4 AUGUST 1849, Page 1

The recess has come, with its sea-breezes, its moors, and

its highlands. Queen Victoria and her husband are off to Ireland ; which is to make itself happy at their approach, in order that the Royal eyes may not be vexed by a glance at what Ireland has endured. Ministers are off, freed from the arithmetic of Hume, the didactics of Roebuck, the diplomatics of Disraeli, and tne economics of Cobden. English and Scottish Members are off

to k' &emirs not agricultural, and the ameni- of tilleggiatura. Irish Members off, to exercise their elo-

quence, somewhat numbed by the restraints of Westminster. The bills are off,—in the hands of the lawyers; implements as valuable in England as a rake in California. -The full effect of the session is never felt till the recess; thougt the lawyers soon find out the blunders enacted by Parliament.; Ashamed of the exposure this session, Ministers, it is understood, mean to devote the whole of this recess to the due preparation of the bills in- tended for next session, and will be prepared on the first day of the session with a complete catalogue raisonne of those perfected measures.