4 FEBRUARY 1843, Page 21


Tuesday, Jan. 31.


Marley and Capper, Ironmonger Lane, linenfactors -Henderson and Felton, Long Acre, brassfounders-Hudson and Trewicks. Neweastle-upou-Tyne. drapers -Tan- quefay Brothers. Mark Lane, wine-merchants-W. and F. Gould, Manchester, design. mg artists for calicoeprinters-Hanesworth and Bonner. Kinston upon-Hull, hatters- Belcher and Graves. Kidderminster, drapers -Satchelland Butt, Uppingham, Rutland. shire, seedsmen-Catterall and Jones. Aston-juxta-Birmingbam, licensed victuallers- Friedlander and Fraukau, Leman Street, Goodmau's Fields, importers of leeches-- J. and T. Creaser, Dunnington, Yorkshire, blacksmiths-Fennor and Holman, milli- ners-Proctor, Tennaut, and Britain. Sheffield, brewers; as for as regards Brittain- Starkey and Banks, Macclesfield. lineadrapers-Towers and Co. Blackburn cotton. manufacturers-Ileadly and Sons. Cambridge. ironmongers; as for as regards badly- Liddell and Whitesiae, Poulton-in-the-Fylde, attornies-Geldart and Soo, North Shields. tailors-Dunn and Co., Truro. tea dealers-Hughes and Deacon, Whitechapel Road, linendrapers-M. and W. Orange. Cheshunt. upholeterers -S. and J. W. Cole- man, Lincoln, druggists- Maclean and Co., Basinghall Street, Blackwellhall-factors- Frearson and Hovey, Nottingham. lace-manufacturers-Rainford. Rossall. and Grad. well. Liverpool, cabinet makers; as far as regards Rainford-Burnet and Co., Dept- ford, Kent-Templer and Co., attornies; as far as regards Templer-Cuss and Mather, Manchester, commission-ageots-M'Dougal and Baiu. Haslingden, drapers - Johnson and Gordon, Aberdeeu, stock-brokers-Clyde Marble Ineurance Company, Glasgow; as far as regards Buchanan, of Greeuock.


BONFORTH, Thomas, East Stockwith. Lincolnehire, ship builder. Jan. 30.


BUCHTHOUCIFIT, Jones East Lone, Cornwall, currier.

JONES, JANE, Carnarvon, woollendraper.


Haworth, Halifax, cloth-finisher-Green, Send, Surrey, bootmaker -Hardwick, Sus- sex Street, Bedford Square, livery-stable keeper-Freeman, Edmund's Place, Alders. gate Street, attorney-Land H. Bennet. Oxford Street, jewellers-Evans. Upper Clifton Street, Shoreditch, saddler-Reddish, Northern, Cheshire, beer-retailer-Scales, Duke Street, Chelsea. stationer -Foulds, Blackburn. hat-manufacturer-Tudsbury. Chester- field, clerk-Richmau.Hewelsfield, Gloucestershire -Teague, St. Briavels, Gloucester- shire, farmer-Bretherton, Gloucester. sheriff's officer-Ross, Stonehouse. Gloucester- shire, land-surveyor-Race, Eccles, Lancashire, overlooker of works-Moile, Liver' peel, OBI of business-Norcott. Chester. publican -Brownhill, Sale, Cheshire, beer- seller-Forbes, Bromley Street, Commercial Road East, clerk-Fraser, Milton uext Gravesend, nowsvender -Ward, Batley, Yorkshire, grocer-Williams, Liverpool, out of bosiness -Smithson, Batley, Yorkshire. labourer - Von Reizenstein, Brompton Row, Kensington,


