 903.

Africa ellt1 the West Indies, 279. Alts,orth, a New, 830.

Amnesties, 1190.

Aubigny, the Dukedom of: Whig Job for the Duke of Richmond, 38, 11Ie Tower or-Types and Proplaj• cies, 12.

nigiacking out of ;In Uutenable Argument, 950.

utoeusde, the Law and Polley of, 852.. gossips (Dr.), Payments to - Patriots aud Placemen lu'rarliament: Diplo- matic Inefficiency, 681.

British Association: Address of the Secre- taries. 998• Canada-Sticeess of GOVerflOr T110111:01111 MiSSiOn. 110; Canadian Afttirs, 228. Capital Punihshment, 6n2, 7.33. Chartism-Te Topic of Topics. ?; The Corse or Pnrty, 35; Chartism, 925. Chartists-Pate of the State Prisoners, 110; The Chartists, 759. Children's Employment Commission. the, 1190 ; Inthut Labour, 1234. China Papers. Site '273; The opium War. 297; Practleal Solution of the China Question, SPS; The Whigs and the Tories on,:I'22' The Opium War, its Supitorters and Opponents, 418. Chure mien and Dissenters, Diagnosis of the Cum plaint s of, 762. Cireulating Library for the Studious, syses of a. 3f6; The New Library for Students, 419; The Loathe] Library, 614. Colouial Qaestions, Economical and Po.

'Rica', 564. Colonization, the New Board of, 11; and the Cuuservatives, 397. Common Politeness, 1044. Curio Laws, the-Corn and Money : Pros- pects of 1840, 12. The Manchester Corts Law Demons\ 61; Corn. Law Repeaters at Manchester, 85; Metropolitan League against, 205; Another Chatter ror the Lanallords. 274; Specimen of an Esrulent Public!, 324; A Hint to the MI6- Curti' Law League. 515; Brim of Coin : Apolosy fur the. Landowners, 614; The Weather and the Crops. 6r3; The Corminws, 925; The Anti CornLaw.. Leave, 1094. Corruption at Ludlow and Cambridge, 374. Cradle, the Royal, 1116. Cross-stiek (a) on Ministers, 638.

Currency - Corn.Laws, Curreuey, anal Banking, 300; Deposits in the Bank of England: Are they Currency or no ? 395; Deposits in Banks or bane-not Currency., 468; Committee on Bank Issues. 74.

Danger (the) of Being a Wag,939. Dissenters, Burial of, by the Established Church, 419.

Duns, a New Species, 637.

Durham, Lord, 732.

East and West. 853.

Edinburgh, Representation of-Smooth Sailing : Lucky Tom Macoulay, 361 A Few Serious Words on a Serious Ques- tion to tlw Electors of, 61; Edinbursit to Wit We will be Good Buys the Next Time -Mr. Horsetail 'mil the Queen. 85; Municipal Elections in, and in Glasgow, 1694; Election or Lord Provost: (herniates* Alarms, 1166.

Egypt and Turkey -Polithso Non-intro - slum 252; Prance ellit Syria : Our Fo. reign Policy, 706, 731; Is it War or Peace ? 804; 1 tune:aims, 829; !tow tu Maintain the Indepeodenee and lotto grityof an Empire, 852; The War, 900; Ititentational Law: the Syrian Ques- tion, 970; Where is the Difference ? 996 ; French and English : Neglected Duty of the British Nation, 1019; the Point or Ilenour amstig Nations, 1042; blovement in favour of Peace in the Manuract in ug Districts, 1067; What are Ministers Doing? " Very few eon Tell," 1093; French and German Li' bends, 1113; Who is the Dupe? 1113 ; Sines iuug the Cloven Foot, 1114; In What eousists the Difference between M. Guizot and M. Thiers? 1116; Pcuee: National ludependelue,:, 1140 ; The Rumour. reseeding Lord Palmerston, 1140: The 'Dirk iSh Em- pire. 1140; The Works of Humanity, 1166; What Diplomatists mean by " Settled," 1210; Tile War-Whoop, 1233.

Electioneerins Extrsordinoro, 182: Se- quid of Tile M hint rail Press and the Spectot.r, 206. Enclosure of t men S pees : The Freshatir Question, 683.

Favunrite, the-The Favourite less Fa. %nitrite, with a Diseussion on Bottom's Dream," 375. Fever, the ° Continued," 253. Fetish, 613.

Foreign Relations, (Oitr,) and their pos- sible Intertrd Effects, '330. France, 1188.

Fruits (the) of meddling with the In. lethal Arrangements of other Notions, Puudamentals in Matters Political, 1114.

(Sothis, Obstruetionsto, one form thereof, 446,

Glasgow-Boy Question, 010.27-1. GrainmaisSelteols, Improvemeat of, 229. Half- Truths, 636 Holland, A littication of the King of : Royal treat i isities, 972. 11.1and. Lord, 1020. Horse Gualds, (the ) Administration of Justice at, 933; Virttions Indigoation Reform ill 1111! Army. 924; The Court- in:Whit on Captain A. Reynolds. 949 ; Justice to the. 1020; The I lone Guards Question, 1043- The Euthosiasm for Captain Rey 'tads, 1069 ; Lord Cardi- gan. 109h Row a Country may be Governed, 760. Incident (mi)er Lord Mayor's Dry, 11,95 Infernal Machines, 854. - Irish Affairs, some Coosiderations touch. 0, 1160; Leuuumics, 119:t; Mania-

factures Orieines Iiibentiere, 1235 ; Patriots, 972; Registration-Lord Stan- ley's 11111 - Agitation in her Dotage, 444, 467 ; An Irish Riot and an Irish Pacificator. 1115 Judgp-Jobbery in Scotland. A Chapter of the IIistury of Whio Reform in Edin- burgh, 179; Scooll Law Reform : 'Whig Ito-miry and its 'Uses. 445,

Jodges in Parliament. 374, Juvenile Culprits. Trial of, 206; Ilelps

hoc the S.tving Youtig Otttcasts, 10:e2. Keep !storing, 417.

