3 JANUARY 1852, Page 2

INDEX-1852. v.a.S


Africa—Attack on Lagos, 27 ; capture, 172. Treaties, 485.

America—Reception of Kossuth, 7, 50, 74, 911, 195. Fire in the capitol, 50. Congress—The Irish exiles, 195. Jenny Lind's marriage. 195- Expedition to Japan. 292. President- inl election, 601, 629, 653, 899, 986, 1034 ; Pierce elected,1110, 1132. Death of Clay ,677, 699. Fishery question, 745, 769, 796. 796, 1317, 918,842,916,938. Extradition of Keine, 770, 819. Accident, 770. Free-soil conven- tion, 915. Lobo. Islands, 866,938, 962, 1034. 1161. Relations with Cuba—Order of the Lone Star, 867, 915, 939, 1031, 1059, 1085, 1133, 1205, 1227. Tehuantepec grant, 893. Chinese In California, 946. Death of Webster, 1084, 1133, 1156. Slaves liberated In New York, 1156. President's Message, 1227.

Austria—Constitution totally annulled, 26. French decorations, 149. TheMoyaon Pro- tection Ministry in England, 242. Religious Intolerance, 292. Death of Schwarzenberg, 341. Dr. Bach, 362, 388. Visit of Emperor of Russla,462. Emperor In Hungary, 699, 794, 942. Budget, 725. Barbarities, 1010. Zoliverein, 1059.

Belgium—French lutermeddling, 120, 194. Trial for libelling Louis Napoleon, 292. New Ministry, 677, 9/5, 938, 962, 986, 1010, 1053, 1059. Haynes,. 817. Tariff, 915. Hygienic theference, 915, 938. Anniversary of re. e- lution, 938. Position of, 9I1. Press low, lf&I, 1109, 1189. Commercial treaty with France, 1205.

China—Insurrection, 893.

Covarirs—Australla—Gold, 50, 339, 483, 580, 878, 795,1010,1206. alurder ,e Mr. Boyd, 339. Steam-propulsion, 939.—Bay Islands—New colony, 792.—Canada—New Parliament, 7; reopening, 868 ; clergy reserves, 939, 962 ; • protective duties, 1060. Opening of the St. Lawrence to United States vessels, 339. Fire at Montreal, 699, 723, 746.—Cape of Good Hope—Cairo war, 100, 128, 339, 438, 532, 633, 770,866, 902,1010,1085, 1110,1205. 1229 ; tomes at Wa terklouf, 26; successes, 269. Earl Grey's constitution, 27, 126, 270, 339, 438, 3205. Loss of the Birkenhead, 340. Sir 11. Smith to Earl Grey, 462. Departure of Sir 11. Smith, 532. The Boers, 771. General Cathcart's threats, 866.—India—Expedition to Bormah, 7, 60, 126, 172, 214, 270, 317, 363, 437, 4114, 530, 580, 677, 794, 842,963,987, 1034, 1137, 1206. Riots at Bombay, 7. The allzam's debt, 60, 437. Movements of . troops from Scinde, 126. Deposition of All Moored, 270. Earthquake in Goozerat, 363. Sir Colin Campbell's resigna- tion, NI—Ionian Islands—Dissolution of Parliament, 26; prorogation of new Parlia- ment, 938.—Nova Scotia—Fishery dispute, 893.—West Indies—State of affairs, 746,916. —Guiana—Revenue, 339.—Jamaiea—C1use of Legislature, 339. Delegates to England, 339.

Cuba—Disturbed state, 868, 893, 939, 1010. Slave-trade, 1227.

Denmark—Schicswig-Holstein settlement, 73. Change of Ministry, 97. Want of a Crown Prince, 221 ; conference In London, 412, 462. New Diet, 7611, 817, 986. Exhibition, 774. Ecuador—Expedition by Flores, 842.

Egypt—The railway, 50, 292, 437.

Prance—The vote for Louis Napoleon, 6.50. Dissolution of the municipal council of the Seine, 6. Inscriptions, and liberty trees, 6, 26. The press, 7, 817. Inauguration at Notre Dame, 9. President at the Opera, 25. The Constitution, 48. Decrees of proscrip- tion, 49, 73. Dissolution of the National Guard, 50. De Moray and Cavaignne, 51. New Ministry, 76, 97. Confiscation of the Orleans property,76, 96, 125; arrest of Bech- er, 194, 219 ; Civil Tribunal of the Seine, 411. Council of State and Senate, 97. 'Usurper's ba11,97, 99. Corps Legislatif, 123, 149, 194, 219, 242. New police administra- tion , 125. Costume of legislators, 149. Bel- gium. 149. Law of the press, 171. Foreign relations, 171. Political anniversaries, 101. Reception of Oldest and Montaletubert by the President, 194. Lord Mahneshttry, 194.

Credit fancier,' 219. Education changes, 219, 242. Death of Marmont, 242. Five per cents, 269. Budget, 263. Decrees relating to the Chambers, 292; administrative cen- tmliearion, 293. Opening of the Legisla- ture, 316; President's " &station," 339; proceedings, SOS, 680; opposition to taxes by Legisle tire Corps, 560, 401, 629 ; author. Dation to publish speeches, 629; power to expel from Paris and Lyons, 629 ; close of session, 629. Swearing of the judges, 839. Deletions to Senators, 382. Dismissal of alichelet, 362. Prince I'aul of Wurtem- berg , 365. Austria, Prussia, and Russia, and Louis Napoleon's projected " empire," 387, 436, 494, 508. Presentation of eagles in the Champs de Mars, 461. Reftvals to take the oath of allegiance ' 463, 484, 508. Count de Chambord', manifesto 463. Crusade against Legitimist journals, 508. The Or- leans property—Council of State 530, 580, 604. The Constitufiennel and Belgium, 230, 2157. The pollee and English press, 537. President at Strasbourg, 699, 701. Drouyn de Lhuys Minister for Foreign Affairs, 724. Counellsaleneral, 724, 916, 841. (Millen Ilarrot's letter, 727. Ministerial changes, 745. Preparations for the Empire, 748, 794, 866, 1033. Authorized return of exiles, 769. Liberation of Arabs, 774. Napoleon's," fete" day, 793 ; President's. 817. Negotiation with Belgium, 817, 841. De Girardin and

' of Mr. Slather at Florence, 50. *Exelosaon at Turin, 43:. Tuscan constitu- tion abolished, 463. Ministerial crisis at Turin, lei ; new Ministry ,5014. Sardinian ci- vil marriage bill, 633, 725, 769, 794, 817,1226. Arrests, 699, 725, 769, 962. Tuscan Ministry, 724. 742. The press, 743. Death of Signora Mazzini, 794. Ill-treatment of Mr. Newton, 817. Trials at Florence, 817, 962. Execu- tions at Bleb...agile, 985. New Ministry at Turin, 1035, 1049,1081. Interceseion for the Medial, 1060,1133. Guillotine in Tuscany, 1132. Globerti, 1156. French designs, 1181. Executions at Mantua, 1227.

Panama—The railway, 700. Patagonia—Melancholy fate of Captain Gardi- ner, 412.

Persia—Exeentiothof the Grand Vizier, 219. Attempt to athaseinate the Shah, 9e3. Portugal-1-1.0as of the Peak, steamer, 362. Dissolution of the Cortes, 745.

Prussia—The Minister and the Second Cham- ber, W. The budget, 172. Trial of Count Arnim, 194. Changes of constitution of First Chamber, 415. Visit of Emperor of Russia, 308. Cholera, 911,966, 988. Tariff question, 9G2, 966, 1010. Opening of the Chambers, 1156 ; the constitution, 1202. Emperor of Austria at Berlin, 1226.

Rio de la Plata—Defeat and expulsion of Ro- ots, 270. Urquiza, 770; opening of the ri- vers, 988. Fall of Urquiza, 1110. Rome—Prince Canino, 339. Case of Murray, 915. Consulta di State, 1156.

Russia—Miuisterea changes, 915.

Sandwich Islands—Parliament, 817. Saxony—Outrage OR Mr. Paget, 916, 939, 961. Spain—Military mutiny, 50, 73. Attempt to assassinate the Queen, 125, 149, 172. The press, 339, 362, 437, 481. Dissolution of the Cortes, 1180, 1205. New Ministry, 1226. Switzerland—Radical movement In Berne, 97. Interference of France and Austrin, 191,198, 219, 242. King of Prussia and Neufchatel, 399. Ferment in Fribourg, 530. Id. Thiers, 653, 6:4, 677. Presidency, 725. Fribourg cantonal constitution, 769. Law of treason, 769. Flood at Chamouni, 910.

Tripoli—Diepate with the d'retteb, 725. • Turkey—efialsthrial .change, 127, 143,1 292.-

Relations of France with, 791'. .


Opening of Parliament, 123. State ball, 433. Queen's marine trip, 697; visit to Belgium, 766, 773, 790; to Scotland, 835.