Awn, ROBERT, Margate, liuendraper, to suit-ruder Feb. 11. March 10 : solicitor, Mr. Cox, Platters' Hall; official assignee, Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard. BRADWELL, JOSEPH, York. ironmonger, Feb. 16, March 16: solicitors. Mr. Wood, and Messrs- Richardson and Gold, Y,rk ; official asssguee, Mr. Fearne, Leeds. CARTWRIGHT, THO/AAS, Heaton Norris, banker, Feb. 13, March 8: solicitors, Messrs. Bower and Back, Chancery Lane ; and Messrs. Lingard and Co. Stockport; official aNDELISC, M, Pott. FENTON, FRANCIS, Little Peter Street, Westminster, grocer, Feb. 10, March 10: soli- citors, Messrs. Lucas and Parkinson, Argyll Square, Regent Street ; official assignee, Itfr. Whitmore, Basinghall Street, Jens, Ione, Liverpool, wine merchant. Feb. 8, March 7: solicitor, Mr. Robinson, Liverpool ; official assignee, Mr. Turner, Liverpool. RIDSDALE, Joins, Leeds, stuff-merchant, Feb. 13, March 6: solicitors, Messrs. George and Rawson, Bradford; official assignee. Mr. Freeman, Leeds. _ ROBERTSON, DAVID, Liverpool, merchant, Feb. 9, March 14 : solicitor, Mr. Watson, Liverpool; official assignee, Mr. Bird, Liverpool. RYMER. RICHARD, Manchester, painter, Feb. 13, March 8: solicitors, Messrs. Lake and Vfaldron, Basinghall Street ; sod Mr. Foster, Manchester ; official assignee, Mr. Pole Tuaexa, Wneasiu HENRY and Thomas BLUCHER, Blackburn, cotton spinners, Feb.

14, March 4 solicitors. Messrs. Bell and Co. Bow Churchyard; Mr. Grirusditch. Mac- clesfield; and Messrs. Slater and Heelis, Manchester ; official assignee, Mr. Fraser,


WOODS, WILLIAM. and WILLIAM, New-gate Street, liardtearemen Feb. 14, March 3: solicitor. Mr. Goddard, King Street, Cheapside ; official assignee. Mr. Pennell, Basing- hall Street.


Feb. 23, Iselin. St. Bennett's Place, Gracechurch Street, merchant -Feb. 23. Green' lees. Fiidav Street, shawl warehouseman-Feb. 23, Burslem, Kings's Lynn. stationer -Feb. 23, Feaver, Ludgate 11111. mercer-Feb. 22, R. and S. Phillips, Regent Street, lamp manufacturers-Feb. 24. Linde, Kingslaud. coal.meichant-March 3. Baker, Birmingham, brass-cock-maker-Feb. 23, Law hey. Ste (ford, cooper-Feb. 23. Charlton, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. scrivener -March 3, Ferns, Bristol, victualler-Feb. 28, Man- sell, Chippenham, Wiltshire, upholsterer. Feb. 24, Goodall, Epworth, Liucolnshire,


