,fortiga tulunial.
Plum—Official intelligence was received in Paris on Saturday, conveying the Sultan's acceptance of the proposal to commence a negotia- tion for a convention. M. Thouvenel at once convoked a second conference for Monday.
The Moniteur publishes a correspondence from Constantinople, dated 18th instant, which states that Fuad Pasha, before leaving for Syria, sent the following message to the Marquis de Lavalette- " Tell the Ambassador that, at the risk of my life, I shall wash out the stain upon the honour of our army, and that the soldiers will also do their duty.'
The Moniteur also publishes a decree augmenting the number of the officers of the general staff from 560 to 580. This decree is preceded by an explanatory statement, to the effect that the staff is not even, in time of peace, sufficient for the necessities of the service, created by the in- crease of the army attendant upon the aggrandisement of French terri- he representatives of the five great Powers, assembled on Monday at the Hotel of the Turkish Ambassador at noon, preparatory to the meet- ing at the Hotel for Foreign Affairs, which took place at two o'clock, and was adjourned after a discussion upon the French proposal. The Ambassadors, in the conference, agreed upon drawing up a convention containing six articles, and adopting the modifications desired by the Porte.
As soon as the said modifications shall have been approved by the Great Powers, the Conference will reassemble, in order to definitely sign the Convention.
The Patrie says—" It is asserted that all the Powers agree upon the convention relative to Syria, and that only a few matters of detail, which cannot essentially influence the question, remain to be settled."
A letter appeared, in extenso, on Wednesday— St. Cloud, 25th July, 1860. "My dear Persigny,—Affairs appear to me to be so complicated—thanks to the mistrust excited everywhere since the war in Italy—that I write to you in the hope that a conversation in perfect frankness (a cceur ouvert), with Lord Palmerston will remedy the existing evil. Lord Palmerston knows me, and when I affirm a thing he will believe me. Well ! you can tell him from me, in the most explicit manner that, since the peace of Villafranea, I have had but one thought, one object—to inaugurate a new era of peace, and to live on the best terms with all my neighbours, and especially with England. I had renounced Savoy and Nice ; the extraor- dinary additions to Piedmont alone caused me to resume the desire to see reunited to France provinces essentially French. But it will be objected- ' You wish for peace, and you increase, immoderately, the military forces of France.' I deny the fact in every sense. My army and my fleet have in them nothing of a threatening character. My steam navy is even far from being adequate to our requirements, and the number of steamers does not nearly equal that of sailing ships deemed necessary in the time of King Louis Philippe. I have 400,000 men under arms but, deduct from this amount 60,000 in Algeria, 6000 at Rome, 8000 in China, 20,000 gens-d'armes, the sick, and the new conscripts, and you will see—what is the truth—that my regiments are of smaller effective strength than during the preceding reign. The only addition to the army list has been made by the creation of the Imperial Guard. Moreover, while wishing for peace, I desire also to organize the forces of the country on the best possible footing, for, if of the last war foreigners have only seen the bright side, I myself have, close at hand, witnessed the defects, and I wish to remedy them. Having said thus much, I have, since Villafranca, neither done, nor even thought, anything Which could alarm any one. When Lavalette started for Constantinople, the instructions which I gave him were confined to this—' Use every effort to maintain the status quo ; the interest of France is that Turkey should live as long as possible.' "Now, then occur the massacres in Syria, and it is asserted that I am very glad to find a new occasion of making a little war, or of playing a new part. Really, people give me credit for very little common sense. If I instantly proposed an expedition, it was because my feelings were those of the people which has put me at its head, and the intelligence from Syria transported me with indignation.
" My first thought, nevertheless, was to come to an understanding with England. What other interest than that of humanity could induce me to send troops into that country? Could it be that the possession of it would increase may strength ? Can I conceal from myself that Algeria, notwith- funding its future advantages, is a source of weakness to France, which
for thirty years hes devoted to it the purest of its blood and its gold ? I said it in 1852 at Bordeaux, and my opinion is still the same—I have great con- quests to make, but only in France. Her interior organization, her moral development, the increase of her resources, have still immense progress to make. There a field exists, vast enough for my ambition, and sufficient to satisfy it.