Knighlhoutt ; a New Order, 683. Last Act (a) of a Fragmentary Drama, 1044, Liberal Confessions anal Criminations, 1211.

!Attends, the (!onti,li no. end the Spectator, 227; The Liberal Party" and " The Sit ap," Light iiing•l'onaluelors 1111.0 slily of Euro. pet t;ov. rnments, 492.

1.ondess Improvements : Street Archi- tecture, 830 ; Houses, Ancient and Stodern, 89.

Lyeattese, Stth,teription for the, 1189. Stentweonell. a Ride in, 709- Maneliester Politics, 9 Slsvoral Election - Gotlettn in l'proar : Nioralities for Nlichaelmas, 948.

Monopolists and Invent Is: The King's Primer's Patent, and Fourdrinier s In- vention. 516.

Munieipal Elections-A lOrszle, 1069. MItsie Licences, 1023, Napoleon's Remains : The Bonaparte Family, 902; Apotheosis of Napoleon, 1210.

New ; out Joh, the - Pet:slots 6.r Partia- l-tie:it:try Services. 157; The Slinistcrial Mess, 204.

Now Zealand, Conviet Colonization of, by France, 313; Colonization of, 373; Lord It. wielt and the 011ieials in the select Committee on, 853.

Niger Expedition-The Whig Midases. 325; Vanity Worship. 540; Sir Powell Buxton's: Its teal Character mot Pa- rentage. 877; The Conquest of Africa, 903, No Polities, 925, Notes by a News-Reader. 805, Old House Interest, the, 665.

Paris. Fortification uf-The Use of know- ing how to hank' one's time," 901. Parliement --A Point or two itt thoWeeit'a Debates. 739.

Parties, State or, 130,780; and the Morn. tog Post, 158; 'flue filtAe on the, 182, 224; Shadows or Coming Events, 900 The Approximation, 925. Peace Meetings, 1V9.1.

l'ulitival Opinioli, Causes of, 565. l'onsoully, Lord, 1044.

IN.stage - The New Postage Plan, 37; " The Pettily Poste ge FollY," GU; Sue- cosi of the Penny Postage, 303. Preeedents, 921.

Privilege, the Question of, 81; Quarrel. 110 Last Will of the King of, 61.5.

Public 1)11(1 iii, State of: 'rite I.eeds Re- nnin Assceiat ion, 116) ; The Standestill Argument, 1212; A Problem for the IsssIs Ildinitiers, 1234.

Punishment fur Plebeians. 61.

Quarter Session Practice, Modern, 541.

Queen, the 'The late Atrocious and Trt.asuoable attempt " eosin .1. 563; The Ilvelit in high Life, 588; Out ut the fulssess of the Heart the Month Speak- eth, 1;65; .Ministerial Rebuke. of Ox- ford's Jury, 682; ht.vutl Accuischements, 1140.

Queen's 'AIrarriage, Ow-Resat Marriage- settlements, 31 ; The Qaeen's dentand for Prince Alleot's " Est,thl,shment," (iii ; Prioee Albert's " Establishment," 8:1; 'rlic Qfteen's Wedding eat:es, 131.

Rad ies1 -Exercises iti Onornalologv, .191; Tile Great Radical 1)ilenima, 5i6 ; Ro- the:inset Proper, iu a itialogito with a Friend, 512 Rail way Ta Nal ion , 709 ; Dangers, 879; Mismanagement, 10=2; Question, the, 1115.

Bever,' Helena 001; Seel ion 11.-Doings -or the Commissioners, 0.:13; Ill.-Tile Reform mid its atoltors, 951 ; Letter from .1.11. Caroler, 91;15; Second Letter, 1142.

Recriminstion, 877.

Regency Bill-Too Civil by Iralf ; What r:1:1 it ? 709.

Repstl, an Unanswerable Argnntent for, 1069.

Revising Barristers, (-lunges and services of, :102.

Bothsehild, the I louse of. 1023.

ItinSell (Lord John), Propowd Dinner to, in Scotland, 829; Tempora Slut:inter, 854.

Sanatoritim. P.,e, 229.

Saul Among the Prophet u, 205.

&vie!' Dissenters, the, 1212.

Scotland, I:11:mM of, Question : Falla. chins Poritarity of the Veto, 159; " The Reef o' Bogie," 351; Lovers' Quarre!s, .i97 ; Loot Aberdeen's Smelt- iii2 S% ran, -14-1; The Kirk. Tories awl Whi,:s. 5)5: Euthanasia of Non•Intru•ion, 339 ; Scale ut' the Kirk Question, 6.'34; The Reel of Tullueli- gerion, 9.50 Seaton's Mord) Services, and their lieward. 325.

Shaa ittir. how the Shape of a House may

be a Slather or solo, Colson:1,1nm, 950. South Australia, the Jeopardy t,f, 1021.

" State of the Nation," a Vett. Facts nu the, 636.