Feb. 21, Richmond, Lime Street, merchant-Feb. 21, Jeuuer, High Street. St. Giles's, oilman -Feb. 21, Laurence. Croon Court, Old Broad Street, merchant -Feb. 21, Nyman, Bath, furrier-Feb. 21, Pidcock and Burton. Nottingham, corn-factors- Feb. 21, Watson, Manchester. maslinananufacturer-Feb. 21. Potter and Lever, Man- chester. commission-agents-Feb. 21. Putts. Leeds. wool-broker -Feb. 21, Anderson, Manchester: printer- Feb. 21. Reid, King William Street. chemist-Feb. 21. Goddard and Hill, Birmingham, merchants-Feb.21. Allport, Liverpool.coffeeemerchant -Feb. 21. Little, Blackburn. currier-Feb. 21, Foster, Crosby Hall Chambers. merchant- Feb. 21. Walford, Manchester, commission-agent-Feb. 21, Dodson. Boston, wool- dealer - Feb. 21, Arnold, Paternoster Row, bookseller -Feb. 21, Wats. Colonne, Lan- cashire, manufacturer-Feb. 21. It. and J. A. Stevenson, Cobridge. Staffordshire, earthenware manufacturers-Feb. 21, Topham. Liverpool, money scrivener-Feb. 21, Bayley. Hastings, grocer-Ft-b. 21, Perry. Kirkdale, builder-Feb. 21. Forster, Gateshead, ironfonnder -Feb. 21, Willis, Egham, stage-coach proprietor-Feb. 21, Robinson, Winchester, bookseller -Feb. 21. Myers. Sunderland. spirit merchant - Feb. 28. Kerschner. Great Surrey Street. victualler-Feb. 25. Smith, Laurence. Lane, woollen-warehouseman-Feb. 23. Watson, Cornhill. manufacturer of flags-Feb. 22, Moore, KingWilliam Street, woollendraper -Feb. 22. Huntsman, High Holborn, chemist -Feb. 21. Ashcroft, Arbour Square, Commercial Road. cooper-Feb. 21, J. and W. Herring, Newcastle upon-Tyne, merchants -Feb. 21. Dickson, Newcastie-upon-Tyne, draper-Feb. 23 Ilagshaw. Manchester, cotton-manufacturer-Feb. 22. Goodall, Ep- worth, Lincolnshire, chemist -Feb. 22. Cottam, Leeds, witte-merchant-Feb. 24, Swires, Birstall, Yorkshire, merchant-Feb. 28. Baker, Birmingham, brass-cock- maker-Feb. 28, Mayer, Burslem, joiner-Feb. 23, Jennison. Manchester, victualler -Feb. 28, Thelwell, Manchester, silversmith-Feb. 28. Roberts, Oewestry, draper.


Arernua, D. F. and MATHESON, A. Glasgow, clothiers, Feb. 6, 25 CRUICIL.,HANK, T. Aberdeen, innkeeper. Feb. 3. 24. PEA, T. Lerwick, lately collector of Customs, Feb. 7, 21.

Lam J. and M. Edinburgh. lodging.house-keepers, Feb. 3,23.

Smells, J. and SON, Glasgow, merchants, Feb. 6, 28. WEIR, J. Auchinleck, farmer, Feb. 6. 24.

.Friday, Feb. 3.


Sykes and Lurnb. Lockwood, grocers-Jones and Cooke. Gr3y's Inn Square. attar. flies- Anthony and Graham, London -Sabberton and Wutton, Golden Square, manu- facturers or patent fasteniue's for trouser-straps-Brookes unit Co. Tewkesbury, mer- chants-W. and B. Gibson. Huddersfield. joiners -Birley and &ins. Kirkham, Lanca- shire, flax spinners; as far as regards F. B. Diary- Nichol and Robinson, Liverpool, merchante -Hewitt and Pears. Peterborough, lindraeers-Hullah and Dawson, bis- cuit-bakers-Waldron and Co. Birmingham, grocers -Nettleship and IA*. Thorne, Yorkshire, grocers - Zulueta and Co. London, merchants; as far as regards Zulueta- Cutler and Read, Birstal, Yorkshire, ironfounders-Ross and Sons, Bishopsgate Street Within, hairdressers -Howie and Co. Chepstow. wine-merchants; as far us regards J. Howie, E. R. Wall, and (iree° -Gleuton sod Whidborne. Liverpool-Day and Co.- It. and T. Banks, Norwich, grocers-Ken and Co. merchants; as far as regards R. C. Healey-Ker and Co. Singapore, merchants; as far an regards T. Fox-Fox and Co. Canton ; as far as regards D. Keunedy-Strachan an4 Co. Manilla; as far as regards Strachar and Fox-Drake and Co. Leeds, scribbling millers.


Venables, Oxford, boat-builder- Cobb, York, assistant to a liceneed-victualler - Hurst, Dewsbury, woollen.manufacturer-Patchett, Glossop, retailer of beer-Evans, Pontypsol, butcher-Jones, Ledbury, tailer-Kear, St. Briavet's, Gloacestershire, out of business-Turner, Gloucester, Itnendraper's-assistant - Turner, Great Coggeshall, bricklayer-Ravenseroft Kennington, schoolmistress-Johnson. Uptoroupou-Severn. Worcestershire. cordwainer-Harnson, Bradford, out of business-Steggles, Bury St. Edmund'e, builder-Prichard, St. Briavel's. Gloucestershire, out of business.