" It was difficult for me to come to an understanding with England on the subject of Central Italy, because I was bound by the peace of Villafranca. As to Southern Italy, I am free from engagements, and I ask no better than a concert with England on this point, as on others ; but, in Heaven's name, let the eminent men who are placed at the head of the English Government lay'aside petty jealousies and unjust mistrusts. " Let us understand one another in good faith, like honest men, as we are, and not thieves who desire to cheat each other.
" To sum up, this is my innermost thought. I desire that Italy should obtain peace, no matter how, but without foreign intervention, and that my troops should be able to quit Rome without compromising the security of the Pope. I could very much wish not to be obliged to undertake the Syrian expedition, and, in any case, not to undertake it alone; firstly, because it secondly, be a great expense, and eondly, because I fear that this intervention may involve the Eastern question ; but, on the other hand, I do not see how to resist public opinion in my country, which will never understand that we can leave unpunished, not only the massacre of Christians, but the burning of our consulates, the insult to our flag, and the pillage of the mo-
nasteries which were under our protection. , ts
" I have told you all I think, without disguisinebr omitting anything. Make what use you may think advisable of my letter. " Believe in my sincere friendship, (Signed) " Napostems."
A telegram, dated yesterday, from Petrie, says—" The Convention which was agreed upon in the sitting of Monday last contains six ar- ticles, determining the common cooperation of all the great Powers. The following is a summary of its contents—The intervention will last only as long as the Porte shall deem it advisable. A previous agreemeni! is necessary for the regulation of all the military operations, and in order to determine the effective of the expeditionary forces, who are to be maintained at the charge of the respective Powers. A separate article stipulates that the French troops already on the point of embarkation shall start without waiting for the contingents of the other Powers, un- less the representative of the Sultan at Paris should receive information from Syria which would render all intervention unnecessary. As soon as all the great Powers have adhered to the plan of the convention as mo- dified in the second sitting, their representatives will reassemble in order to sign the convention and the additional protocol which has been drawn up at the request of the Turkish Ambassador. The representatives of the Powers will then combine the two documents, in order that they may receive, in a fourth sitting, the signatures of the Plenipotentiaries. It is said that Prussia, which till now has only been represented at the Con- ference by a Charge d'Affaires, will (when the definitive signature of the Convention takes place) be represented by its Minister, Count Portalis, now absent from Paris, on leave.
The following has been posted up at the Bourse—" All the Powers have agreed upon the conditions of a European intervention in Syria. The Conference will assemble at three o'clock to sign the convention in reference to the measures to be taken in common."
gai 11.—The Madrid journals of the 27th ultimo have arrived. A report that the Emperor of Morocco contemplated visiting Spain has been current, but the Espana declares that it has no foundation. The Govern- ment had fixed the public expenses for August at 211,849,092 reale. At Guadaljara, near Madrid, preparations were being made for the canton- ment of 14,000 soldiers. The health of the troops in Morocco is stated to be excellent, notwithstanding that great heat prevailed. M. Thouvenel recently addressed a despatch to the Great Powers urging the re-admission of Spain to the councils of Europe.
The Cologne Gazette publishes the text of the reply of Count Rechberg to M. Thouvenel's proposal on the part of France, that henceforth Spain should be allowed to take part in the deliberations of the representatives of the great European Powers. Spain was represented in the Congress of Vienna; but, in consequence of her unhappy internal divisions, was after- wards excluded from the councils of Europe. As she has now risen both in wealth and power, France proposes that Spain should resume her place in the rank of nations. Count Rechberg, in replying to the proposal, admits that Spain proposes all that is necessary to enable her to fulfil the duties of a Power of the first rank; and adds, that Austria will not only make no objec- tion to the admission of Spain to any European Congress, but assents to it readily. Nevertheless, Count Rechberg remarks that this admission is an exceptional ease, and Austria protests, in advance, against the consequences of making it a precedent for other States. The concert between the five great Powers is based on positive duties, undertaken by all of them, for the preservation of peace and the maintenance of international rights. But if the number of States, thus mutually bound together, is once increased, it will be very difficult to decide between the many other claims that may be put forth. Spain possesses all the guarantees that can be desired ; has be- fore exercised the power claimed for her ; and may now be readmitted to the circle. But other States, not having equal claims, must not cite the prece- dent of Spain in their own favour. The Conde de Monternolin has thought it necessary to attempt an ex- culpation to the chief of his house. He has written a long and rambling letter to the Count de Chambord, the representative of the House of Bourbon, assuring him that the abdication of his claim to the throne of Spain was extorted from him' and that his withdrawal was the result of counsels tendered to him by the principal Legitimists of France and the most eminent theologians. The Count de Chambord, however, comes of a chivalrous stock. He has replied that he considers the original act as one of culpable weakness ; but that a gentleman should always hold to his word. As for the retractation, he begs to be excused from qualifying it, as it deserves ; and he regrets to learn that there exist any members of the Legitimist party, lay or clerical, who could have given the Prince counsel which could have driven him into an act of such questionable morality.—.Letter from Paris.
