3 JUNE 1871, Page 1


THE deadly and loathsome struggle in Paris appears to be over at last, though the number of the victims of the losing party is not yet complete, and the victors will smart for long years to come from the memory of their losses and their woes. On Sunday afternoon the last shell of the Communists was fired ;—apparently it was at the Buttes Chaumont, in the Faubourg du Temple, and among the hastily fortified tombs of Pere la Chaise, that "Legion," the possessed of evil spirits, retired to struggle, rage, and die. There -was little to choose between the conduct of the conquered imme- diately before their final extinction, and of the conquerors imme- diately after it. Massacre was the leading idea of both, and Faris opened her shops on Tuesday to customers who had not 'infrequently to step over corpses and pools of blood.