There was endless talk on Monday in the Commons about
£128,000 voted for the Parks. Alderman Lusk did not like a " drankery " recently opened in Victoria Park ; Mr. Goldney thought London got too much money ; Mr. Candlish wanted to knock off 12,000 from the money allowed for police ; Mr. Cawley, did not like £13,000 to be spent in cleaning the Serpentine ; Mr. Sclater-Booth shook his head over the cast of flowers ; and Mr. M'CullaghTorrens thought parks might be "too lovely." Of course, no amendment was carried, both official benches uniting in resist-. ance ; but the members for London might give Mr. Layard a little more help. Mr. Crawford made a good point when he showed that East London was as disinterested in the matter as Liverpool ; but we wish he had gone a step farther, and stood up boldly for the truth that London is not a city, but the metropolis, and that out of every shilling spent in improving her, elevenpence at least goes to the general benefit of the Empire.