St 8111.—Garibaldi has taken Melazzo and entered Messina.
The Marquis de in Green was entrusted with the mission of proposing to France and England that they should direct a French and English fleet to cruise off Calabria and Naples, in order to prevent any landing of Gari- baldians.
In order to obtain the adhesion of England, the Marquis de Is Greca pro- ceeded to London, and was supported by Count Persigny in placing his de- mand before Lord Sohn Russell. M. Thouvenel also transmitted a note to Lord Cowley, stating that France I. ready to employ all necessary means for preventing Garibaldi's landing on the mainland. Nevertheless, Lord John Russell declined to accede to the proposal of the Marquis de in Grecs, on ac- count of the principle of nonintervention which England desires to maintain. Sixteen persons belonging to the Court of Naples have been exiled. Nu- merous refugees have returned to Naples, among whom ttre are General TJ1loa and Signor Davela. The Pope has decided upon not quitting Rome.
The Patrie of Tuesday says—" In consequence of the Convention con- cluded between General Clary and Garibaldi, there will be a cessation of hostilities in the island. The belligerents will each preserve the positions which they now occupy." A telegram from Naples of the 30th ultimo says, a military convention has been concluded between Garibaldi and General Clary upon the following terms-
" The Neapolitans are to remain in possession of the forts of Syracuse, Agosto, and Messina, and to have liberty of access to all parts of these towns.
"The citadel of Messina will not fire upon the town. " The Garibaldian colours to take equal rank with the Neapolitan flag. "The navigation of the Strait of Messina to be free." The following is said to be a copy of the letter recently addressed by King Victor Emmanuel to General Garibaldi- " General—You know that I did not approve of your expedition, and that I was entirely foreign to it ; but today the very grave circumstances in which Italy is placed make it a duty to enter into direct communication with you. "in the event of the King of Naples consenting to evacuate the whole of Sicily, and voluntarily abandoning all species of action and formally pledging himself to exercise no pressure whatever upon the Sicilians, so that the latter may freely pronounce their will and choose the mode of govern- ment which they may prefer, I believe it will be wise in you to renounce al- together any further enterprise upon the kingdom of Naples. In the con- trary event, I expressly reserve my entire liberty of action, and relieve my- self of making any comment to you in regard to your projects."
Letters from Naples to the 28th of July assert that Garibaldi had re- -- fused to conclude the armistice advised by King Victor Emmanuel, and had replied that he himself could alone judge concerning the real state of things. Garibaldi is also said to have added that he would not pause until the cause of national unity had triumphed.
The disembarkation of Garibaldi on the mainland was immediately eipected, News from Messina via. Marseilles, August 2, states that Garibaldi is preparing 300 vessels to transport troops to the mainland. The pre- parations have been witnessed by travellers. Garibaldi has entered Messina amid great enthusiasm. The conven- tion signed between General Clary and Colonel Medici stipulates the evacuation of Sicily. Four thousand Neapolitans will guard the citadel, and will not bombard the city unless Garibaldi attacks the citadel. The outer ports are occupied by Colonel liedici. The artillery of Garibaldi has arrived. The Neapolitan troops are de- moralized, and refuse to fight. A telegram from Palermo, July 31, says that Signor Depretis will mo- dify the Ministry by choosing only such members as are favourable to Italian unity. Signor Crispi will reenter the Cabinet. Count Litti leaves for Turin today.
A telegram from Paris, dated yesterday, says the Moniteur publishes the text a the convention signed at Messina between General Clary and Colonel Medici, which is merely a military convention for the evacuation of Sicily from motives of humanity.
The Pope has addressed an energetic letter to the Bishops of Syria. His Holiness laments the massacres of the Marmites which have been committed by the Druses, and expresses his horror of the barbarities of the Turks.
