3 SEPTEMBER 1853, Page 9

The colliers at the Dowlais Iron-works, after being out on

strike for six weeks, resumed their work on Wednesday. This result was brought about chiefly through the interference of the shopkeepers, whose interests were materially affected by the strike. A donation was offered to every collier who should return to his employment within a given time, and the expedient had the desired effect.

The price of corn in some of the maritime departments of France fell, early in the week, as much as a franc and a half. This has been caused by the arrival of foreign grain, and the intelligence that numerous vessels were on their way from the Black Sea. The Paris bakers are grumbling greatly at the enforced depression of the price of bread, which in the course of things would have risen this month. They spoke of shutting up their shops ; saying, the Emperor is master and may fix the price, but they cannot be compelled to produce the bread. How- ever, they have been promised ulterior compensation for present losses.