Spain and Portugal -More Quarrels- More bleddling, 1234,

Shan Papers, Making, lit to be seen, 998. 'Steuart, Mr. Robert -Sending round the Hat, 492.

"Swear not at all." 708.

Sydenham, Lord-An Essential Change, 805; ho Living Dog better than the Dead Litni : Whig Misrepresentatiou, 830.

Temperance anal 'rakes, 326.

The Twitteralls, 470.

Transportation-Conviet " Conveyance" in place of Convict Colonization, 467. Trials at the Assizes, 233.

Unhealthy Habitations ht Great Towns, 663.

Urpiltart, Mr.-Mask and Anti.Mask 'I he Faith as it is in Urrethart, 781; Reasmis for thinking it unnecessary to Impeach Lord P dinerston. 997.

" Ways and Moans." a Chapter on, 1113.

WIS„ ry-Ilio• and Cry-What has he- ro: e of Ohl Whiggery ? 157; A Meta. molph,sis let io Ovid. 782,

Whis 31 ui tar, tl ae -Wanted a Govern- meld, 351.


Agriculture nod Dairy Hasbandry, Jack, son's, 9e6.

Alison's Ilistory of Europe, 617; Prin. eiples of Population. 711. AIIIIII:11S, 11 Batch of, 1119.

Anton's (James) Retrospect of a Military Life. 1194.

Arnold's (Dr.) Ilisterv of Rome, 666. Arundel, Sir Francis Vincent's, 378. Austria, Mr. Turultull's. 13.

liaillie's (Joanna) Fugitive Verses. 1146, Beaumont and Fletcher, Meson's, 856. Benevola, 737.

Mister' s ( Lady) Bubble Family, 954. Bergess, Harrortrs Li.° of, 500.

Patrke's Political Lire, Dr. Croly's Me- moir of. 376.

Bitxton (Fowell) Abridged, 853, Byzantine Historians, the Bonn Edition or the, 761.

Cairo, Petra, aud Damascus, Mr. Kin- near's. 1070.

Cattails, Mr. Presto:1's. 473.

Canadian Nantralist. (mosses, 256. Cattermole's Historical Annual, 1216. C'eylon, Eleven Years iii, :827 Chatham's (laird) Correspondence, 87. China. Mr. W. C. Young's English in, 306.

Cirrus Life and Letters, Moxon's Edh thin of, 354.

Cireassia, Mr. Bell's Residence in, 974. Claude:diet. Mairiage, the, and the Sis- ters, 93,1.

Cleekmaker, the-Third Series, 1073. Conspirators. the1118.

p Cooer's (Mr.) Patldinder, 210; cede, or co sti e, 236.

Copytight, Mr. bounties's Sketch of limo Low or, 282.

Costello's (Mks.) Summer amongst the Bovages :mil the 'Vines, 762.

Cotton Manulinlore Anieriea and Great Britain, Ntonistenery's, 1046, Countess, the, liy Fay, 402, Culni, Mr Turnbull's, 1:08.

Da seldtaw (hlae Prinee,$), Memoirs of, 352.

Toetpleville's Democracy in Americit, 447.

Dramithe Modern : Sheridan FillOW1(.8 huh ilniwer, 1215.

Dudley's (Lord) Letters to Dr.Copleston, 231.

Ellhesani's (Dr.) Human Playsiology, 1170.

Elroria, Mrs. II.Gray'sTuur tu the Sepul- chres of', 1213.

Films iggins, 59, nirt. the History of a, 1002.

Forster's (Mr Statesmen of the Com- menwealth, 64.

Fraser's (Mr.) Travels in lioordisten and Alesopotainia, 280.

Fright. the. 16.

Gall's Philosophy of Education, 713. Guatemala Sholigumery's Journey to, 4ol.

Germany, Wilkey's Wanderings in, 714; Principal Baths or, 032. Glailstene's (Mr.) Church Principles, 1143.

Gia-e's (Mn,) Dowager, 1026.

I itayslaer, u Roma 'ice of the `Mollawk,1)67. Ilull's (Captain Basil) Patchwork, 1235. Hall's (Mrs. S. C.) Marian, 113; Ire- land, 1071.

14111,1.thso: lii Travellers in the Esst.832. Harris ( Loral, Mr. Lushington•s UR.. of, 39.

Trawl:wood. 4•,9.

Ilimala)a. 'fours iut the, 161.

llogarth's ( 'Or.) slietelt ui1 Beethoven ,163. 1 low juts ( W. ) Remarkable Places, 141. Ilmosity, Miss Pardoe's, 1055, India, Continental, 494; Dr. Itoylc's Pro. ductive Resources or, 976; Narrative of a March and Reside:tee in, 1192.

Indus, the Army of, Dr. Keuuedy's Campaign of the, 808. ITSCLASSTEIED PATERS.

Reverend Sydney Smith's Objections to Lord John Russell's Dean and Chapter Bill, 81; Prince Albert's Naturaliza- tion BM, 81: The Uoiversal Penny Postage, 86; Epigram, 203; Delivery or Letters, S52; The Westinisster lie. rim on NI r. Buxton's " Remedy," 5'30; Railway Impliry, 823; Baukruptey and Insolvency, 075; Quintaple 'Ireat y 894, 919; Rumoured Ministerial Ar- rangements, 1110; The Thernmerepitla, 1162.