Cemeteries, 2. Meeting of Canterbury colo- nist., 2 ; dinner to Mr. Bowler, 22. Funeral of Mr. Turner, 2. Engineareand their em• players, 2, 29, 52, 63, 74, 94,215,542, 386.412, 459. Mr.. Elam's daughter, 3. Lord Pal- merston's retirement, 7. Murders, 22, 192, 983. Death of Baron Kemeny, 23, 46. Na- tional Public School Association deputation to Lord J. Russell, 28; Customs Reform, 29. Camps round London, 30, 46. Mrs. Cum- ming's case, 30, 46, 94, 314. The revenue, 31,341, 635, 991. Mall contract—West coast of Africa, 52. Westnsineter Reform Society, 70. Maynooth Grant—clergy of London, 70. Diocesan synods—meeting, 70. The Rev. G. E. Gladstone, 71. Metropolitan Commission of Sewers—Mr. Forster, 71. Rifle clubs, 91. Miller e. Saluntons, 94, 386. National defences, 98, 99, 150, 268. Retire- ment of Lord Broughton, 99. Metropolitan interments, 123. Convocation, 124. Queen's Bench—Mr. Ramshay's case, 121, 117. Com- mon Council—Pearson's plan, 147, 238; bridges, 910. Sewerage, 147, 170. Legal education, 147. Flax-cultivation In the Highlands and Islands, 147. Retirement of Justice Putteson, 147. Crossed checks— Bellamy r. Majoribanks, 147. Merchant Traders' Ship Loan Insurance Company. 147. Feargth O'Coomor,147, 360, 412, 533, Family Colonization Land Society, 170. Re- form meetings 192.- Taxes on knowledge, 192. The militia, 192, 338, 386, 882, 934, 1107: Poor-relief, 192, 23e. University Col- lege, 132. The New Ministry, 195, 220. Naval reserve, 196. Lord Granville on foreign refugees, 196. National Reform Association Conference, III. Mr. Roebuck and Mr. Coppeek, 220, 213. Meeting at lord John Russell's, 238. Railway: accidents, 239, 1031. Deputation on transportation, 267. Common Hall—corporation reform bill, 291. Crystal Palace, :114, 337, 339, 410, 439, 742. Westminster Bridge, 311. " Mon- signore" Searle, 317. Mr. W histon's appeal, 337. The booksellers, 358, 434, 480, 610. Murder by a maniac at Lambeth, 339, 459. Working Man's memorial to Sir R. Peel, 363. Goldsmith's Company dinner to Min- isters, 385. Sanitary Association, 385. An- nual meetings, 385, 434, 458, 527, 601. Jo- anna Wagner in Chancery, 389,410, 438,459, 5117. Royal Academy dinner, 433. Univer- sity of London—degrees, 434; meeting of under-graduates, 414. Water supply, 435. Canterbury Settlement—new bishop- ric, 433. Lord Mayor's banquet to Ministers, 4513. Threatening letters to Lord Derby, 460. Combination of literary institutions, 481. Department of Practical Art, 482. Deputa- tions of woollen-manufacturer, 485, 487. Lord John Russell's address, 503. Election meetings, 506, 527,626. Lord Clarendon at Fishmongers Hall, 506. Emigration to Aus- tralia, 506, 717, 790, 802, /368, 934, 982. Cap- tain Ackerley, 333,767. Conference on Neuf- chatel, 534. National Society meeting, 555. Fire at Clowes's, 533. Heinen Catholic pro- cessions, SW, 629. Modified minute of Com- mittee of Council on Education, 581. Shrie- ratty, 1301, 721, 742. Law Amendment So- ciety, 601, 627, 1082. Achilli r. Newman, 601,1031. Defamation by an officee—trial at law, 603. Health.ee church-rate case, 606. Eastern Archipelago Company, 617. Steam-boat collision, 827, 698, 714, 768, Australian Gold and Emigration Com- pany," 697, 721, 743, 911. Picture-pawning, 6e7, 721, 791. Sir J. Romilly and the Posey- lies, 700.701, 723. Pauper emigration from Se Martin's, 721 e90, 862, 889. New Char- ter to theeellegthef Physklans,• 721. New Commisaioners of Sewers, 742. Mt:Laing- on railway accidents, 742. Chicory, 748. In- ternational Poeta Associate., 766. Con- vent of " Our Lady of Norwood "—alleged ill-treatment, 766. lord Frankfort's defa- matory letters, 766, 790, 1154. Emigranta and shipping agents,766, 791,911,1131,1154, 1179. Fires, 767, 890, 912, 959, 1056. City seep-kitchen, 814. Large telescope, 811. " Le Mlneur " company, 814. Preparation for the cholera, 838, S62, 982. Great Syna- gogue, 848. Threatening. letter to Lord Malmesbury, 830. Ballooning, 839, 843, 862, 890, 912. Drainage of Tottenham, 862. Her Majesty's Theatre association 889. Fe- male emigration society, 889. Death of Wellington, 894, 910, 939, 958, 1010, 1012, 1030, 1034, 1060, 1083, 1086, 1101, 1133. Drainage of Holloway, 911. lord liar- dinge Commander-In-chief, 916. Mr. Dun- bar on the treatment of shipowners, 934. City prison, 958. Drainage on the South of the Thames, 958. Lord Mayor's dinner, 982, 1006. Rectory of St. Dionis Back- church, 982. Railway-cabs, 982, 1006, 1108, 1154, 1179: Death from a serpent's btte, 1006, 1012. Fatal duel, 1007, 1032, 1055. Convocation, loll, Purchase of land for a National Gallery, 1012, 1055, 1167. City charities, 1030. Sunday opening of the Crystal Palace, 1030, 1157. Marylebone free library, 1030, 1131. South-western Railway —Salisbury and Exeter line, 1030. Cannon the sweep, 1030. Naval defences,1035. New orders in Chancery, 1035. Electric telegt aph to Paris, 1054. Bethlehent,1055. City cen- tral railway terminus, 1055. Chancery courts, 1035. Miss Campbell, 1055, 1082, 1154. Railway amalgamations, 1060. The Melbourne, 106o. Canterbury Convocation, 1051, 1086, 1106 ; Sion College meeting, 1081. Meeting against Convocation and cunfesaion, 1081. Kossuth, 1082. Cathedral church commission, 1086. Floods, 1087. Commercial law conference, 1107. Meet- ings of Conservative Members, 1110, 1133. Ingleffeld's Arctic voyage, 1131. Depart- ment of Practical Art—Mr. Cole's address, 1131. Sir C. Napier and the Quarterly Re- view, 1191. Wellington college, 1153. Re- presentation of the University of London, 1133. Female anti-slavery movement, 1133. United Service Club dinner to foreign of- Beers, 1153. Geils versus Geils, 1153. Fracas between' 11:r. -01Itelm and Mr. Johnstone, .1194, 1*. Clleadinner, 1178. Customs reform, 1178. The Aladiai, 1178. Opposi- tion to the Budget, 1178, 1101. New Mi- nistry, 1207, 1224, 1228, 1223. Insult to Mr. Gladstone, 1225.

Mr. Bennett vicar of Frome, 4, 29, 52. Mur- ders, 4, 72, 123, 221, 240, 291, 294, 315, 338, 361, 387, 483, 698, 7e3, 1057,1=5 ; at Wiper,

4, 268; Banbury, 47, 72, 268, 291; Birken- head, 749; Sheffield, 864, 1225; Stafford, 1012. Coal-pit explosions, 47, 93, 436, 460, 528,-579; at Rawmarsh,-6,9 ; Aberdare,460, 508 ; Coppull, 487, 528. Railway accidents,

5, 9, 25,47, 193, 268, 271, 361, 520, 579, 699, 723, 744, 768, 793, 815, 810, 845, 864, 891, 913, 959, 984, 1009, 1155, 1150, 1205, 1225; at Burnley, 676, 699, 722; Stockton, 723; Ashford, 742; Berkswell, 744, 768; Bolton, 813, 819; Taunton, 864, 891; 'Woodhouse junction, 901; Birmingham and Oxford, 935; RedhW, 1056. Parliamentary and Fi- nancial Reform meetings, 23, 71. Megwra, 23. " Preserved meats," 23, 47. Burning of the Amazon, 23, 30, 53; investigation, 61, 75, 77, 98. Mr. ltoebuck at Sheffield, 46. Newcastle meeting on property-tax, 47. Sir James Graham and flax-cultivation, 47. Electioneering movements, 71, 124, 148, 268, 342, 300, 386, 410, 480, 507, 603, 606, 627, 652, 743. Manchester education schemes, 72, 121. Ocean penny postage—Manchester meeting, 95. Elections, 121, 149, 171, 318, 360, 410, 435, 460, 482, 507, 510, 539, 1154, 1179, 1201. York Convocation, 124. Dis- aster at Holmarth, 121, 148, 171, 193, 198, 217,240, 386, 813, 1009. Floods, 148. Ns tional defence, 171. Anti-Corn-law League, 192, 216, 220,240. Reelection of Ministers, 213, 220, 239, 244, 271. Buckinghamshire Roman Catholic sheriff, 117, 243,275, 576, 774. Reproductive labour in workhouses, 240. Sir J. Graham at Carlisle, 315. Mr. G. F. Young's address, 315. Mr. Cardwell at Liverpool, 337. Monmouth election, 338. Mr. Hutt and Mr. Walters, 3 1, 386, 415. Militia bill, 386. Wreck of the Birkenhead, 435, 438. Mr. Smythe and Colonel Romilly, 482, 487, 507. Courts-martial: Lieutenant Finney—Captain Hawkey, 507. Sir Harry Smith at Portsmouth, 52e. Distueles ad- dress, 555. Petition for a visitation of New College, Oxford, 559. Oxford Commemora- tion, 603. Riots at Stockport, 627, 631, 652, 698, 725. 743, 767, 771, 792. Synod at Oscott, 652, 795. Bribing at Derby, 698. Peel's sta- tue at Tam worth, 701; Leeds, 797 ; Bury,863. The Von Beck affair, 723. Convocation, 725, 727. Militia, 767,863, 891, 913, 935,984,1082, 1108, 1153, 1229. Election riot, 767. Fire on board the Severn, 772, 702. British Ar- chwological Association, 774, 792, 815 ; In- stitute, 615. Southampton an emigration- port, 792, 1032. Draining of Sandgate, 792. einuchester free library, 797, 839, 845. Agricultural society meetings, 815, 912, 917, 933, 959, 963, 983, 1007,1031. Liverpool Ja- maica Association, 813. The Great Britain, 815. Boiler explosions, 813, 891. Guild of Literature and Art at Blanchester, 810. Elizabeth Squirrel's fast, 840, 863, 933. Decrease of pauperism, 810, 935, 940, 959. Grievances or shipowners, 813, 913. Shef- field Cutlers Festival, 1344. Conservative dinner at Newcastle, 863. Dinner to Mr. Ord, 863. Institute of Mining Engineers, 863. Storm, 861. Mr. Lowest Kiddermin- ster, 890. Oxford chancellorship, 090, 983, 1011. The Forerunner, 891, 933, 1132. Sir James (bah= at Carlisle, 912. Welling- lington, 912, 1032. Charms against Rev. Mr. Prynne, 913, 981. Mr. Henley at Ban- bury, 931. Mr. Lindsey at Newcastle, 941. Cantesbury diocesan education society, 959. Monopoly of the Severn by Bristol pilots, 959, 984. Emigration, 959, 1083. Fortifi- cations, 959. Upsetting of life-boats, 960. Mr. Hume on a People's party, 961, 1011. Mr. Miles at Wells, 96.5. Earl of Derby at Liverpool, 983. Mr. Berasforth at Casale Medan/ham, 983: Doke-of Newcastle at Sheffield Scheeler Medan, 1007. Liverpool free library, 1006. Mr. Whiston's case, 1008. Poor-low conference at Manchester, 1012. Resistance to the " prohibitory poor-law order, 1032, 1036, 1133. Newark mechanics institute, 1032. Free-trade ban- quet at Manchester, 1056. York Convoca- tion, 1061. Earthquake, 1082. Great floods, 1087, 1109,1132, 1205, 1228. Yellow fever, Ilea, 1112, 1179, 1255. Lord John Russell at Leeds, 1179. Bursting of reservoirs at Bury, 1179. The budget, 1201.


