* * * * On Thursday the Daily Herald published
a highly spirited letter from Dame Margaret Lloyd George who rebuked the Daily Herald for having held her up to public odium for owning a pearl necklace, though it had said nothing in criticism of Mr. Ramsay MacDonald when he accepted from a capitalist a present of forty times the value of the necklace. No doubt Dame Margaret was sufficiently provoked ; but in general it is enough that insincerity and unfairness should be allowed to bring their own penalties. Perhaps the Daily Herald will accept a hint. It does no good to its cause when it continually attacks non-Socialists who, by their brains, rise from poverty to prosperity, for " betraying their class," but leaves alone the professing Socialists who do extraordinarily well out of journalism. Personally we welcome the Labour M.P. journalists, but we suppose that according to Trade Union rules they ought often to regard themselves as black-legs.