Innisfoyle Abbey, 256, Irish Life, in the Castle, the Courts, and the Country, 1096, Italy, Miss Taylor's Letters from. 737; and the Miens. Von Raumer's, 784. Jesse's Memoirs of the Court of England under the Stnarts,735. Jewish Scriptures, Dr. Palfrey's Lecture* on the, 880.

Jeurney-Book (the) of England-Berk- shire, 882.

Kabul, Mr. Vieille's, 472. Keightley's Roman Entpiro, 931. Ker's (Mr.) Supplement to the Arches- ology of Nursery Rhymes, 641. Laird (the) of Logan, 544. Lang's (Dr.) Religious and Education in America, 929.

Law and Lawyers, 164. Letter-Bag (the) of the Great Western, 65. Lorrequer's (Marry) Confessions, 211. LOW 011 Breeds or Cattle. 188.

SPCulloch's Commercial Dictionary, a New Supplement to, 640. M•Gillivray's History of British Birds, 688, Mackay's 11090 01' the World, 281, Madeira, Coulter's Invalid's Guide to, 883.

Maritime Discorso ies and Christian Mis- sions, Mr, Campbell's, 520. Marryat's (Captaiss) 011a Podritla, 1121. Martineau's (Miss) Hour and the Mao, 1167.

Messinger :nut Ford, New Edition of, 305.

Materia Medico. Pereira's. 1169.

Milman's Poetical Works, 134; History of Christianity, 183. Shine's (Sir.) Poetry fur the People, 620. Moor (the) mid the Loch, 714, Moore's Poems, 977. 1195.

Morris's (Captain) Lyra ISrbanica, 323, Mudie's Island Tours, 858.

Natural Philosopl.y, iii (Smiley's Lectures on, 1237.

Nervous Diseases or Women. 1169.

New Zeal:milers, Putouts's, 354.

Niger Expedition, Mn. Jamieson's Appeal against the, 835.

Norton's (Mrs.) Dream. 593. Norway and the Norwegians, Mr. La- tham',, 83; Two Summers in, 1027.

Oiiver Cromwell, 904; Notts on " Oliver Cromwell, Edited by Horace Smith," 932; Another Note. 9513.

Pesten Letters, the, 905.

Pepys's Journals stud Correspondence, 1193.

Periodicals, a Glance at the, 17.

Poems, Chiefly Dramatic, 403. Pope, the, 785.

Popes (the), Ratilte's History of, 591.

Portraits of Public Characters, Grant's, 1050; Letter from Mr. Grant, 1074. Prelate, the, 834.

l'risoner or ;Rate. Memoirs of a, 255.

Prophet (the) of the Caucasus. 474. Queens of England, Aliss Stricklaud's, 883.

Quiet Husband, the, 570.

Itagg's Poems, 956, Responsible Government for Colonies, 423.

Rivalry, 424. Itumiliy (Sir Samuel), Memoirs nod Cor- respondence or, 398. Ruben,, Dr. Waagen's Life and Genius or, 687.

Salomuns on the reeent Persecution of the Jews at Damascus, 7113• Satan in Love, 1237, Sancy Jitelt (the) and the 1udiamau,136. Seutiand, Tytler's History of, 991. Sc; ille and its Vicinity, 811. Sinde and Afghanistan, Major Ontmm'e Rough Notes or, 736. Slade's (Mr.) Travels in Germany and Russia, 568. Slavery in the United States, 638. Smith (Sidney), Memoirs of, 15. Social Life in Germany-The Princes* anielis of Saisouy's Dramas, 163, 185. Spain tinder Charles the Second, 112, Spinal Diseases. 1168. Stage (the) Belies: and Behind the Cur- tain. 618.

Stallislaus of Cracow, 330.

Stephen Decant. 519. Sterling's (Mr.) Poems, 42.

Strsbismits or Squint. Lucas end Duffle on the Cane or, 1170.

Stradling Currespondeliee, the, 809.

Suicide, the Anatomy of, 496.

Table-Talker, t lie, 786.

Taylor's (Dr.) Natural History of Society,


Teeth, Nasmyth's Researches on the, 66.

Texas in 181o, 954.

Thames (the) and its Tribataries, 833. Thompsuies (Colonel) Theory of Paral- lels, 282.

Tinton, lout not Athens, 495.

Trifles from Inv Porttillio, 855.

Turkey and 1Crsia, Mr, Southgate's Tour in, 655.

Vaughan's (Dr.) History of Eugland un- der the Stuarts, 1024.

Von Wrangell's Expedition to the Polar Sea, 542.

Walpole's Correspondence, 63, 1097.

West Indies, Clinsatt. of the, 135; Joseph John Gurney's wooer in the, 1098.

Westwood's (Mr.) Introduction to the Modern Chtssilieotion of 111fieC18, 570. Whaling Voyage Roma the Globe, Mr. Bennett's, VI.

Whilelockes English and German Con- versations. M.

Wilde's (Mr.) Narrative of a Yachting Expedition, 3119.

Woman and tier Master, 377. Wordswolili's (Dr.) lirecee, 234. Wycherley, Congress., Vattbrugh, and Farquhar, the New Editiuu of, 1001.


Abel, the Death of, 1028. Age of Lead, 594. Albert's (Prince) Ancestry, 187. Almanacks, 19, 1029, 1052, 1100. 1148, 1196. Amusement in High Life, 379. Analyst, the, 186. Angelicon, the, 426. Anglo-Saxon Literature, 950. Annals of the London Homeopathic Dispen- sary. 91; of Humble Life, 689. An- nuals, 978, 1051. Ant rohns's Student's Manual. 812. Apel's German Gram. mar, 594. Arabian Nights. 19. Arabs in Spain, 642. Archery. the Book of, 355. Architecture, Glossary of Terms used in. 1:37. Army List. 355. Artifi- cial Light. Influence of. on the Vision, 267. Ashwell on the Diseasee of Women. 932. Asmodens,426. Astro- nomy, Recreations in, 137.

