3 JANUARY 1914, Page 10

Sir George Buchanan. the British Ambassador at St. Peters- burg.

reviewed the events of the year in a speech delivered at the annual dinner of the New English Club and reported in Thursday's papers. Speaking of Anglo-Rtmairin relations, be dwelt eu the loyal co-operatioo of the two Powers in the interests at piece and the salutary results of their closer eon- tact. He rejoiced to see the growing interest taken by English- men in Russia, whether they came as visitors, or ho associate themselves with the Russians in commercial undertakings, OP met in the friendly rivalry of sport, and be appealed to his hearers to foster the Anglo-Ruesian understanding by all the means in their power. 3L Basile de Tim iriazeff, President of the Russo-British Chamber of Commerce, who was the guest of honour, observed that 1913 bad been a good year for Anglo- Russian friendship. The loyal friendship and mutual support of England and Russia had saved the situation created by the Balkan troubles, and Russians would associate that friendship with one of the greatest English Foreign Ministers, Sir Edward Grey, and one of the beat Ambassadors, Sir George Buchanan. He added that English statesmanship was to be esteemed for the fact that out of the troubles of 1913 it bad brought closer relations with Germany, and had thus helped to preserve peace.