Provostship of Trinity College, 5. Disturbed state of the North, 5, 25, 47, 72. Thurles decrees, 9. Dr. O'Toole, 72. Elections, 25, 130, 292, 1180, 1203. Murders, 23, 171, 211, 316, 361, 744, 935, 1009 ; Mr. Ryan, 863 ; Mr. Manifold, 1009. Dublin Protestants and Lord Palmerston, 47, 72. Queen's Colleges, 47, 171. Professor Craik on National Edu- cation, 77. Limerick banquet, 96. Mona- ghan special commetaion, 96, 123. Govern- ment relief 'advances act, 123. Arrest at Dundalk for libel, 150, 171, 387. Death of Archbishop Murray, 193. Lord Castlereagh and Downshir' g, 193. Reelections of

Minis- ters, 217, 241. Arrival of the Earl of Eglin- tun, 240, 268, 291- Resignation of Lord Naas in Kildare, 240, 244. Mr. Anstey's address, 316. Roman Catholic Archbishop of Dub- lin, 318, 628. Visitation of Queen's College, Belfast, 339. First Visitation of Queen's College, Cork, 460. Lord Londonderry and his "nominee," 483. Memorial fur Smith O'Brien, 484. Electric telegraph across the Channel, 528, 699. The evidence before Crime and Outrage Committee, 528. Cork exhibition, 556, SSD, 579, 768. Proposed Dublin exhibition, 628, 918, 985, 1033. Ul- ster elections, 652. Bloodshed at Six-mile Bridge, 701, 724, 744, 768, 774, 793, 797, 816, 892,913, 1038, 1132, 1125. Potato crop, 724, 741, 768. Tenant League Conference, 768, 864, 869. Lord-Lieutenant at Galway, 797 ; at Belfast, 840, 865. Election banquets, 816. Carlow election trickery, 816. British As- sociation at Belfast, 845, 883. Banquet to Mr. Crawford, 819. Religious Equality Con- ference, 892, 936, 981, 1033, 1036. Transat- lantic packet-station, 936. Mr. Bright at Belfast, 960. Taxation on the lands of Bal- lyvaughan, 981. Mr. Lucas's idea of "reli- gious equality," 984. Model farm at Cork, 985. Protestantism in the 'West, 1180. Murder of Mrs. Kirwan, 1183. National education, 1226.


Edinburgh annuity-tax, 5. Railway acci- dent, 25, 841, 863, 914, 985. Storm, 53, 73. Secret 'voting at Parsley; 73. Edinburgh Reform meeting/ 96. Eleetioth, 125, 148, 483. Government lab-Offictre, 193, 218. Hoarders, 218, 387, 961, 985. Free-trade, 316, 339. Representation of Edinburgh, 361, 426, 461, 550, 579, 606, 628, 632, 1009, 1033. Judgeships, 4S4. Church Assemblies, 505, 529. Wellington statue, 510. 604. Glen Tilt case, 556. Election of Representative Peers, 677. Royal sojourn at Balmoral, 816„ 862, 869, 892, 914, 936, 960; return to Eng- land, 982. Lord John Russell at Stirling, 914; at Perth, 936. lord Panmure at Ar- broath, 960. Fund for Mr. Wallace, 960. Death of Mr. Thomson, 960. Emigration, 961. Mr. Macaulay at Edinburgh, 1058. Rectorship of Glasgow University, 1111, 1155. The budget, 1205.


Election Talk, 195, 218, 241,269; preparations, 295,319, 313, 363, 388, 411,436, 462, 464, 529, 636, 579, 603, 628, 630; members returned, 616, 670, 691; the elections, 647, 670, 678, 691, 701, 724, 745; Lord Derby's House of Commons, 718 ; entertainments, 721; gossip, 746; vacancies, 797.


Opening of the Session,118. Opening of New Parliament, 1054; Queen's speech, 1078; Address, 1078, 1104.

African slave squadron, 312. Ameers of Scinde, 60). American fishery, 1135. An- nuity-tax, 287. Army estimates, 271, 266. Australia, effects of gold-discoveries 1,2,463, 480 ; murmurs from, 578, 682.

Ballast-heavers : a labour-depat, 385. Ballot, 313. " Baroness " von Beck, 510. Bennett (Mr.) at Frame, 384, 479, 551, 582. British subjects abroad, 1101. Buddhism in Ceylon, 1152. Budget, 413, 432; Mr. Disraeli's, 1158, 1182, 1198. Burials in London, 577. Busi- ness, 601.

Canada clergy reserves. 1159. Cape—Sir H. Smith's military merits, 122; gunpowder, 127; instructions to Governor, 267; Coffee war, 335; loss of the Birkenhead, 337 ; con- stitution, 653,1111. Chancery suitors relief bill, 126; masters' offices, 170, 353, 527; equity jurisdiction, 624 ; reform, 1103. Cha- ritable trusts, 293. Chartered compatriee and limited liability, 1178. Chicory and coffee, 409. Church establishment reform, 408; government in the colonies, 400, 478, 599 ; reform, 632. Clarendon (lord), Lord Naas's arraignment of, 168. Coal-tax, 267. Cobden and Derby, 318. Common law pro- cedure, 146, 582, 600. Convocation of the clergy, 457. Corrupt practices at elections, 289, 335, 301, 377, 603. County courts—bank- ruptcy, 290, 335; equity, 800, 624. County franchise and elections, 407, 480, 551, 577; county election expenses, 409; polls, 1130, 1132. County-rates bills, 169. Course of legislation, 145. Copyhold enfranchisement, 503, 577. Criminal lunatics, 267. Crown prosecutions, 480. Crystal palace, 267, 314, 409 ; opening on Sunday, 1130.

De Bode's (Baron) claims, 658. Derby, bri- bery at, 1086,1111, 1153, 1181, 1203. Derby Ministry, policy of, 262, 270, 286, 310, 318, 334 ; dissolution of, 1222. Dissolution and assembly of Parliament, 289. Doctrinal jurisdiction of Judicial Committee, 457. Easter recess, 290. Boolesiastical courts re- form, 1578 ; matters, 1430. Economy com- mittee recommendations, 123. Education- mauagement clauses, 559, 595. Egypt and

the Porte, 290. Engineers and Mr. Dianeli, 480. Englishmen abroad, 1152.

Finsbury park, 314, 505: Foreign deserters, 293. Forfeited seats lathe House of Com- mons, 451. France--surrender of criminals to, 553, 558, 577, 606;. trade with, 1104; French empire, 1177. Free-trade policy, 1104, 1111, 1126, 1134,1151, 1174.

Halifax and Quebec railway, 553. Harwich, 312, 319. Highland railways, advances to, 267. Hop-duty, M. Hungary, expulsion of Scotch missionaries, 578, 622.

Income-tax-Frei-trade popsy, 502 ; the new, 1175. India-Ali-Moored of Khyrpoor, 914 ; the charter, 317, 332, 1104 ; war with Ave, 170, 33s ; betrayal of Government secrets, 336. Investments of the humbler classes, 170. Ionian islands, 335. Iceland-Com- mon-law procedure, 1111, 1162; crime and outrage in, 577 ; Cuffe Street savings- bank, 267 ; debt, 290; disturbances, 146, 160; drainage, 433; education, 266, 271, 287, 1152 ; intimidation at elecions, 1152 ; landlord and tenant,146; land-tenure, 1130, 1177, 1209 ; measures for,' 1086 ; tabitetens- money, 287, 1152; tenant- right, 313, 432 ; Ulster crime and outrage, 267; valuation bllt, 505.

Jeffs's papers, 337. juvenile offenders, 287. Kensington Gore, science and art at, 1176. Kitchen of the Commons, 123.

Lamm, 170. Last acts of the Commons, 625. Low reform, 123, 213;624. Lunacy, admin- istration-of justice In, 314.

Manchester education, 145, 266. Mather, Mr. -outrage at Florence, 14.6,4813;503, 600,624. Maynooth endowment, Ma, 456; 478; 504, 609,553,-577.' Merchant steamers; help in war from, 312. Metropolitan interments, 480, 624 ; sewers, en- Militia, 166, 173,310, 318, 335,388, 408, 430, 438;455, 463;479, 486, 502,953 676. Ministry; resignation of, 173, 190 ; Ministerial explairations,197. Mheel- laneous estimates,527, 531,254,558. Mb'ney votes at late hours, 123. Murray, Mr:, 480, 509.

National defences, 267, 290; estimates; 1176. Naval reserve, 353. linvigation-laws, 287. Navy estimates, 286. Newspaper stamp- duty,1178. New Zealand constitution;432, f 486, 533, 111, - an; 599, 806; bishopric of Christchurch, 609, 678. Nocturnal legisla- tion; 1104.