His Holiness further speaks in high praise of the French expedition, and exhorts the Princes to repress the excesses of the infidels, and to ar- rest the enemies of morality, justice, religion, and social order.
it all tiat.—Ships of war have sailed for Damascus to avenge the murder of the Dutch consul.
11165i 11.—A squadron has sailed from Cronetadt for Syria ; the flag- ship is the High Admiral, 60-gun screw, recently built at New York.
$111 Ili lii 1.—The Turin journals state the probability of an interview between the Emperor of the French and King Victor Emmanuel being one of the incidents of the Emperor's visit to Nice, during the present month.
The Official Gazette of Turin, in giving the details of the action at Melazzo, states that the loss of the Neapolitan troops was 580, killed, wounded, and prisoners. Garibaldi's force lost 50 killed, 100 wounded, and 17 prisoners. After the town was taken, Garibaldi ordered thirty- nine of the inhabitants, among whom were several gendarmes, to be shot, for pouring boiling oil and water on his men during the attack.
PrIttfl116.—The Cologne Gazette says—" The Inde'pendanoe of Brus- sels, is completely in error in stating that the interview at Toplitz was preceded by a convention between Prussia and Austria, or that one had been stipulated for on that occasion. If anything of the kind had been proposed to Prussia, the latter could not have admitted it. The result of the Con- ferences at Toplitz has, however, been, that an accord has been come to on the great European questions; and certainly this understanding must tend to strengthen the influence of Germany abroad."
Sur kt 11.—Fuad Pasha arrived at Beyrout on the 17th instant. Sir Henry Bulwer has advised the Sultan to recall the Grand Vizier. He is expected to arrive in Constantinople immediately. It had been resolved to increase the Turkish army in Syria to 26,000 men, and to pay all arrears due to the garrison of Constantinople. Great pre- cautionary military measures had been taken. The bridges of Galata and Pent were raised every night. The sisters of charity had dismissed all their pupils. Several Christians had been insulted and beaten. The Marquis de Lavalette had had a conference with the Sultan, which lasted three hours. Disturbances had taken place among the schismatical Armenians. Several thousands of them had opposed the burial of Protestant Armenians in their cemetery. At the request of Sir Henry Bulwer the military interfered and killed or wounded forty persons.
Sgria.—The most frightful accounts continue to arrive from Syria. A telegram from Marseilles dated the 1st, states- Advices have been received at Damascus to the 12th July, confirming that 6,000 houses belonging to the Christians had been destroyed. The Jewish quarter had been burnt. The Turkish houses in which the Christian women had found refuge had also been burnt. As the massacres lasted eighty hours it was difficult to ascertain the number of victims. Two tection, but suffer, residence, who or of Damascus er the disturb-
thousand Christians were still under Abd-el-Kader's p ing from hunger. Several consuls were at Abd-el-Kade gave refuge also to several Englishmen. The new Hover had arrived with 1200 soldiers. It was not certain whet ances would be considered as terminated.
The Impartial de Smyrna says—" Although peace had bee the tribes of the Lebanon, several Christian sheiks refused to gi adherence to the treaty, as they considered it illusory."
Some wretched and starving Christians had endeavoured to re the mountains.
Letters from Constantinople state that on the 13th ofJuly anarchy reigned at Damascus. The massacres had not been stopped. The semi- official Journal de Constantinople admits that the number of victims at Damascus amounted to 2000, and adds that on the 13th of July the massacres continued.
The Corriere Mercantile publishes an authentic account of the mas- sacres at Damascus up to the date of July 10, inclusive. Three thousand Christians had taken refuge in the citadel, which was occupied by the Algerines under Abd-d-Kader. The town was still in the power of the murderers and incendiaries, to the number of 2400, the greater part of whom were Druses and Bedouins. The Turkish garrison consisted of 5000 men, inactive or hostile. The soldiers had driven the Christians into the flames of the burning houses. The same account computes the number of victims at from three to four thousand, but states that this may be an exaggerated statement, as the state of terror which prevailed would not allow of its being verified.
News from Damascus to the 17th July announces that the massacres had ended. The Kurds and Bedouins had retired into the desert, but the Christians were still concealing themselves.
Amongst the victims is the Reverend William Graham, a Presbyterian missionary from Belfast, who was killed in the open streets of Damascus. According to advices received at Marseilles, on Thursday, from Alex- andria, a great number of Christian refugees had arrived there from Syria. They were well received and lodged in public buildings.
