4 FEBRUARY 1837, Page 9


The Renfrewshire election has ended in a Tory triumph. The polling commenced on Ft ides, morning; and at the close of that day, the numbers in the several districts stood as follow—

For Houston. Maxwell.

Paisley '345 •"00 Neilston 70 91i

151 I9S

Lockwionoch 113

Greenock log Total sun too Gross majority for Mr. Houstoun ... 173 The county of Perth is about to become the field of a keen contest

for its Parliamentary representation. The pledge-breaker, Sir George Murray, has been found too strung a dose for even the serfs of the Tory landlords to swallow. We doubt if the Tories have been more fortunate in their choice of the hot-headed Lori Stormont, the man who declared his hatred of the very name of reform. Our modern Conservatives, under the leadership of Sir Robert Peel, have ft r the most part given at least a lip allegiance to the Reform Acts Nat so Lord Stormont, who belongs to the Ultra school, so worthily repre- sented in the persons of Lords Winchilsca and Roden. In the :Lehr of his Lordship to Scotland, we begin to discover one of ti • good effects of the English Municipal Reform Act. Finding that he hes no eltance of again misrepresenther in Pt:ilia:nem the Norwich l'0114:1- tuency, he t urns to Om county of Perth, in the hope that the electors will -mile noire midly neon upon hint. We tru-t. fur the lin::our of tla.t Mr. Fox Manly has not:ting to fear from any uppo.itioa x:1Mc'.J ma,1ern I-Intspur may offer to sus return. His semen tem however, meet be on the alert, as they may rest aaeuretI that time usual • Pory weapons of intimidation and tnielepresentation will nut be ne- t elected in pureeing the contest. Mr. Fox Maule is a member of the I Gamete:nem, and we would seriously direct his attention to the present condition of the county constituencies of Scotland. The manufacture of fictitious votes by the Tories at the two last registrations has been enormous; and, if not speedily checked by some legislative enactment, the state of the counties will be worse than before the passing of the Reform Act.—Glasgow Argus.