3 JUNE 1989, Page 43


A first prize of £20 and two further prizes of £10 (or, for UK solvers, a copy of Chambers English Dictionary — ring the word `Dictionary') for the first three correct solutions opened on 19 June. Entries to: Crossword 911, The Spectator, 56 Doughty Street, London WCIN 2LL.

Seven of the unclued. lights (four of two or more words) individually or when correctly paired are of a kind often at 10. Ignore two apostrophes among these lights and three accents elsewhere. Brewer confirms 12.

Name Address



19 22 29 30

DI 33 u. 35 36


Lin fri-


4 Part of the continental breakfast that's a pain? (11, two words)

11 General term confusing vain rules (9) 12 Some school-leavers backing harpy (5 13 Measures) groups round end of year and New Year (11, two words) 18 A salt, on reflection, it's metal in Ireland (7)

19 Endless fright about inoculation. Such language! (7)

22 Aircraftsman, embraced by little dog, will recover spirits (7, two words) 23 Administration of diet that's not new (5) 24 Muse rejecting love-weed (5) 27 Duplicate not required (5) 29 37 ready for lemurs (6) 31 Old tray that's part of the armour (6) 34 Makes safe English nurses, maybe (7)

35 Illness arrives in plant (7) 38 Article of faith, exclusively (3)

39 Turn to rain slightly (4) 41 Instrument of fine clay (5) 42 Spenser's protects turning over sad graves (9) DOWN

2 Short of two foreign articles (5)

3 Make out hollow in which I rob Unionist (11) 6 Breaks out on horseback, during disturbed rest (6)

7 About to grab a source of oil

(6) 8 The last stand with one-time military force (7) 9 Hinder and hold up (4)

15 Nameless composer or another (5)

17 Tactful jargon from polite dames (11)

20 They're worthless: 26 fish (9, hyphened)

21 Some English flower (3) 25 Steward always up around end of dance (5) 26 See 20 (3) 28 He examines in detail for each employer (7) 30 Cut Who's getting married around midnight?' (7) 32 Masonry and wood god in Rome 33 ike having some mascot and emblem (6) 36 Tyrannises ground (5) 37 See 29 (4) The solution to Crossword 908 is on page 45. Dictionary prizes are sent out by the 'Post-a-Book' service.