Beauty of the Heavens, 91; the Spirit of, 812. Bentley's Standard Novels, 18, 764. Bible Cycloptudia, 235. Biblical Cabinet. 41.r7. Biographical Dictionary, :307. Biography for Young Ladies, 90. Rodin's History of England, 186; France, 933. Holm's Catalogue, 1195. Book.keeping, 90 Book of Illustra- tions, 522. Botanical Dictionary, Paxton's, 764. Butany, Prineyes of, 307; Macgillivray's Manual 01, 859. Bouquet (It') des Souvenirs, 137. Boy and the Birds, the. 331. Brettell's Guide to the Isle of Wight, 497. Bri- tish Butterflies, 1171 ; Costume, 236; Empire in the East, 932. Brother Jonathan, 426. Bulwer's Works, 137, 258. 595, 689. 1196.

Cambrian Traveller's Guide, 950. Camp and Quarters. 186. Campbell's Pootf. cal Works. 812. Canadian Scenery, 138. Castle of Otranto, 978. Catholic Spirit Oho) of True Religion, 43. Celtic Language, History of the, 764. Cemetery Interment, 978. Chambers's History of the Rebellion in Scotland. 950. Channing's Works, 90. Charles O'Malley, 331. Chaucer's Poems, 1196. Chemistry of Science and Art,

595. Child (the) and the Hermit, 1171. Childs no the Female Figure. 355. Chinn, Mudie's, 379. Chivalry

and Charity. 859. Christ, Life of, 137. Christian Literature, 258, 978; Religion, Introduction to, 1148. Chro- nicles of a Traveller. 594. Church- man's Guide, 1952. Closet Com- panion, 90. Comic English Grammar, 1171; Novel, 138. Commentaries on the Constitution of England, 187. Copley's Slavery. 450. Coulson on the Bladder, 187. Countess of Salisbury,

Deere of the South, 1171, De Foe's Works, 1195. Demosthenes, Oration of, upon the Crown, 187. Dentistry, 859. Dick Whittington, 331. Dia course on the Enlarged and Pendulous Belly, 1099, Disraeli's Miscellanies, 642. Donaldson's Design for the New Exchange, 1239. Drama of Life. 90. Early Days in the Society of Friends, 426. Ecclesiastical Chronology, 1028. Edinburgh, 451. Educator, the, 19. Eglitdonn Tournament, 138; A Right() Faithfoll Chroniroc, 137; aud Gentle- man Unmasked, 379. Elliott's Poems.

90. Engraving, the Art of, 1196. Equestrian, Um, 1052. Essay on us Congress of Nations, 1051; on 011'a, King of Merck:, 18. Evans's (Sir De Lacy) Memoranda, 67. Excitement, the, 1098.

Fablier, Le Petit, 1028. Falkland Is- lands, 522. Family Library, 43; Pray-

ers, 1148. Ferns, a History of British, 90. Fiddle • Fadttle Fashion-Book, 1099. Fielding's Works. 764. Flue Arts and Religion, Counexion between the, 546; in England, Administrative Economy of the, 812. First Exercises for Chil- dren in Light. S:c., 1099. Flora of Shropshire, 1028 ; Yorkshire, 1099, Foreign and English Ready Reckoner, 1052. Eorester's Offering, 1238. France. Abrege de l'Histoire tie, 197; Hit,fory of. 43; Lorimer's Proteetaut Church oh, 1238. French Revolution, Arndt's, 1147. Gardening, Instruction in, 522. Garrick's Mode of Reading the Liturgy, 1052, Geology as a Science, 516; Dictionary of, 307; the Certainties of, 1171. Gideon Giles, 426. Gil Blas, 33l. Gilfillan's Poems. 18. Goethe's Theory of Co- lours, 425. Grammar of French Gram- mars. 137, Grecian Stories, 18. Greek and English Lexicon. 137. Grey's Vocabulary of Se:Alt-Western Austra- lia, 1238. Gt iselda, 689. Guide to Service. 331; Tuttle, 67, 643. Gulli- ver's Travels, 595. Hakon Jail, 307. Hall (Robert), Selec- tions front the Works of, 932. Hall's Voyage to China. 235. Hand-books, 67,738, 812, 932, 1052. Hantuer's Sun.

nets. 1171. Harrowing of 7.38. Hartupp Jubilee, 497. Ilazlitt's Lec- tures, 689; en the Comic Writers, 1238. Heads of the People, 1052. Heraldry. 595, Holme Park. 186. Ho- lyday Exercises, 43. Hooky's Poems, 425. Ilope Ott 1 497. Horticulture, Lindley's Theory of. 67. Howitt 'is Ru- ral Life. 426. Humplirea's Cluck, 331, 380. Hymns and Sketches, 594. Iceland, Account of, 977. Illustrated Commentary on the Scriptures. 978. Imitative Art, 642. Improvtdence, 642, India, Aceount ol British. 307 ; the Law relating to. 330. Indian Life, 355. Indicator, the, 235. Ingliston. 925. Interdict, the. 425, Ireland, Ilan's, 1171. James's Man at Arms. 812. Jest and Earnest, 1098. Jews, History of the,

- 977. Jim Crow, History of, 67. Joan of Arc, 497. Jobson's French Revolution, 1238. Josephus, Works of, 236. Journey Round my Room, 978: Juve- nile Anecdotes, 933.

