THE A T AMy, WAR-orricE, March 1. 8 4 -94 Reen - ient of Life Gum*: Lieut.
M. Ricardo to be Capt. by purchase, InCe tuthbert,, who retires Cornet and Sub-Lieut. J. 0. Fairlie to be Lieut. by purchase, 'vice Ricardo-Royal Regt. of Horse Guards : G. IL Ackers, Gent. to be Cornet by purchase, vice Cowper, promoted-1st Regt. of Foot : Capt. T. E. Canipbell,*oni the half-pay, to be Capt. vice J. P. Macqueen, who exchanges-19t11 Foot: Gentleman Cadet 'F. Hilton, from the Royal Military College, to be Ensign without purchase, vice Landman, deceased-21st Foot : Lieut. W. H. Armstrong to be Cat. by purchase, vice Pentland, who retires,. Second Lima. C. H. Edrumulstone to be First Lieut. by purchase, vice Armstrong ; C. F. Armstrong. Gent. to be Second Lieut. by purchase, 'vice Edmordstone-52d Foot : Lieut. R. French to be 'Copt by me:chase, vice Moorsom, who retires ; Ensign Hon.-11 Le l'oer 'French to be Lieut. by purchase. vice French; Ensign MA. W. Arbuthnott, from the 72d Foot, to be 'Ensign, Vice Trench-61st Foot : W. C. Setan, Gent, to be Ensign by purchase, vice Storks, promoted-70th. Foot : Lieut. W. Taylor to be Capt. without purchase, vice Goldfrap, appointed Paymaster-70th Foot : Lieut. J. Connor, from the late 5th Rosal Veteran Battalion, • to be Lieut. vice Taylor; Capt. G. A. Goldfrap to be Paymaster, vice James Johnstone, who retires upon half-pay-72d Foot : Lieutenant 3. Gowan to be Capt. without purchase, vice Markham,, deceased ; Ensign J. M. Oliver to be ''Limit. vice Gowan ; Hon. C. Stuart to be Ensign by purchase, vice Arbuthnott, ap- pointed. to the 52t Foot ; Gentleman Cadet William Rattray, from the Royal Military -College, to be Ensign. vice Oliver-85th Foot Ensign W. Todd to be Lieut. by pur-
chase, vice Cooke, who retires ; Jackson, Gent. to be Ensign by purchase, vice Todd -2d West India Regt. : Ensign F. Brittlebank to be Limit by purchase. vice Wisely, who retires-Royal African Colonial Corps: E. O'Bryau, Gent, to be Ensign by pur- chase, vice Hodges, who retires. Unattached-Ensign H. K. Storks, from the 61st Foot, to be Lieut. of Infantry by porch use. Memorandum-Lient. W. Forster, half-pay Unattached, has been allowed to retire from the service by the sale of an Unattached commission.