At the settlement for the Derby, few large sums changed
hands. This is the report- At the settlement for the Derby, few large sums changed hands. This is the report-
" Most of the gentlemen interested in Caravan, Mango, Rat-trap, Chapeau, and Egeria, have saved themselves, their money having been got on at long prices, and edged on advantageous terms. Two or three, however, ' stood the hazard of the die,' and suffered accordingly. The Phosphorus party did no good on the race, his lameness having induced them to lay off their money no matter at what odds ; and that they were justified in doing so, it is otsly neces- sary to state, that at twelve o'clock on the day of the race, the horse was quite larne, and that the day after he could scarcely limp round the paddork. The settling, on the whole, was quiet enough ; but it was not without a drawback, a 'gent. one, &c.' from the provinces having been returned non cot iarentus for three or four thousand pounds. Ile was quite new in the market. There was no other defaulter, but two or three accounts were suffered to rennin open till a future day, not much to the satisfaction of the creditors."
In the Court of King's Bench, on Wednesday, the Attorney. General obtained a rule for a criminal information against the Rev( rend Mi. amid Augustus Gathereole, for a libel on the inmates of the miniseries of Stockton and Darlington, contained in two publications, culled " The Churchman," and "The Fox Unkennelled." Guthercole is the Bishop of London's protegi.