Kensington Gardens, 497. Kew and its Gardens. 379. King's Highway, the,

307. Knight: l of Great I irilain, 1238. Knight's English Classics anti Miscellanies, 426, 546, 764. Knitting Book, 592.

La Bruja.450. Lest Day of a Condemned, 497. Lectures on Lactic. 394. Letter from Abel Knockdontler, 421 ; to tho Human Race. 497. Letters front the

Old World, 186; of torts Person- ages, 236. Levant, a New Gilitle to the,

977. Library of Enterb l i ll ing Know- ledge, 331. Literary Leaves, 1171 ; World, the. 331. Llewellyn, 546. Loi• tering:: of Travel, Willis's, 66. Legg of the 'Ifigris. 497. Lost Angel, the, 1098. Lovers, the, 1029. Low's IlInstrations of Dotnestie Annuals, 331. Luther, Lint of, 690,

afabinogion, the, 1099. M'Culloch's Dieti tttt ary. 187, 331. Maegillivray's Manual of Geolovy, 235. Magazines, 114, 138, 258, 35a, 546, 643, Matte Bren's (Jeography, 18. Matron Les, coot, 978. Manual on the Bowels, 307; of Ootnmerce, 932. Maps, 307; Bible, 1239. M111.111i011, 44. Martin Luther, 426. Alartin's School-book, 691, Mary Stuart, 137. Mathew (the Bev. T.). Memoir of. 499. Maander's Scientific Treasury, 1938. Mercantile Chart, 355. Mercury, Sivg mond au, 67. Merry Tales of the Wise MCC of Go- tham, 186. Mohammed Ali, Lill: of, 1147. Moore's Works, 1238. Mora, 1148. Murea. the, 330. Motion's Re- publications,331, 546, 595.689, 1148. Naomi. 1238. Natural History or Qua. roperls, Marlin's, 133. Naturalist's Li- brary, 235, 497, 594, 933. Naval Ar- chitecture, 521. New Robinson Cra- ms, 495. New Testament, translated from Griesbach, 426. Nichols Cities of Scotland, 1238. Niger, Views ott the, 1171. Nina Sfurza,43. Nun (the) of Florence, 738.

Obligations (the) of Literature to the

Mothers of England. 642. Oldham's

Poetry, 1148. 01.1 Oak Chest, the, 1029. OnwItyn's Welsh Tourist. 379. Orations of Demosthenes, 689. Orphan of Nevoid. 425. Othttriel,

Paris Sketch-Book, 689. Parliamentary Pocket Companion, 215. Parlour Table Book, 1198. Pastoral Care, Discourse of the 516. Pell Cycloptedia, 594,

1028. People's dittob, 307. 595. Perceval's Narrative, 6s9. Persecution of the Lutheran Church in Prussia, 355. Physioguoscopography, 1239. Pictorial History of Palestine. 19. Poetry of the Passions. 689. Popular Errors,

978. 1171; Library of Modem Authors, 90. 379, 595. Practice ef the Superior

Courts, 1e7. Prates Flowers, 595. Preseut (a) from Germany, 1099, Pringle's South Africa, 18. Printiug, Dictionary of, 426.

Quadroune,the,659. Queens of England, Lives ef the, 137, 254.

Real (tin') and the lilt-al, 90. Reemita- t ion , the ,90. Records of Real Life, 67. Recreations in Pit: sited Geography, 1052. Religiou and Crime, 812; ill with a National System or Instruction. 812. Religious Wars of France, 257. Renard the Fox, 935. Reptou•s Landscape Gardening, 19. Return to England, the, 859. Rod (the) null the Gun, 659. Romance of Jewish History, 1148. Roniancist, 425. Rome, Ifittuphrey's, 642. Ittratmend Gray. 114, Rose Amateur's (bride, 425. Rubi, the. 425.

Sacred Epistle,: (nut) Explained, 497. Saga ot Frithiof, the, 1171. Sand- haelt's (Mrs.) Poems, 137. Satur-

day Magnetite, 1238. Schiller's Poems Explained, 451. Scotland. C11111111 of, Patrotutee of tin% 187; De- scriptive Tour in, 689. Seer, the, 1098. Select Remains, 1o99. Ser- 14e:tuts-at • Law. Privileges of the, 307. Serious Reflections, 1023. Slitikspere's Library. 98. Sheep, Treatise on, 521. 'Shells, Manual of British, 307. Sheridan's Dramatic Works, 977, Sidereal Heavens, 235, Si3lVeS Is, 90. Sketches and Legends, 1098; of Young Couples, 137. Smith's Standard Library. 67, 498, 643. Smell. letPs Works. 1171. Songs or Home, 137. St:Mello, 257. Spited Curva- ture, 812. Spirit of Literature, the, 307. Sporting Scenes, 1148. Stage Blfect, 67. Statistical Exercises. 1093, Steneuraphy Remodelled. 764. Strive aunt Thrive. 43. Sarry, a Topogra- phietti llistory of, 933.

