3 OCTOBER 1931, Page 14


SIR,—The Chancellor of the Exchequer has, introduced his equality of sacrifice .measure, bitt the men of good will, as evidenced by the Chancellor's post bag, desire further opportunities to make " England stand." The King and Prince have made a magnificent gesture by their voluntary contributions, and the Lord Mayor proposes to open a

Budget Fund " at the Mansion House.

I suggest that these efforts should be supplemented by- a permanent weekly contribution to a " Budget Fund " to continue until the Finances of the Empire are on a sounder foundation. The patient continuance of effort will accom- plish this. The whole of the country is mapped out into parishes ; let every parish in the land be a spear-head for the Budget Fund, organized by local men of good will, collecting by means of special stamps, 2d. per working day, or Is. per week.

Should such a scheme succeed, as I believe it would, it might be the means of re-creating ideals, and making this Empire one of Hope and Glory.—I am, Sir, &c., [Our readers may remember the proposals made by Miss Malim soon after the War for a voluntary effort to reduce our War debts. And on September 19th we published Canon Lonsdale Ragg's account of the Italian " Million Dollar Fund " started by Genoese dockers.—En. Spectator.]