3 JULY 1875, Page 1


IT is stated in a telegram of the 30th June from Calcutta that

the reports as to the new treaty with Burmah were incorrect, that the King has positively refused to allow troops to pass _through his territory to the Chinese frontier, and that Sir Douglas ..-Forsyth has returned to Rangoon. This statement has been offieially confirmed, and means that the King is willing to make any amount of professions, and even give up his claim to invade the Karen country, but is determined not to allow the Chinese murderers of Mr. Margary to be punished. No hint as to the Vice- roy's course has yet transpired, but it would seem clear that as the -.season for operations in Burmah is passing, and no force of steamers .. has been collected, and as Mr. Wade, our Minister, at Pekin, has ' bound us to await the result of a Chinese investigation into the attack on Colonel Browne, the final decision will be postponed until next _year. If that is the case, the King, encouraged by our delay, and relying on the forces which the Chinese will have time to collect, will probably save us the trouble of deciding whether we shall act, by some aggression which will render negotiation impossible.

- - For the present, he is enjoying diplomatic victory.