O'Connor's-Orr. Feargus) excesses, 554, 578. Paget, Me., 1130. Palmerston explanations, 119. Parliamentary reform, 288; papers distribution, 1178. Patents, 504. Peers' Protestant oath, 170. Plate River states, our relations with; 290; free navigation of the Parana, 936. Poor-law board, 505, 600 ; order, 1204. Postage-stamps, '267. Post- home and carriage duties,. 554. Preserved meats 'for the navy, 146. Public business, 526, 550. Pantie health, 408.

Railways, 1111; 1152, 1224. Rate-paying clauses 1152. Reform bills; 142, 150, 244. Refugees " corresporidente, 290, 313, 336. Re-pmsentative system:503. Roman Catholic processions, 677. Items,. 409. Russell on Mr. Mather's case, and Other misconduct of Government,574.

SalOmons, Mr. : outlawed nonjurors, 482. Sa- nitary confe-re' nee, 1111.. Savings-banks,170. Scotland, public-houses in, 170; religious Wits in nnlversities, 4 08, 1152.- Select com- mittees, 1178. Selwyn's (Bishop) mission- ary- heroism; 479. Smithfield - market, 123, 678, 624.Spain, 488- Speaker, election of, 1054. 84, Mime's disfranchlsement,169, 244,

288, 385, 409. Suffrage, 1151. Sugarolutles, 267; colonies, 1176. Supply,1103. Sydney mail-steamers, 290. "Takes an knowledge," 381, 456. Transatlan- tic packet station, 482.

Ventilation of thellouae of Commons, 123,12 7, 146.

Warner's inventions,-163, 487. Wateraupply of London, 127, 29e, 577.. Wellington-funes rat, 1086, 1,102,1111,1.176.; Mile of exchange, 1103. WeitIndia.distresa,,467,:554. West- minster bridge, 314-. 'Willo,387, 504. 'Wine- duties, 314.

Close of the Session,-626. -

ntroverted elections, 1130. form 1W-schedule B, 150:-Divisions, 191, 31Z, 416, 1160;1237, 1208.-State of Buainess in the House of Commons, 365.-Report of the - Oxford University Commission, 505.- The Maher Correspondence, 564.

leanings fromthe Blue Books-Constitution and-Management of the Board of Customs, 640 ; Papers relating to the Discovery of Gold in Australia, 663 ; Minutes of the Com- mittee of Council on Education, 710.


bbd-el-Kader;his Chainpion,--andMs Geoler, 770.

Abolition-The Friend-Foe -of the American Slave, 249; The-Lady Abolitionists, 1163. hilli Trial; Practical Conclusions of the, 633. idreas to the Queen by the Commons, 224. anti-Papal Indecencies, 800.

A Police in B Sharp, 996.

Art and Science at Kensington Gore, 1186. Art in its Tribulations, 981. Assistant-Surgeons in the Navy, 12. A Troly'Great Man, 845, 986. Australla--Gold-licences of New South Wales, 226; The Crisis - in, 489; The Perplexing Gold Puzzle, 657; Tae Golden Voyage, 779; The Golden Elysium of the- Cowrict,' 801; Midas not Starving, 1138; The Digger's Bride, 1211. Ballot. ?dialed, 152. Banquet Legislative, a, 442. Beer, a Pot of, 13.

Belgium, Independence of, 1211. ItelmontlhetorySehools, 847. Berestbrd;Major--. W. B.;' 1162.

Bethlehem Hospital, the Anareby in, 993. Hook-trade, Civil War in the, 321; Revolt'. tion;441 ; The Bookselling Future, 490. Bribery, Control of, 656. Bristol Channel; New Steam-Docks in the,897. British ateseum,- Vexatious Privilege of the, 822.

British Sailer, 1063. Budget, the, 248. Business before Us, 11.

Cambridge Statate-Syndicate-The Master of ' Trinityandthe Spectator, 274 ; Perseverance Rewarded at Cambridge, 561.

Cambridge University Report, 1164.

Canada, Lord Derby's Last-Stand in, 967. Cape--Constitution, the, 34; " Tu quoque " for Sir Trial, 17 152; Lord Grey brought to Trial, 178 ; A Generoue Revenge, 465 ; To Begin Again at the; 537; Latest Arrange- mentson Behalf of the Caftres, 776,

Chios Mobilized, 923. Cholera, Progress of the, 825. Christmas 1852,1231. City Vandalism, 371 ; BeaSionof Publie Dirtier in the, 611; Art in the, 683. Clay, Henry, 683.

Cobden for England ?-or St. George ? 370. Collins Portmit Gallery, 701. Colonies, lm eerie] Representation of tb e, 1016 . Commercial Law, Conference on, 1089. Conservatism,What is, 1232.

Constitutional Housewifery, 80.

Conventual Establishments, Visitation of 778. Convocation-To Be, or Not to Be? 775; Clearing the Ground, 799; The Convocation Question, 824 ; Reasons and Prospects, 922 ; Convocation Resurgent, 1114.

Coppock, Mr., 178; Copyhold Enfranchisement, 480. Corn, the Rising Price of, 130.

Court &Honour, a; 611. Crystal Palace-in the Condemned Sell," 298 ; Where to Place the? 515 ; Sunday in the Crystal Palace, 1064.

Dc Bode-Royal British Repudiation, 777. Derby Ministry-The New Ministry, 200 ; Dissolution or No- Dissolution ? 201; The Opposition Policy, 223; The New Opposition Organized, 217 ; The Protectionist Premier in a False Position, 272 ; Conservative Dis turbers, 273 ; Preparation teethe Autumn, 320; The Definite Article, 314 ; They Can't Do it, 345; Omngelsm in Office, 392 ; The Derby Diggins, 393 ; Progress of Party DLs- solution, 417 ; Principle and Policy, 440 ; Decline of the Derby Cabinet, 465 ; The Ministry and the Country; 500; Ministers in the New Parliament, 681; The Dodger in Downing Street, 720; Derby Watching the Rarometer,1321; The Next Ministerial Con- stitution, 874 u The Conspiracy Against the State, 933; Lord Derby's Best Speech, 992 ; The Royal Speech, 1016; Proper Term of Office for the present Ministers, 1114 ; Derby Teaching Disraeli, 1115 ; The Thing that Loomed in the Future, Hai; The Dignity of the Peerage, 1185 ; "Oh the Mlittletoe Bud- get !" 1209.

Derby Omens, 313. Disraeli, Itr.-Nym, Cbanceller of the Exche- quer; 1165.

Dissolution hi June, 488.

Drainage- Anti.-ChOlerate Fortresses and Field-works, 968; The Commissioner that Can't Help It; 974. Drummond (Henry) and the Jesuits, 538. Dundee, the Member for, 130.

Ecelesiasticid Courts,How to Abolish the, 600. Education, New Starting-point for Church and Stele, 409 ; Church Schools, 834. Egypt-The True Egyptian Question, 239. - Emigration, the-its Perils and Obstructions, 34; The Official Machinery of, 614; The Read-Mbney of,611; Emigration-Ports and Hallways, 802. Engineers and their Employers, 12, 236; Stick to the Question, 81.

England Swarming, 610.

English Flag Struck, 1063. Election, the General-Now's your Time, . Gentlemen of Mettle, 634; Results of the- ir Any ? 656; Election Motives, 637 ; Eli- gible Candidates, 682; The Right Comae' in the New Parliament, 702 ; Who would be a Member? 703.

Europa at Cremorne, 848. Falracha of Fiscal Government, 297. False Literature, 250.

Farmer Awakened, the, 703.

Fire at Sea, 802.

Foreign Policy of the Liberal Party, 1088. Foreign Relations of a Free Press, 417. France-First and Second Thoughts in Lom- bard Street about Loots 'Napoleon, 80; The President's Ball, 102; The Past and Coming Legislatures of France, 103; The- English Press and the French President, 129; The Press, its.Rightsand Duties, 177; The New Right Divine, 846; Louis Napoleon and the Press, 661 e" TheEmpire " and its- Contin- gencies, 991 ; Silence is Peace, 1015 ; Louis Napoleon-on Cornhlll, 1065; Napoleon the Third, 1089. Franchise,Extension : Symptoms of Advance, 1038.

Franklin-The Unknown Ships,- 394; Pro- gress of the Arctic Search, 993.

Freehold Land Votes, Two can Play at, 1018. Free-trade, the-Nemesis of,1136; Where the Free-trade Debate Lands us, 1162. Frustra, 201.

Game la w Anomalies, 1165.

Give a Margin, 105.

Graham-An Offer for the Leadership, 686. Honow Institutions, 896.

Holmerth Devastation, 'the, 202; Control of the:Yorkshire Reservoirs, 217.

How to Begin, 584.

How to Makeu Miracle,-688.

Human Rats, 914.

Improvements in the West of London, 1089. Income-tar Continuance, 224. India-Indian Affairs, 391 ; Commercial Fairs in, 701.

Ireland-The Irish Strike, 33 ; Subject for a Final-Irish Inquiry Commission, 278 ; The Papist Commission to the Irish Brigade, 369; Education and the Church in, 418; The- Bad- Priests of, 750; Soldiery at an Election, 821 ; The Irish Church and the 'Rifle Brigade, 943; Soldiers and the nourish Priests in; 968; The Ministerial Tenant-law for; 1137.

Irish in America, 801.

Iron Ships, Safety of, 465. Italian Opera-A Fashionable "Cat Bono ?" 538.

Jamaica-Voices from the West; 345. Jew Question, Newest Situation of the, 393, Juvenile Offenders, Reformation of, 225. Kinglake on the Vote by Ballot, 369. Last Sunday before Parliament, 101. Launch Of the Bengal,-1065.

Lair -Reforin-The Dragon that Defies -St. George, 129.

Letter-carriers, the Poor; 1211.

Listening for the Pint Gun, 748.

Little War Accounts, the;1210.

Londonderry, Lard-Dying Third, 488. Lennon 'University and its Graduates, 103 Progress of the London University Gradu- ates, 370 ; Report of the Senate's Committee, 750.

Lord Mayor's Discovery respecting Irish Tenors, 992.