Tables for Nautical Men, 1147. Titles of the Kings of Engliind, 379; of Travel, 933. Talfintird's Speeches on Copy- right, 114. 'l'ute's Pale's Pauline:, 1099. Taxidermy, 764. Temperance Emigrants, 18; Rhymes 738. Temple (the) of the Living God. 1196. Tendrils Cherished, 1171. Thomas A Becket, 957. Thomas' Napoleon, 19, Tomlius's Brier Viii of the English Manta. la6. Turret's' Letter to T. Touke, Esti., 331. Tour iat's Guide, 426. Tuwer of London IS Tracts for the People. 1028 Tudor Library, 690. Turkey and tin Turks. 738. Tya.s's Legal Hand-Books 379, 690. Unions' (the) and Parish Officers' Year- Book, 90. United States, Brothers's, 137, Universal Community Society of Rational Religionist:, Proceedings of the. 114.

Vision, the Science of, 1052. Voice (a) from it Plettire. 114; (the) of Consci- ence, 353. Voices of the Night, 186. Walker's Define:iv, Exereisea, 642. Writ- pile's Letters, 45e, 612, 859. Wang Kitson. 738. Wasl i nate , 689. Watt's Improved nettled er Education. 1258. Watts's TI, inns, Illustrated, 1099. West- wood's Firms. 425. " What Cheer 331. Whately's (Arelibishop) Speech en Tratisportation, 690, Wilberforce, Mis- represent:diem; in the Preface to the Correspondence or, 764 ; Wild Flowers, 1238.

Year- Book f Facts, 307. Young Prima Deena, the, 738.

Zillerthal, the Protestant Exiles of, 18.

• •


Ath.1140-- rum Jack, 129; Fortunes of Sinike, 226; Devil in London, 394; Secrete of the Nile, 394 ; Opening, 973; Leif:wee, 1042; 'Flit. Old Curiosity-shop, 1092; Beggar's Opera, 1112; Queen Mary, 1163; Teetotallers, 1188. Ballet, the, 278.

Covent Garden-John Bull, 32 ; Duenna, 32; Mr. Moore as Hamlet, 62; Clau- (lest hie Marriage, 87; A Legetul of Flo- rence, 129, 156; The Fortunate Isles. 156 ; Les Champs ElysInis, 251; Romea and Juliet, 279; Double Gallant, 279; reappearance oh' Charles Ketuble, 303, 322; his final farewell, 349; The Ba- ronet, 322; Sleepine Beauty in the Wood. 391 ; Merry Wives of Windsor, 421; Twelfth Night, 444; Closing, 539; Opening. 874; Bride of Messina, 899, 923; Greek lloy, 931; Spanish Climb% 991; Fashionable Arrivals. 1042; Cri. tic, 1060; Midsummer Night's Dream, 1111; First Floor, 1163.

Dowton's Refloat, 539, 562, Drury Lane - Cupid's Diplomacy, 33; Mary Stuart, 86 ; closing, 226.

English Opera Ileose'- Opening, 563; The Three Secrets, 779. Haymarket-Stranger, 32; Mrs. Glover s benefit -debilt of Miss Howard, 63; Opening-Hamlet, '279 ; Hobbs, Dobbs, and Stubbs, 303; Richelieu, 322; How to Pay the iteut, 322; Irish Attorney, 444, Qleneoe, 517; Macbeth. 684 ; Debit of Mr. Rees, 779; To Marry or not to Marry, 803; Paul Pry, 803; hits Wallach's return, 850; Rent-day, 875; Read to Ruth, 899; Master Clarke, 952; Man of the World, 953; Money, 1187.

Kelly's (Miss) Theatre-Opening, 518; closing, 539. Rumble (Mr. Charles), presentation of a silver vase to, 296; Reflections on his Reappearance, and on the waut of Nature in Modern Acting, 872, 894, New Strand-The Wizard of the North, 20:3; Information' against the Perform- ers, 804,

Olympic-Opening--The Pink of Polite. [less, 155; The Familiar Friend, 155; A Ladies Club, 203; My Home is not my Home, 203; Horatio Sparkins, 2254 Gelli101111111 in Black. 254; Gwynneth Vaughan, 322; House of Ladies, 491; French Plays, 5613; Opening, 973; English Etiquette, 1066.

Queen's (the) Visit to the two Great Houses, 202.

St. James's-French Plays, 804. Stirry-Sicilien Vespers, 923. Victoria-Pantomitne Scenery, 33.


Ancient Concerts, 230, 446, 471.

Brass Instrument, nu New, 616.

Cathedral Set Vice, Pnrliamentary Abo- lition of the, 806,1046. 1116, 1191.

Drury Lane -My Lord is not my Lord, ill; Mahel, 202; Coneerts d'Ete, 539, 563; the New Lessee, 1104; Winter Concerts id, 994.

English Ly 1 Ii ma, the, 277.

Exeter Hall, 178, 231; Sacred Harmony at, 278; Samson, 1045. Festivals, the, 804, 874, 927, 972, 995.

German Opera - Opetting - Dec Fries- chum, 490; Fidelto, 447 ; Priest, 493 Euryantite, 59; Jessonda, 590; Der 'collider, 590; lphigettia in Tauris,66(1; Titus, 684.

Ilaydn's Seasons, 1171.

Ilaymatrket - Cinderella performed by Amateurs, lit. Italian Opem - Ope • g, 230; La Sun-

tram hula, 278; tiebrit of Signori 'fosi, 332; disturbance-dent:mil Our the cur- gin .4entent of Tamlnarini, 420; his en- gagement, 444; Don Giovattni, 493; Closing. 779.

Madrigal ,tuniely, the, 62.