CARTWRIGHT, RoBERT THOMPSON. LOIDli, HO011eIlthaper, Feb. 15. March 17 : citors, Messrs. Wells, Kingston-upou-lhill; and Messrs. Hot-stall anti Harrison, Leeds.; official assignee, Mr. Young, Leeds. CUTBUSLI, FREDERICK. Kennington, Kent, seedsmau. to surrender Feb. 10, March 17: solicitors. Messrs. Francis and Son, Monmouth Yard; official assignee, Mr. Whit- more, Basiughall Street.

CRAGG, EDWARD, Kendal, innkeeper, Feb. 14. March 20: solicitors, Mr. Shep- herd. Grosvenor Street ; and Mr. Fearenside, Burton; official assignee, Mr. Baker, Newcaetle-upon-Tyne. CASSWELL, GEORGE THOMAS, Birmingham, glass-dea'er, Feb. 13, March 11: soli- citors, Mess. Ryland, and Mr. Sucking, Birmiugham; official assignee, Mr. Bittleston.

Ilmuurem, Turmas, Upper Wharton Street, Clerketiu ell, builder. Feb. 15, March 8; solicitor, Mr. Wells, Wilmington Square official assignee, Mr. Lackington, Cole- man Street Buildings.

KNOWLES. THOMAS, and Co. Dudley, (bundle men. Feb. 11, March 9: solicitor, Mr. Shaw, Dudley ; official assignee, Mr. Bittleston, Birmingham. LANE, HEIWEY, Derby. innkeeper, Feb. 10, March 17: solicitor, Mr. Blackburn, Leeds; official assignee. Mr. Christie, Birmingham. MAYS, WILLIAM, Brigstock, feltmonger, Feb. 17. March 10: solicitors, Messrs. Cook and Sauders, New Inn ; official assignee, Mr. Johnson. Basinghall Street. MARSHALL. WILLIAM, Worthing. butcher. Feb. 11, March 24: solicitors, Messrs. Palmer, France, and Co. Bedford Row ; official assignee. Mr. Alsager. Birchiu Lane.

Moss, %%swam, Kinston-upon-Hull„ woollen draper, Feb. 10, March 17: solicitors, Messrs. Englaud and Shackles, Hull; official assignee. Mr. Freeman, Leeds. Moss, THomas, Eastringtou, Yorkshire, brickmaker, Feb. 14.1. March 17: solicitors, Messrs. England and Shackles, Hull; official assignee, Mr. Young, Leeds.

Nowroe, ALEXANDER, Eduard Street, Portman Square, upholsterer, Feb. 11, March 24: solicitor, Mr. Kinsey, Bloomsbury Square; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Basiughall Street.

NOWELL, ISABELLA, Huddersfield, currier, Feb. 14, March 7: solicitor, Mr. Lactock, Huddersfield ; official assignee. Mr. Fearne, Leeds. OLLERENSHAW, EDWARD, Marchester. hat-manufacturer, Feb. 14, March 7: soli - citors, Messrs. Johnson amt. Co. Temple; and Messrs. Bagshaw and Stevenson, Manchester ; official assignee. Mr. Fraser, Manchester. PICKSLAY, CHARLES, Sheffield, merchant, Feb. 14, March 14: solicitors, Mr. Rodgers. Sheffield ; and Mr. Sykes, Leeds; official assignee, Mr. Hope, Leeds. PARKER, Hume and Co. Sheffield, bankers, Feb. 15, 17, March 1, 8, and 15: soli- citor, Mr. Smith, Sheffield ; official assignee, Mr. Freeman, Leeds. PRESLAND, SAMUEL, and OsaeLluirrox, HENRY JOHN, Castle Court, Laurence Lane. warehousemen, Feb. 10, March 14: solicitors, Messrs. Bower and Back, .Chancery Lone; and Messrs. Barlow and Aston, Manchester ; official assignee, Mr. Gibson, Basinghall Street,

Roarrisort, Lure, Ballingdon, Essex. millwright, Feb. 17, March 15 : solicitors, Raimondi and Gooday, Gray's Inn ; official assignee, Johnson, Ba inghall Street.