Lunacy-The-True Lunacy QuestiOn, 57 ; Cau- tion against Lunatics, 538; Custody of In- sane Brawlers, 662; Custody of the Insane, 586; Murder by a Harmless Lunatic, 751. Macaulay, Mr., 1040. Majority not Minority in Parliament, 1232. Maimesbery, Lord‘-His Imperial Majesty's Secretary of State in London, 1188. Management of Public Companies, 1040. Mechi's (Mr.) Balance of Merit, 58.

Meeting of Parlhiment, 55.

Merry in Case of Doubt, 304.

Military Changes in Europe, 921. Ministerial Measures, the Annual Congestion of 1213: Ministry, Character of the Next, 1232. Mormons at Utah, 104. . Mortal Service, 597, Mystery of the Ministry, U.

National Defence, 92 ; The Na es, 79; The Power of the Militiat,r4thi- losophy of National Defence,163 ; ANattonal Half- holyday. for Exercise, 134; The New Militia Plan, 173; The Last Appeal, 178; 'Lite One Pennyworth of Bread, 298 ,• Volon- tary Isolation, 321 ; Franchise Mys- tery, 846; Defence by Sea and Land, 58.5 ; Reinforcements by Reduction and-Recast.


National PublicSchool Deputation - Good Tittlebat Fishing hi Downing Street, 32. Newcastle on Schools of Handicraft Art,1017. New French Piece adapted at the Westmin- ster Theatre, 967.

New Zealand 8111, the, 514. Omnibus Reform, 13.

Opera-The Irrefragible Constitution', 202. Osborne, Defenceless State of, 913. Oscott Manifesto, the. 822.

Our African Allies, 322.

Oxford University, the Olstrurtives of, 635. Oxford University Election-The Newest Light at Oxford, 536 ; Chancellorship, 620. Papacy (the) in Piedmont, 779.

Paris Fable of PaleAle, 288.

Parish Emigration; 730.

Parliament, Progress of Business in, 247. Parliament-men, New and Old, 1062. Partles-Retributtve Justice, 297 ,- The Op- portunity 441; Disposition of Parties 'in the Opening Parliament, 942; The New Home-not yet Furnished, 1088; The Next Lasting Cabinet, 1183.

Peel and the People, 848.

Pledges and their Limits, 609.

Poor-law Reform Association, 218.

Portugal and her Patron, 878. PostLetter-boxes, 654. Poet-office Notice touching "your Addresa," 586.

Prattical Art; Ditorder of, 898. Premiers, the Past,. Present; and Preeinup- live, 612.

Price of Freedom, 274.

Price of Jilting, 636. Prosperity of the Country,919 ; How to Male, 1063; Peculiar Characteristic of' the *Pre- sent; 1210. Protestantism; the True Battle of, 1137. Public Companies, Conduct of: the Mel- bourne, Ills.

Quarantine • System, New.Assault on the, 80. Queen Victoria on Constitutional Practice, 128. Railways-Railway Crimes Licensed, 515; The Accident," System on Railways, 729 ; Excursion-trainsa Deem onsbruhance,762; ANew Goods carrying Clause,75J; Hints to- wards a NewProsperity forBritistrRailways, 778; Real Accidents en, 802 ;Earn werAmal- venation; 822 ; -Development of the Hallway " Accident," en; Diminished Attendance on,849; AB.ailwayRintforNextSpeing,1376; Dangerous State' of Permanent Ways, 898; Railway Rottenness; 915; How to Stop the Railway-Accident' System, 969; Self-Re- form of, 1017.

Reform Bill-Making thellesrof it, 79 • The New,152 ; Suippose. the BO" in Committee ? 176.

Revenue, 'Increasing, with Difillnishing In- come-tax, 345:

Rome, How they Do justice in, 1041. Rottenness or the Public Service, 56. Russell-Lord John's True Place, 914. Scottish University Teets the Glasgow Pro- fessorship of Chemistry; 875.

Sewer Commission (the-New) and its Pros- pects, 751.

Sheffield Union Farm, 824.

Ships, Recent Failures of New, 1233. Smithfield Qtreetton Reopened, 816. Solitary Confinement, 81.

" South Saxon" on Naval Tactics, 824. Steam Marine; the, 33.

Sffity Of a Tea-party, 562. Strasbourg Railway as a Fortification,' 730. Switzerland, 224.

The Forbidden Blush, 763.

The Old Cowie Barrel organ, 323.

The Timer, 846: The Uncatalogued Picture, 580. Tottenham and Whitehaven, 874. Transportation-An Opportunity for Sir John Pakington, 273. Turkish Question, the, 1038.

Tuscany, Responsibility of, 581. United States, Politics of the, 637 ; The True Spirit of American Polities, 703 ; The Little Cloud" Enlarged, 776; The Cloud Dispersed, 799; The Conquests of, 873; The Anglo-Saxon Cross-Migration, 897; Issue of the Questions with, 944.

Universal War, 58. University Reform The Oxford Commission, 513.

Wagner Affair, the, 419; Wagner Judgment, 466.

Walt, 369.

Walpoliatra, 682. Want of 1832, the, 81. War, What would be at Stake in a General, 1015.

Weary Statesman's Lullaby, 466. Webster, Daniel, 1090. We do" Want to be Governed," 656, Wellington of Peace, the, 441.

Wellington, the Duke of 898; The Funeral, 931; Monturient,1017 ; Conduct of the Pulse- ral, 1114 ;-Whythc Car was Bad,1139; Birth of;1166.

Westminster Palace, Abandonment of the New, 271. What is Before the Next Parliament, 633. Who Passed the Measures ? 634.

Whom to " Send for " Next, 1157.

Wills in Custody, 730. Nilneiduties Inquiry, 221; The Wine-duties Defended, 418; The Wine-duties, 968.


Statistics of railways, 29, 772; Franklin, 52, 292,364, 388,533,065 ; The Gorham case, 52 ; Institutions for muses, 53; Lord Palmer- ston and the despotic powers, 77; Effect of the Ecclesiastical Titles Bill, oa aids to Ca- tholic schools, 96; Registrar-General's re- port, 98, 747 ; Obituary, 150, 533, 748, 795 ; Moore,198 ;Lord Pluimure, 382; Mr. Mackay, 437 ; Mr. Glisborne,700 ; Count d'Orsay, 740 , Mr. Fletcher, 795; Mr. Porter,1168 ; Doke of Wellington, 886; Mr. Pugin, 891; W. P. Adams 1061 • Miss Berry, 1133; Biron's daughter, 1157; Chancery Cansimission Re- port, 173 ; Naval expenditure, 196; English politics 198; Ministerial intentions, 318; Belgian Polities, viewed by an English Ho- iyilay-maker 342 ; Discovery In sugar:mak- ing, 363; Dinner to Sir J. Brooke, 415; National defences, 415; Earl of Stanhope and protection, 437 ; The lastlitevrefront the Cape of Good Hope, 463; Reetanmendettons of the Conintbesion on Oxford University, 633; Elditioneering, 658; Australian peti- tions, 582 • Stockport riots-Mr. Rill's Na- tional Defertee force, 631; The election, 654, 678, 701 ; Mr. Pugin , 678,700; Treaty against a French Enmity, 726; Ponnlation and re- presentation, 726 ; Post-office statbnies,749 ; Lord Londonderry sod Louis Bonaparte, 771 ; Times and Loeb NapOleon, 818 ; State of railway affairs: tempt of Captain Sim- mons to the Railway-Board,'820; Rules and orders in Chancery; 842; A 'Visit to Knowle Park, 819 ; A Rural Excursion in France, 849 ; Chairmanship of Committees, 917 ; Bessemer's sugar-can king machinery, 510; High Cutlet of Pollee-Henley's case, 911 ; Sonnets on the death orWellington, 9/6 ; Qoarantine;964 ; Calinic-englues, 984 ; Irish portraits, let; A Chencellor's Soliloquy, 970; Warner Outdone, 1018; Wellington : In Memoriam-Intellectual- Characterlaties, 1037 ; Railway fenders, 1085; " B. V. B.," 1087 ; Mr. Disraeli% plagiariser, 1110, 1157 ; Report of the CaMbridge University Com- mission, 1113; Wellington monument at Wellington, 1115• African expedition, 1133; The Memory of the War Chief,1132 ; Paral- lels and Contrasts In the Recommendations of the; Oxford and Cambridge Commissions, 1100; Ministerial Io Triumphs on the de- feat of the " odious " triad, " wise, just, and beneficent," 1188; Oxford Reflections on the Resignation of the Earl of Derby, 1230.


Adam Graeme of Mossgrsy, 371. Adrian, Or the Clouds Of the Mind, 349.

Alton% Lands of the Messiah, Mehemet, and the Pope, 828.

Albemarle's (Lord) Memoirs of Itoekingttam and his Contemporaries, 131.

Algeria, a Residence In,768.

Alison's History of Europe, 1130. Allerton and Drew, or the War of Opinton,37. Amy Paul, 814.

Angouleme, Duchess of; Mernotra of, 640, Amtette;902.

Antony the Deaf and Dumb Boy, 138.

Arthur's Successffil Merchant, 108.

Baronet's Family, the; 087.

Barliett's Pictures from Sielly,1188.

Bengal Artillery, Buckle's Memoir of the, Supplement to Dec. 18.

Blithedale Romance, 637.

BhuidelPs Medicine Mechanics, 330.

Bowen's Journey from Constantinople to Corfu, 228.

Braces Hungary in 1851, 590.

Broderip's Note-book of a Naturalist, Supple- ment Jan. 3.

Bunsen's Hippolytus and his Age, 1041. Burgess on Climate in relation to Pulmonary Consumption, 464.

Burke's Romance of the Forum, 997.

Berta-Ws CrImInal Trials in Scotland, 373.

Cannes's Vagaries of Life, 758.

Campbell's Modern India and its Govern- ment, 443. Carlen's (Emilie) Woman's Life; 862.

Carleton's Squanders of Castle Squander,638 ; Red Hall, 1119.

Casey's Tyro Yeareon the Fenn of Uncle Sum, 783.

Castle Avon, Supplement to Dec. 4.

