3 JANUARY 1931, Page 29

General Knowledge Questions

Oen weekly prize of one guinea for the best thirteen Questions submitted is awarded this week to Mrs. P. R. Green, .I.P., 17 Beverley Road, Colchester, for the following :- Questions on Words

1. Three words that begin with " n " and should not.

2. Four words that should begin with " 11 " and do nut. 3.A word that has had its meaning reversed.

4. A modern dietetic verb wrongly formed from a proper name.

5. A dissyllable with accent (a) wanting and (b) indifferent. 6. What is wrong with double entendre, blancmange, soubriquet ? 7. What are the Creek words used in English for summit, sky. line, cure-all ?

8. What musical instrument has a name said to he derived from a year and a calf ?

9. What is a possible origin of the word " gun " ?

10. Why " Kitty " for the pool in card-games ?

11. What is the Welsh for Mae ?

12. What word denotes arms like a pitcher with two handles ?

13. What is the difference between a horse in charge of a boy " and " a boy in charge of a horse " I

Answers will be found on page 30.