Musieal Antiquarian Society, 1023. Music at alidstunmer, 616; for the Peo- ple, 156. New NInsical Publications, 139, 403, 570, 716. 839. 1122. Phithitrelonie Societe, 130; Concerts,

234, 303, 331, 420, 471, 519. 365. Piatioforte Music of the New Scheel, 616,

Pri Theatre-Opening - Fridulin, 1189; premature closiug of, 1188. Princess's Theatre, 8,10; Opening, 953. Purcell Club, i 36; Commemoration, 734. Quartet Concerts, 156. Royal Academy of Music, 375. Sacred Ilartuunic Society, 1166, Social Harmony, 1163,

Stockhausen, Madame, 540. Tanis reruns Blomlield, 1.045.



wick's Copies from Michael Angn 331. & Book. Illustrations, 787.

British Artists, Seeiety of. 308; last,

lion, 371; the Sculpture, 332 Prizes tforel by the, 1148.

Coro:We, Another, 690.

Datilty's Pieture of the Deluge, 522, 31e. Diorama, 881.

Dttneati's (Mr.) Picture or Printer, Charles kilts! and the Ilighlauders entering Edinburgh, 355.

Exhibitions, Nine, 151.

Free Exhillitien of Works of Art, Pro- posed, 3217117.

Glasgow Wellington Testimonial, 1074, 11i30.

Gould's Birds of Australia, 1239.

On 111th (Mr.), presentation of a pirce of plate to. 1071. fingbe's Lon(s) SI:Melte:. 620.

Hayter's Pieter., or the Curottation, 259. Hilton (Mn'.), Death et. 19.

IloburtTown Model of, 828.

Indians, Ni In and South American, Ex-

Ilibitions illustrative of the Characters and Habits of the' 111; Mr. Cat Inn's Personation or the Red Indian Savage, 1148.

Interior Decoration : The Kalsomins Paint, 690.

LCWia, the Missing Picture by, 498. 596. Line- lingraviug. Foreign and English, 1239.

Lithogotphy, New Style of: Brush- tinting, 1100,

TAMIL Gallery, the : A Mock lialraelle, 739.

Nasles Old English Mansions, 643. National Gallery, New Pictures at the, 547.

Nature. A (Aimee at. with an Eye to Pie. tures, 907; A Peep at Picture-making with an Eye to Nature, 957.

Now Prints, 91, 187, 236, 271, 307, 355, 426, 451. 522, 546, 595, 642, 690, 738, 812, 839, 933, 978,4029, 1052. 1093. New Water-Odour Seeiety, 380, Old Masters. Exhibition of Copies of tile, 1074.

Ohl Water-Colour Society, 426.

Pante-aim of Versailles, 44; Benares,

259 : Macao, 596 ; Damasette, 1212. Parliameet, Interior Decorah:us of the New !lenses of, 1217.

Postage Envelope, New, 356. Prince Albert, Portraits of, 67, 91. Roberts's Sketches, Exhibition of, 572. Royal Academy, the, 108; Last Freak of, 258; Exhibition, 451, 475, 523. Royal Exchatige, the New, 498. Society for the Encouragement of British



7C.tsbious" tnt Tuwn Prints, 115. Wellington, University Portrait (4308. Wykl's Maps and Plans of the Peninsular

Campaign's, 595, LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. Aneient M music, Concerts of, by Drum. stick, 203, Apostolic Claims, by W. Sankey, 12.33.1 Are We Advancing ? by Bestir:es, 1210, But we r's New Comedy. by 1112. Card.gan (Lord) and Captain Reyttolds, my Not a Young One, 993. Church Endowment, by A. 11..710. Cepyhold Entratichisement Bill, by l'ardits, 635.

Criminal Jurisprudence in relation to alental Orgatt imam], by 51. II. 8., Let- ter 1., 9,9; 11.. 1003; Note on. by W. R. Evans, 1018; III., 1075; IV., 1122; V., 1217.

Currency. by Itusticus, 587. " Deposit " Controversy, the, by Wm. Green. 514.

Egypt, English I neetalittrism in, by a N. et Interveat iottist in the Affitirs uf oilier Countries, 1112.

Finsbury. by II. W., 13.

Free Exhibition Principle, the, by Euge- nio Latilla, 854.

India, I trit ish Wrouglloings in, by a Coss- patty's Servant, I35. Jett s, 'Creat meld of the, at Damascus, by

Sir y rv is, 1335. Kerry, Representatiou of, by A. thornier- t041. K 's xti cr' 'I.P ate t , the-Its Legality,

by s u Alacerenis Steam-Carriage for Commoiltil Wick, by Nlaceroni, 784. Manchester Eiectioueering, 89.3.

May Mout, Im Swyntim Jervis, 491. Mesmerism : The Okeys, by W. D. C.. 1187.

Ministers, Wain of Confidence iii, by .11ers is, 128. Niger Expedition, Defence of the, by

U,nloun'I Nicol's, 947, 1016. Penitentiary System, the, by A. B., 566,

7111; auil Prison Discipline, 1069. Penny Pod, a Hint to Help the, by

P. O., 271.

People. how are the, to be mule happier

and be ter ? by James Striae, 818. Pout law (Lie) anti Prince A Uteri' s Mar-

ti:1,m Settlement, by No Chart ist, 59. Revising Barristers, by W. H. Welshy, 326. Sheffield Met-tug,the late, by a Moral' tore,, Chartist, 33, Theatres, Extortion at the, by S., 203, Treason, Law uf, by 129. Wheat Averages, Absurdities of the, 710.