Chalmers, lianines Life of,'611.

Charges by Archbishop Whately, Bishop Hinds, and Archdeacon Garbett, 862. Chesney (Colonel) on Improved Fire-arms, 58.

Cholera lu England, 1848-49, 372.

Christmas Books - Mr. Wmy's Cash-box Pathway of the Pawn, Supplement Jan. 3.

Cockburn's Life of Jeffrey, 275.

Coke's Ride over the Rocky Mountains, Sop- plement Jan.-3.

Cole's Cape and the Retire, 157. Collins', Basil, 1142.

Colioquies of Edward Osborne, 1117.

Colquhouna Historyof Magic, Witchcraft, and Animal 31agnetism. 37. Constance Tyrrell, 784.

Court and the Descry 277.

Crawfurd's Malay Grammar and Dictionety, 251.

Curtis's Wanderer In Syria, 731.

Davis's China during the War and since the Peace, 732.

Day's Five Years' Residence in the West Indies, 395.

Delameres of Delamere Court, 494.

DisraelPs Lord George Bentiock,100.

Dixon's Life of Blake, 1019.

D'Oberkirch, Memoirs of the Baroness, 994.

DOVetulf8 Reminiscences of the Burmese War, Supplement to Dec. 4.

Dundee's Sketches of Brazil-Tropical and European Fever, 541.

Dunlop's (Mrs.) Rattly Howard, 84.

Earlswood, 734.

Eclipse of Faith, the, 420.

Egerton's (Captain) Winter's Tour in India, 564.

Ellesmere's (Lord) Lecture on the Duke of Wellington, 1110.

England and France under the House of Lan- caster, 299.

Fabian's Tower, 618, Fanny Dennison, 951.

Farini's Homan State, 860.

Forsyth'a History of Trial by Jury, 899.

Fortune's Tea Districts of China and India, 419.

Fourier's Passions of the Human Soul, 878.

Goldbeater, the, 1022.

Giohe's Works, Supplemental Volume to, 230.

Grenville Papers, the, 82.

Grote's Greece, 324.

Gutzlaff's Life of Taou-K wang, 132.

Hamilton's Sixteen Months in the Danish Isles; 444. Hardrames Scenes and Adventures in Ame- rica, 278. Hare's (Archdeacon) Contest with Rome, 684.

Head's (Sir Francis) Fortnight In Ireland,


Hearts and Altars, 349. Knox 's Confessions of Country Quarters, 205.

ILnox's (R.) Oreat Artists and Great Anato- mists, 661.

Laing% Observations on Denmark and the Duchies, 493.

Lalor's Money and Morals, 827.

LamartIne's History of the Restoration in France, 347.

Lanelmanul Adventures and Recollections, 732.

Langdale (Lord), Hardy% Memoir. of, 652.

Lear's Journal of a Landmape-Painter to Ca- labria, 971.

Leaves from My Journal, 879.

Lena or the Silent Woman, 396.

Lewis's (0. C.) Treatise on Observation and Reasoning in Polities, 706.

Lewis% (Lady Theresa) Lives of Clarendon's Contemporaries, 168.

Illy of St. Paul's, 470.

Longfellow's Golden Legend, Supplement Jan. 3.

Lost Inheritance, the, 709.

8faegillivray's History of British Birds, 879.

Mackinnon's Atlantic and Transatlantic Sketches, 612.

Maddyn's Game of Brag, 1235.

March's Walk into North Spain, 925.

Mason'. Pictures of Life In Mexico, 84.

Maurice (Baron) on National Defence in Eng- land, 59.

Metiers, 829.

Mel v Illes, the, 441.

Memoirs of Dr. Illenkinsop, 1093. Meredith's (Mrs.) Home in Tasmania, 1231.

Merl vale's Romans under the Empire, 57.

Militia Major, the, 360. Milton Da venant, Supplement to Dec. 18. Iditford's (Miss) Recollections of a Literary Life, 33.

Moir's Selected Poems and Life, 565.

Moodie's (Mn.) Life in Canada, 133.

Moore's Memoirs, Lettere, and Journals, Sap- plement to Dec. 18.

Morley 's Pali ay the Potter, 972.

Mundy on the Australian Colonies, 516.

Newman's (Professor) Regal Rome, 252. Niebuhr% Life and Letters 226, 1189; Lec- tures on Ancient History, Oliphant's Journey to Nepaul, 589.

Osborn'. Arctic Journal, 493.

05.011 (Margaret Fuller), Memoirs of, 181.

Our Iron Roads, 950.

Our New Parish, 542.

Pardoe's (Miss) Marie do Medici', 081.

Parisian Sights and French Principles, 1092.

Peel's Ride through the Nubian Desert, 613. Peunefa there (Miss) Helen Talbot, 830.

Perils of Fashion, 301.

Pfelffer's (Ida) Journey to Iceland, 375. Plato's Republic translated by Davies and Vaughan, 467.

Ralkes's Notes on the North-western Pro- vinces of India, 806.

Reach's Claret and Olives, 325.

Reminiscences of Thought and Feeling, 709 ; of an Emigrant =Wan, Supplement to Dee. 18.

Reuben MedlIcott, 973.

Riddle's Bampton Lectures, 1068. Roebuck's History of the Whig Ministry of 1930, Ill. Amnion Campaign, De Fezensac's Journal of, 613.

Seddun's Progress In Art and Architecture, Supplement to Dec. 18.

Senior's introductory Lectures on Political Economy, 397.

Sforsa, Life and Times of Francesco, 853.

She w's Ramble in Australia and New Zea- land, 835.

Siberia, Revelations of, 1043.

Sinclair's (Miss) Beatrice, 997.

Smith's Report on Italian Irrigation, 1116.

Solwen, or the Waters of Comfort J6. Spain, Church of,' Practical Working of, Sup.

Moment to Jan. 3.

Squter's Nicaragua, 107. St. John's Village Life in Egypt, 990; Ills, Supplement to Dec. 4. State Papers relating to English History, 1091.

Stiles's Austria in 1848.49, 636.

Stirling's Cloister Life of Charles the Fifth, 1020.

Story, Life and Correspondence of Justice,

Student'. Wife, the, 350.

Sullivan'. Itambles and Scrambles, 900.

Sutherland's Journal of Penny's Voyage in Search of Franklin, 804.

Taaffe's Wastory of the Order of St. John, Sup- plement to Dec. 4.

Tagus and the Tiber, 300. Tennyson's Ode on the Death of the Duke of Wellington, 1117.

Thackeray's Esmond, 1068.

The Two Famine., 60.

Thomson's Travels in the Western Himalaya, 1021.

Thorpe's Scandinavian Mythology and Popu- lar Traditions, 756.

Thoughts on Man, Supplement to Dec- 4.

Torrens un the Ta.sa thin of Land and Trade, 588.

Tearer, junior's ObservetIons In Surgery, 302.

Trullope's (Mrs.) Uncle Walter, 1044.

Trower's liutapot, 759.

Tylor's Tour in Fmuconia, 1141.

Uncle Toot's Cabin, 920.

Vicissitudes of Commerce, 1118.

Walker's Life and Poetical Itemaine, 686.

Walks and Talks of a Fanner in England, 348.

It hewell's Lectures on the History of Moral Philosophy in England, 564. White Rose of the Huron, 1190.

Wood's Sixteen Months at the Gold diggings,

Wti nville, or Clubs and Coteries, 239. Xenia" of Schiller and Goethe, 1118. Zoological Notes and Anecdotes, 234.


Adolphe Renouard, Supplement to Dec. 18. Adopted Child, Supplement to Dec. 18. Ad- ventures of a Beauty, 231. Advocate, the, 785. Ablator, 398. Alison% Marlborough, Supplement to Jan. 3. Almanacks, Supple- ment to Jan. 3,86,1016 1070,1143,1239. An- drews's (J. R.) Tour in the East. Supple. ment to Dec. 4. Andrews's Latin Lexicon, 398. Anglican Reformers, Theology of, 39. Annie Barclay, 1237. Antieleptic Gradus, 710. Anti-Jacobin Poetry, 519. Arbell, 1237. Ark and the Deluge, 1.0. Ashby .de• la-Zouch, 393. Australian Colonies, 088, 836,1069.

Bacon's Proficience of Learning, 519. Rid. four's (Mrs.) English Literature, 134. Bal. man's Researches, 206. Bank Directory, 759. Battles of the Bible, 38. Beauty of Amalfi, 688. Belfast's (Sid of) Lectures, 1191. Bell's Free-hand Outline, 1046. Blon- delle, 663. Rogue's Guides, 710, 808. Bol- ton's Drawing-book, 1070. Book-keeping, 421. Book of Common Prayer, 83. Boy

Hunters, Supplement to Dec. 4. Brande's Dictionary, 543. Brand of Dominic, 471. Brittany and the Bible, 639. British Ino-

ue Selecpt4S,uppletrr:t tecDyete,. 4. yBrIs-

in Europe, 952. Burnt Naval and Military Dictionary, 1191. Byron, 831. Calais, 785. Canadian Crusoes, 783. Chat men's Notes, 110. Chamler, Daniel, 566. Cheerer (Dr.), Life of, Supplement to Ian. 3. Church Principles, 785. Clouds of Aristo- pha nes, 183. Coleridge'. Poems, 613. Com- missions, 760. Convocation, 1142. Cookery Book, 308. Coquet-Dale Fishing Songs, 183. Corneille, 513. Court Album, 114s. Cum- ming's Foreshadows, 138 Cyclopaella Bib- liographies, 760. Delllle's Lectures,279. Democritus in London, 398. Devotions for the Daughters of Israel, 331. Dickens's Bleak House, 231. Dietetics of the Soul, 1046. Dodd Family Abroad, 856. DadaPeerage, 61 ; Parliamentary Companion, 134, 808; Electoral Facts, 471. Donaldson's Latin Grammar, 83. Drama of a Life, 662. Dryden, 998. Earth and its Inhabitants, 1237. Ecclesio- graphy, 688. Elementary Drawing, 1191. Diana, 1142. Empedocles on Etna 1016. Emphatic New Testament, 493. English Composition, 398. Euripides-Andromache, 134. Events to be Remembered, 38.

