annuals. Yet it contains a great deal of entertaining as
well as of instructive reading; and some of the lighter articles—such as "New Old Maids" and "Anglo-Indian Boys "—may be read with more pleasure when they are seen in the yearly volume than as they appear in the monthly parts. Such articles, too, are welcome after solid essays, say, on such topics as Froebel, or the teaching of geography.
The Journal of Education is edited with great care, and with an eye to proportion,—that is to say, the editor gives correspondence, com- ments, reviews of books, and reports of meetings and conferences of teachers, their just shares of his space. Sometimes, perhaps, reports are given at unnecessary length. The "Occasional Notes," in which the opinions of the journal are generally expressed, are written with ability, moderation, and respect for the views—it may even be, the prejudices—of those who differ from the writers.