When the mail left Beyrout the massacres had ceased at Damascus.
ei !Hata .—The Atlantic Royal Mail Steam Navigation Company's steamship Golden Fleece, arrived in Galway on Friday morning from New York and St. John's, Newfoundland, brings news of the arrival of his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales at St. John's on the 23d. All
niter it'iatts.—New York is now occupying itself with a compu- tation of the cost of visitation from the Japanese Princes. The bills amount to 125,000 dollars, which, by taxation, the committee have re- duced to 109,000 dollars. The Metropolitan Hotel bill is 91,000 dollars for the maintenance of 70 Japanese who chiefly lived on rice. Among the items charged are 10,000 bottles of champagne. Only 30,000 dollars were appropriated for the entertainment ; hence a pretty considerable tall
The ratification meeting of the friends of Breckinridge and Lane had been held at the Cooper Institute. Mr. John M. Brower presided, and the platform was occupied by a large number of office-holders,. among whom were Collector Schell, Marshal Isaiah Rynders, and a full delega- tion from the Custom-house and Post Office. Speeches were made by the Honourable Daniel S. Dickinson, Captain Marryatt, Mr. A. R. Wood, and the chairman. The resolutions and addresses claimed that Breckin- ridge and Lane were the regular Democratic nominees ; that Mr. Doug- las was outside the party, and nominated by a "bogus convention;" that the New York Delegation was bought, and that the Democratic party had been split by scheming, trading politicians who had sold them- selves to Douglas. There was a large attendance. The Houston Con- vention meeting was a failure. signed by e their The politicians are still in a fog as to the Presidential election, and the citizens generally do not seem to care how the matter turns out, but poke fun at all parties. All sorts of schemes have been brought forward for the healing of the breach in the Democratic party, but none of them appear to answer. The Breckenridge party seem to be gaining in the South, and Douglas injures Lincoln very much in the North. Mr. Douglas is at this moment in Connecticut, en route for Harvard Col- lege, where a brother of Mrs. Douglas is a candidate for baccalaureate
honours, at commencement, next week. Mr. Douglas is received everywhere with great favour by the people. Mr. Breckenridge is in the West. Mr. Lincoln (who will be elected beyond doubt, as matters stand now) is at home ; his farmhouse was found to be too small to ac- commodate the throng of visitors that poured in upon him from all parts of the country, and he was obliged to hold regular levees at the State House. It is very odd, this manufacturing of great men in a hurry. Lincoln is a small country lawyer, equivalent in England to a village pettifogger, and in a moment he becomes the foremost man among thirty millions of people.—,Letter from New York. Senator Douglas visited Charlestown on the 19th, and addressed 3000 persons. His reception was cordial and enthusiastic. During the day he visited Lexington. On the 20th he visited Springfield (Mass), and was received by a crowd of 5000 persona with great enthusiasm. On the evening of the same day he reached Albany, and was welcomed in a most enthusiastic manner. 'The proceedings incident to the occasion did not terminate until after midnight.
The Great Eastern is announced to leave for England on the 16th of August, touching at Halifax on the way. She was to take a three days' trip to Cape May. It is anticipated that she will come back a full ship. The directors are said to be quite satisfied with the reception the vessel has met with.
The total number of visitors to the Great Eastern since her arrival at New York, up to the 17th, has been 43,749. The ship has been thirteen days on exhibition ; of these six were dollar days, at which rate of ad- mission the visitors were 8573. During the seven days of the re- duced price at half a dollar the visitors have been 35,176. The number on the 14th was 4384, on the 16th, 8656, and on the 17th, 4694. The total receipts on the thirteen days have amounted to 626,161. It is stated that the mayor and town council of Philadelphia have passed a resolution inviting the directors to send the ship to that port previous to her de- parture from America.
A letter from Boston, dated the 11th of July, says—
"The City of New York and its neighbourhood are suffering from an epi- demic called murder. Within the last three weeks something like twenty- five persons have been killed there. Every age and condition of life has cOntributed its share to the names on the bloody roll. Old and young, rich and poor, men, ivetmen, and children—persons whose names figure loftily in the tax-book, and persons who scarcely have a claim to a final place in the potter's field—have helped to form the dark procession.