Fairford Graves, 446. Falconry of the Indies, 639. Fall of Adam, 932. Family Bible New- ly Opened, 1095. Fame of Life, 206. Field Operations, 79. Foliomm Centurite, 471. Forester ofAltenludn, 592. Formby's Book of Soup, 85. Forater's Peerage, 39. Freaks and Follies of Fabledom, 446. French In- fantry, 1095. Future Human Kingdom of Christ, 398. German Word-book, 39. Gilbert Arnold, 421. Gold, 908; Assay of, 327; Lectures, 739. Gold Valuer, 279. Gothic Monuments, 808. Graham's English Poets, 831. Great Cities, 303. Great Exhibition, 519 ; Report. by the Juries,688. Green's Princesses,566. Guesses at the Beautiful, 391. Guide-hooks, 206, 471, 495, 392, 856.

Hahn-Hahn's From Jerusalem, 327. Half-Cen- tury, the, 158. Hare's Facts, Supplement to Dec. 4. Hind's Comets and Astronomical Vocabulary, Supplement to Dec. 18. His- torical Sketches, 255. History in Ruins, 1142. liolyday Book, Supplement to Dec. 18. Hook's Church Dictionary,1191. Homes of American Authors, Supplement to Dec. 4. Household Chemistry, 159. Household of More, 38. liungary:Past and Future of, 639. Hurricanes, 759. Hydropatby as ap- plied to Acute Disease, 303. Imperial Cyclopeedia, 663. India, Political Events in, 1142. Indian Poetry, Old, 195. Insurance-Agent's Assistant, 975. Irish Al- nianack , 61; Famine, 999. Italian Sketch- book, 446.

Jerdan's Autobiography, 785, 1095. .7011C8'S Natural History, 421. Juvenile Books, 39. Katie Stewart, 1237. Keepsake, 1142. Ride's Bible Illustration. Supplement to Jan. 3. Komorn,518.

Labour stands on Golden Feet, 327. Lamar- line's ltentoration, 975. Landmarks of History, 952. Land-Valuation, 1069. Lard- ner's Natural Philosophy, 952. Laurel and the Palm, NA. Law Books-Wills, 85; Jos- tices, 206 ; Chancery, 398 ; Public Health, 398; Debtor's Arrest, 398; Warren's Elec- tion, 662; Militia, 785; International Copy- right, 831; Chancery, 866; Common Law Procedure, 903. Lead in Water,1094. Lee's Anecdotes of Birds, Supplement to Dec. 4. Lemon's Prose and Terse, 85. Letters from Sicily, Supplement to Jan. 3; Italy, 253. Lewehew, Supplement to Dec. Pt Lincoln Bishopric, 710. Long's Cresar, Supplement to Dec. 4. Lotus-Eating, 518. Louna, 710. Love In the Moon, Supplement to Dec. 18. WIntosh's Book of the Garden, 279. Manes, Supplement to Dec. 4. Manning's Grounds of Faith, 1046. Maps, 398; Johnston's At- lase., 203 ; Lowry% Atlas, 1093 ; Wellington Atlas, Supplement to Dec. 4. Medical As- pee ts of Death, Supplement to Jan. 3; Direct- ory, 85. Michaud's Crwrades, 255. Mono- chologia, 1069. Monerieff's Dramas, 38. Money and its Influence, 808. Mural Deco- ration, 1238. Murchison's Address, 663. Murray's Official Handbook, 109 ; Reading for Rail, 279; Handbook for Belgium, 808. National Defence, 38. National Illustrated Library, 351. Naval architecture, 351 Na- vigation Laws, 183. Neale's Riches that bring no Sorrow, 134. New Tenn:mat His- tory, 928. Nineveh, 331.

Old 1831, 231. Old Roads and New Roads, 1016.

Paganism in Education, 785. Painters of All Nations, 663, 904. Palestine, 139. Palmer- ston, 183. Parka, 928. Parliamentary Ma- nual, 398. Firsts, 1191. Paul's Genesis, 110. Pentateuch, 1069. Periodicals, Sup- plement to Jan. 3, 39,159, 231, 495, 543, 592, 639, 904, 973, 1070. Peter's Agamemnon of -Each; los, 591. Philosophy of the Senses, 1142. Pictures from St. Petersburg, 866. Pilgrims of New England, 1046. Poems, 39, 61, 85, 206, 256, 326, 331, 421, 471, 318, 615,710,783,856,904, 918,975. 1095 ; Dixon's, 110 ; Itrowne's, 158 ; Fry's, 158 ;Fane's,831. Poets of the Woods-Poetry of the Year, Supplement to Dec.18. Political Economy, 421; Experience, 231. Polonius, 183. "Poor (the) ye have always with ye," 398. Popish Legends, 206. Popular Educator, 975 ; Tables, 830. Portable Family Bible, 808. Portrait Gallery, 39, 1070. Portugal, 'lints to Tn. sellers in, 908. Post-offi e Directory, 1069. Prints, 422 ; Ifoly Family, 398; Palmer- ston, 567 ; Les Noces de Cana, 615 ; Baxter's Gems, 760; Burial Service, 808; Hilton's Cruellixion 1070; Wellington, 1070,1238; Sacred, 1234. Professions, 759.

Queen's Court Manuscript, 183. Quotations, 110.

Reginald, 1023. Religion and Education, Supplement to Dee. 18. Rey oard the Fox, 999. Reynolds's Letters, 566. Rhymed Con- victions, 903. Roget's Thesaurus, 566. Ru- ral Sports, 39.

Saints (the) our Example, 663. Saxon Obse- quies, 1237. School-books, 110, 159, 279, 303, 398, 445, 568, 613, 663, 760, 783, 901, 928' 1069, 1093, 1142, 1191 ; Arnold's, 159, 710. School of the Future,118 ; for Fathers, 303; Economy, 518 School Inspecton' Reports, 592. Scott's Lady of the Lake, Supplement to Dec. 18. Screw Propeller, 1191. Sc ip- ture Zoidogy, 512. Sermons, 256, 518, 928. Sharp's Ometteer, 38. Shelley's Letters, 182. Silent Footsteps, 688. Smith's Clas- sical Dictionary, 471. Stable Practice, 1191. 8Q0ckland's (Miss) Queens of Scotland, 1023. Strife for the Mastery, 688. Sudbury All Saints Church, 729. Slimmer and Win- ter of the Soul, 1016. Sunday Picture book, 1023. Sympathies of the Continent, 5641. ITales, Supplement to Jan. 3, 39,61,95, 110, 279 331, 495, 343, 710, 759,975, 1191,1277. Tales, Supplement to Dec. 4. Teacher's Manual, 1142. Theophrasti Characteres,169. To those About to Marry, 61. Tremenheere'a Notes, 398. Tusculana, 1237. Twining's (L) Sym- bols, 567 ; (H.) Picturesque Scenery, 1191. Uncle Tom's Cabin, 1015. Use and Abuse, 279.

Vanderkiste's Illusion, 615. Vegetation in Europe, 303. Vicarage of Elwood, 1023. Voice of Humanity, 560.

Wallace, 110. Wavcrley Novels, 471. Web- ster's Dictionary,663. Wellington'sAchleve- mente, Poetical Iluutratiorse of, 639; Dirge for, 928; Life, 8c., 952; Portrait, 1023 ; from a French point of view, 1095; Stec- queler's, 1095 ; Publications, 1142, 1237. ZoOphytes, British, 1069.


Adelphi-Leghorn Bonnet, 175 ; Sea and Land, 487 ; Uncle Tom's Cabin, 1159.

Christmas Pieces, 10, 30, 1230.

Drury Lane-Robert the Devil, 78; Fr Dia- vole, 100; Romeo and Juliet, 100; Vert- vert, 151; Too Late for the Train, 175 ; bal- let, 200 ; The Sicilian Bride, 245 ; Mr. Bu- chanan, 727, 989 ; opening, 966.

Easter pieces, 366.

Foreign Theatricals, 1112, 1135, 1160, 1183, 1208, 1230.

Haymarket-A Duel in the Dark, 127; Mr. Suillvan, 151 ; Woman's Heart, 174; White Magic, 271 ; Mind your own Business, 415; Keeley Worried by Buckstone, 560; The Foundlings, 683; A Novel Expedient, 631 ; Writing on the Wall, 775; Jack Sheppard, 870; Box and Cox Married and Settled, 989; The Woman I adore, 989 ; Richelleu in Love -A Capital Match, 1062; Masks and Faces, 1135.

Kemble's (Mn.) Shaksperian Readings, 127. Lyceum-Chain of Events, 366; Taking by Storm, 335; Very Suspicious, 583; reopen- ing-Mysterious Lady-A House out of Window, 1013; Those dear Blacks, 1112 ; Phssnomenon in a Smock-Frock-Little Toddleldns, 1208.

Marionette Theatre, 54, 151, 416, 440,1208. New Strand-Matrimonial Prospectuses, 221. Olymple-Matrimonial, 151 ; Last of the Fai- ries, 221 ; Warden of Galway, 439; Sarah Along!, 1037; Miss Herand, 1208. Princess's-Iiing John, 151; GAMY= Apo- them, 200; Our Clerks, 245; Wittikind, 366; A Lucky Friday, 464 ; MY. Wigan, 636; Trial of Lore, 559 ; The Vampire, 583; Opening -Prima Donna, 918; Mont St. Michel, 986; Anne Blake, 1036; Monody on 'Wellington, 1112 ; Mr. Bartley, 1195.

Sadler's Wells-Earl of Go wrie, 245; All's Well that Ends Well, 816; Merchant's Wedding, 895; City Madam-Arden of Fe- versha , 942 ; A Woman never Text, 989; Henry V., 1037 ; Might and Right, 1183. St. James's-French Plays, 175, 200, 390,416 ; Lemaltre, 245, 272; Rely Bias, 294; Collier do Perles, 488; Yelva, 510; German Plays, 464, 534, 659, 583, 606, 631; Organophonista, 942.