THOMPS0N, GEORGE, Manchester, solicitor, Feb. 21, March 7: solicitors, Messrs. Emmett and Allen, Bloomsbury Square ; official assignee, Mr. Holt, Manchester. WHisvorr, RICHARD, Clan Shropshire, shoemaker, Feb. 13, March 9: solicitor, Mr. William, Knighton; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Birmingham.


Feb. 24, M'Kenzie, Hammond's Court, Mincing Lane, wine-merchant-Feb. 24' Gilbert, Laurence Lane./ innkeeper-Feb. 24, T. D. and E. C. Taylor, Hnlboru, oil- men-Feb. 24, Litchfield, Bethnal Green, builder -Feb.24,Collett, Manchester, ware- housemen-Feb. 24, Reeve, High Holborn, carver-Feb. 27, boll and Co. Feathers Court, Milk Street, Irish linen-factors-March 1, Atcherley, Whitchurch. Shropshire, mercer-Feb. 27, Bull and Turner, Birmingham, printers-Feb. 28, Atkinson, Sunder- land, hartiwareman -March 9, Hargreaves, Manchester, tailor.


To be granted, unless cause be shou:n to the contrary, on or before Feb. 14. Wilkinson, Manchester, innkeeper-Arthur, Birmingham, coach-maker- Carey, Nottingham, lace manufacturer-Rayner, Derby, marble mason-Nevins, Leeds. elosh-manufacturer-Elphiek. London WalLieictualler-Heeleveted and Co. Kingston- upon Hull. ehite lead manufacturers- Van den Rude. Loudon Wall. wool merchant- Dixon. Leeds. grocer -Hodson. Birmingliem. lioendraper- Whalley Leeds. wool mer. chant -Willeocks. Bristol. cabiuet maker -Lindon. Marlborough. corn-dealer-Ched wick. Ashton-raider-Litre. cotton spineer -Ridgway. Glossop. Derbyshire. cotton-spin- ner-West. Walsall. audawater-ruanufacturer 11. awl J. Hedger, Coveutry. watch. manufacturers-Bowler. Walsall, carpenter -Charlton. Regent Street. mu liner- low. Weymouth, wine merchant-Harvey. Melcumbe Regis, ironmonger-R. and A. -Andrew. Ashton-wader-Line, cotton spinners.

To be granted unless cause be shown to the contrary. on the cl,y of meeting. Pet.. 24. Jay. London Wall. builder-Feb. 27. Brooks, St. Albans. grocer-Feb. W. anal. Rayner. Uxbridge, seed crushers- Fe... 22 Beery. Whirefriars coal- met cheat-March 4 Chapman, Islington. cewkeeper- Feb. 24. Pinkerton. Mark Lane, 'merchant- March 1. Lane. Cirencester. edge 4,01-maker - March 2. Lea. Gtourester, butcher-Feb. 27. Patrick, Gloucester. dealer in salt - Feb. 25. Southall. Birmingham.. merchaut - March 4, New. Great Malvern. innkeeper-Feb. 28.0. and D Smith. Bir- mingham, leather-sellers-Feb. 28. Archer. Liverpool, wine-merchant-Feb. 25. R.: and R. D. Dunn, Wakefield, corn factors-Feb. 28, Burton. Lea etehialme. licensed vie. ' &taller-March 3, Williamson, Salford, grocer -Feb. 28, Milne, BuLerworth, cotton- spinner.

SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS, PITCHOI.SoN. W. Drummair, farmer. Feb. 10, March 3. SINCLAIR. G. M. Edinburgh, stock broker. Feb. 11, March 4. Semi. .1. Glasgow. victualler. Feb. 8. March I.

&woo...owns. W. Kilmartmek. cooper. Feb. 10. March 3. TilomPoON, W. and SON. Dalkeith. wrights. Feb. 8, March 3.