3 SEPTEMBER 1965, Page 24


9. Is this what made Richard tick? (4-5) 10. I give a perfect, hand (5) 11. Sodium and chalcedony make up an organ-stop (6) 12. Cain's upset after a farewell to the city (8) 23. Toasts for Toad's usurpers (6) 15. Test five men all about the garment (8) '18. The big noise of that old Cornish dance (4-4) 19. Fondle a lamb (6) 21. Oh goes back after this direc- tion (8) 23. Here's the place to slope arms! (6) 26. Miss Durbeyfield gets right for a lock (5) ACROSS 27, 1. I'm in a wrecked Dalek with no range; it's only a toy (12) With which the municipal authorities hit the dust? (5-4) Is it his job to cultivate grey matter? (4, 8) DOWN They opened every month (7) Makes a vague appearance among the weavers (5) Acquired by will (9) Love censored at the port for the isles (4) Old Kaspar was a true one (8) He certainly knew his Rights! (5) With which to keep things on an even keel (7)

Sedentary innkeepers? (8) Like the victim of an imaginary takeover? (8).

How not to turn up at a ceilidh (9)

Like one's brow, after a har- rowing experience? (8)


28. 18. Spell it! (7)

20. What's the odds? He'll tell you (7) ' 22. 'I sigh with the lack of many a thing I sought, And with old woes new wall my dear times' -' (Shakespeare) (5)

24. An advance repeats itself (5) 25. The Painted Porch (4)

Solution next week






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