Surrey-Miss Glyn, 464.

Theatres in the dog-days, 655, 679, 701. Westminster 1. ay, 1208.

Woodin's Entertainment, 1037.


Ash Wednesday Concert, 200.

Birmingham Festival, 798, 870.

Choral Benevolent Fund, 440.

Concerts, 416, 488, 583 ; Mr. Aguilar's, 64 ; Mr. Bennett's, 127 ; Mr. Sloper's, 127 ; Mr. Neste's, 175; Musical Union, 391, 440, 635, 660, 632 ; Beethoven Quartet Society, 391; Quartet Association, 416, 464 ; Mrs. Ander- son's, 535 ; Jullicn's, 1087.

English Glee and Madrigal Union, 295. Exeter Hall, 101.

Harmonic Union, 1087, 1208.

Hereford Musical Festival, 918.

Mullah's Concerts, 78, 655.

Italian Opera-Programme, 294 ; opening- Maria di Rohan, 319; L'Itallana in Algeria, 366; Barbiere, 391, 631; Madame de is Grange,510, 335; ballet, 510, 631; Madame Chartoa, 727 ; Casilda, 748 ; close, 775. Madrigal Society, 54.

Musical Festivals, 702.

Musical Institute of London, 176,1208. Musical Publications, 135, 831; Marx's School of Musical Composition, 831; Relies of Men- delssohn, 832; Songs and Dance Music of Scotland, 1166.

Musical Winter Evenings, 101.

New Philharmonic Society, 151, 272, 291, 367, 416, 464, 560.

Norwich Festival, 798, 919.

Opera Management, 511.

Philharmonic Society, 272, 319, 891, 440, 488, 695, 583, 633.

Royal Italian Opera-Programme, 245; open- ing-Maria di Rohan, 318; Guglielmo Tell, 319; I Martiri, 390; Huguenots-Don Gio- vanni, 440 ; Lucie di Lammermoor, 464 ; La Julie, 488 ; Puritani-Barbiere, 611 ; Madame Jullienne, 560; Prophete, 632; Faust, 679 ; Pietro it Grande, 798 ; close, 843. Sacred Harmonic Society, 151, 1060, Calvary, 655.

Surrey-The Devil's in it, 728.

Thursday Concerts, 30,78.

Wagner, Mademoiselle, 342, 367, 391, 418, 606, 632.

Wellington, 1087.


A Lesson for Humanity," 368.

Amateur Exhibition the, 447.

Architectural Exhibition, 61.

Arnoldl Society, 640.

Australian Diorama, the, 846. British Institution, 206; Exhibition of Old Pictures, 667.

Catlin's Exhibition, 54. Christmas Sights, )0.

Chrome- Lithography, 520. Department of Practical Art, 328, 331.

Dioramic Exhibitions, 447 ; HIndostan, 1113. Fight for the Standard, 520.

Grandy's Winter Exhibition, 134.

Humphreyn's Ten Centuries of Art, Supple- ment to Jan. 3.

Illustrated Gift-books, 61, 96.

Inauguration of the Great Exhibition, 520. Iron Architecture, 702.

Learned Birds, 333.

Museum of Practical Art, 989. National institution Exhibition, 432. National Gallery, Cleoreingsirs the,1196 ; New Pictures, 1238.

Ouseley's Views in South America, 351. Panorama of Salzburg, 331 ; Waterloo, 1112;

Serum Alps, 1238.

Royal Academy-Election, 208; News, 399 ; Exhibition, 422, 446, 471, 619, 543, 592 ; Engravers, 1168. Royal Geographical Society, 593. Society of Arts-Hobbs's Lecture, 54 ; Solly's, 78 ; Wilson's 135,245 ; Leighton's, 246 ; Baz- ley's, 219; Wyatt's, 399 ; Photographic Col- lection, 1338.

Society of British Artists, 327.

Souk Sale, 568.

Thomas, M. Ambrose, 560.

Turner and his Works, 544.

Turner's Wreck,- 222.

Water-Colour Societies, 423.

Wellington, Posthumous Print of, 928; Dio- rama, 989, 1238 ; D'Orsay's Statuette, 1037 ; Barker's Portrait, 1037.

Windsor Castle in the Present Time, 328. Winter Exhibition of Sketches and Drawings, 1212.


American Slavery, by Richard D. Webb, 1230. Australias and New Zealand, Dangerous Con- dition of the, by E. G. Wakefield, 466, 491 ; by Edmund Bellaire, 492 ; by R.G., 512,680. Belgium, the Press in, by a Reader, 439. Blind Security, by an Anglo-Saxon, 1137. Brecon St. David's Church, by a Constant Reader, 990.

Cambridge University Report, a Gem from the, by One not in Authority, 1136.

Canada, the Seignorial Tenures in, by Feuda- tories, 179.

Cape Colony, Public Schools of the, by H. E. U., 179.

Christian Socialists, by a Constant Reader, 632 ; by C. Kingsley, 679.

Clergy, Neglected Claims of the Beneficed, by Justitia, 1187 ; Justice to, 1230.

Cologne Prisoners, by F. Engels, 1037. Colonial Church Debate, by an Unsectarian Churchman, 491.

Convocation, the Objects of, by D., 780 ; by a Whig, 803,850; by a Moderate High Church- man, 850; Galvanized, by F. T. C., 803; Representative Institutions for the Church, by D.- M.- F. T. C.-A Young Layman, 925 ; What the Church Warne, by Cam, 826; Convocation Extended, by Raid° Me- dici, 1014.

Corn, Effect of a Five-shilling Duty on, by A. B., 222.

Currency and Prices, by C. N., 878.

Customs Reform, by a Nobody, 781. Derby's " Fair Trial," by W. 5.,246; What is Lord Derby's Government without Protec- tion ? by a Puzzled Conservative 323 ; What Lord Derby's Government la without Pro- Metier], by H. Ai., 342; by It S. ,343 ; The Derby Government, by a Puzzled Conserva- tive, 367 ; Parties without Policy, by H. D., 867.

Domestic Service, by W. Bridges Adams. 946. Edinburgh Election Ethics, by an Old Edin- burgh Elector, 703.

Education Question, Neglected Elements of the, by D., 679.

Election, the Coming, by E., 632.

Escape-boats in Shipwreck, by Engineer, 368. Factious Opposition, by an Ex-M.P., 1230. France-New Lights from the Dark Ages, by G. H. C., 130; Why England might Envy France her Dictator, by Factsbefore Forma, 131; Degenerate Aristocrats, by R. G., 131; The English Press, 179; "L'Empire, c'est la Pain ! " by R. 0.-Irenteus, 1013.

French and Austrian Steamers in the Medi- terranean, Comparative Merits of, by a Mediterranean Traveller, 872.

French Invasion, by A. Thistle, 30. Government Schools of Design : Department of Practical Art, by W., 395. Harrison's (Mr. G. H.) Explanation, 990. High Church Clergy and the Laity, 1136. Indian Army, Furlough Regulations of the, by W. D. A.,872.

International Postage, by Centurion, 790. Irish Branch of the New Administration, by

H. M., 222 ; National Education, 295 ; Ano- ther Word on the Irish Difficulty, 368 ; Irish Education Questlon,by John F. Gordon,467. Iron Ships, Safety and Improvement of, by Engineer, 612.

Manning the Navy, by R. G., 946. Minorities, Representation of," by One of the Minority, 880; by J. S. 8., 705. National Defence-Existing Means ofDefence, by an Old Subscriber, 6b ; Volunteer Caval- ry and Infantry, by W. B. C., 56; Defensive Efficiency Citizen Soldiers, by R. G., 78; National Defences, by Joseph Cauvin, 101; The Militia, by W. B. C., 101; The Nation's Defensive Forces, by Helix, 223; by R. G., 223; The Militia Bill, by W. B. C., 439 ; Na- tional Defence, by R. G., 1091; by Bristle, 1187.

Outside Railway Travelling, by W. A., 946. Oxford Chancellorship, by E. A. F.-M. A., 946; Riem Oxonienses, by M. A.-Young Oxford-A Resident MA., 970 ; E. A. F. Q., 909 ; A Resident M.A., 1014. Oxford University, Representation of, by M. A., 511 ; Mr. Gladstone and the Oxford Reformers, by B.-by X.-by M., 639 ; Ox- ford Liberals and Mr. Gladstone, by M. A., 563 ; Mr. Gladstone's Election, by R. R. W. Lingen, 705; The Governors of Oxford University, by E. E. Y., 706; Mr. Lingen's Difficulty, by a Whig, 728; Choice of Evils, by a West Gloucestershire Freeholder, 754. Oxford University Report, by Z., 562, 607 ; The Shutting of the Great Council, by Ed- ward A. Freeman, 386, 8e7, 764 ; by Y., 597, 632.

Papist Commission to the Irish Brigade, by H. M., 394.

Perfect Safety attainable at Sea, by W. Bridges Ad:tuts, 851.

Queen atd the Duke, by Ear-Witness, 1112. Queen's College Fellowship, by T. C.-One of the Electors, 780, 925 ; by Edward A. Free- man, 803.

Railways, Desideratum of, by James H. Wil- son, 1037.

Railway Accidents, by W. Bridges Adams, 803 ; Amalgamation, by M. P., 871.

Real Property, Reform of the Law of, by a Practical Lawyer, 680, 764.

Repudiating States of America, by R. H. D., 728.

Rye as a Windward Defence Port, by Pen- nants, 216; by an Old Sea Captain, 781. Soldiers, the Raw Materials for, by a New Subscriber, 30.

Stereoscope, the; a Simple Test, by H--, a Draughtsman, 633.

Submarine Telegraph and Louis Napoleon, by J. R. Carmichael, 1691.

Torrens's (Colonel) Election-Tract on the Ta ation of Land and Trade, by R. Tennis an Old Lawyer, 608.

Wellington-Funebrial and Memorial .Esthe- tics, by H., 1187.

Wellington Monument, Hint for, by J. IL 0., 1013.