3 JANUARY 1846, Page 2




FOREIGN COUNTRIES. America-Oregon-Official correspondence 7, 224. Congress--Oregon 7, 57, 107, 127, 178, 225. 274, 298, 343, 366, 417, 440, 464 ; Polk's Message to the Senate, 366; Charges against Webster, 441, 464; Tariff, 777; Negotiations with Mexico, 826. 847. Peel's commercial policy, 249. Letter from New York, 323. War with Mexico, 488, 513, 563, 585, 610, 633, 683, 778, 847, 1039, 1086, 1159, 1205, Settlement of the Oregon dispute, 633. Encampment of Cali- fornians at New York, 945. The Mor- more, 968, 992. Austria-Official Political Reform, 1065. Government and Railway Shares, 1143. Belgium-New Ministry, 276, 323. Die- trpss the.peeple, 1241,

Borneo-Altac-if Brftfeb,,WE; $4,

. •

Brasil--The LING in Matti:Sr. &lepers, 873. •

China-Keying's visit to Hong-kong, 127. Restoration of Chasm, .70-4. Piot Q Canton, 921.

Colonies-Canada-Parliameit, 167, 633 Burning of the Quebec Theatre, 657. Retrospect of political affairs, 847. Cape of Good Hope-Kafir alarm, 344, 394 ; war with the Kafka, 536, 611, 633, 684, 729, 801, 847, 897, 921, 969, 991, 1016, 1110. Flogging of civilians, 969. Ne- gotiations with the Katirs, 1230. Chan- nel Islands-Criminal Law of Jersey, 898. India-The Punjaub, 7, 81. The Sikh Government, 81, 226. War in the Punjaub, 127, 155, 225 ; battles of Moodkee and Ferozeshah, 199, 203; battle of Ali wal, 296 : battle of Sobraon - submission of the Sikhs, 319 ; restoration of the Maharajah, 393; final arrange- ments, 440, 487, 536; Kota Kangra, 778. Dreadful accident at Lo dianab, 704. Cholera at Kurrachee, 850, 872. Disorders in Kurnaul, 1039. Contest for Cashmeres 1134, 1159. Revolution in Nepaul, 1134. New Zealand-Atro- eltim of the Natives, 200. State of affairs, 200, 897, 945. Fltzroy's antics, 250, 274. Defeat of the Natives, 595, 611. Captain Grey's proceedings in the valley of the Hutt, 752. Attack by the Natives on soldiers, 969, 991. New- Mundland-Great tire at St. John's, 633. West Indies-Hurricane at the Haven- nab, 1063. Sugar-duties agitation, 1184, 1231.

Cracow-Annexation to Austria, 1112, 1133, 1i58, 1164, 1183, 1186, 12'6, France-Opening of the Chambers, 6 ; budget, al, 488, 535 ; address, 107, 126, 153; Algeria, 153; " livrets " for work- men, 170 ; duty on cattle, 201 ; Five per Cents, 249 ; public functionaries in the Chamber of Deputies, 273 ; Bel- gian commercial treaty, 323 ; navy, 367; opening of the Chambers, 801 ;

M. Drault's election, 846. The Polish rising, 273. Lord Palmerston at Paris, 368, 394. Attempted assassination of the King, 391, 417 ; trial of Lecomte, 562, 610. Escape of Prince Louis Na- poleon, 513, s84. Massacre of the Frener, prisoners in the Deira, 535. The Cinttral-Leegue, 585. The King tired at, 729, 717, 824,626, 848, 851, 871. General election, 75i, 777. Dinners to Cobden, 801, 871. Fires and food riots, 824. Society of Libre-Echangistes, 846. De- ficiency of food, 846, 943, 947, 968, 1134, 1':58. The Spanish marriages, 871, 897,

920, 943, 990, 1015, 1062, 1085, 1085, 1109. Algeria-Abd-el-Kader, 897. Dis- astrous floods, 1037, 1062. Cracow, 1133, 1136; note by AL Guizot,1130. Greece-Disorganization, 226. Colettl, 274. Germany-The Schleswig-Holstein ques- tion, 920, 924, 947. The Zollverein, 968, 1089. Suspension of the corn-duties, 990. Judicial forms. 1018.

Italy-Disturbances, 31. Earthquake in Tuscany, 825, 849. Scientific Congress, 921, 944, 968. 991. The Annexation of Cracow, 1230.

Madeira- Religious disturbance - expul- sion of Dr. Kelley, 872; Mexico-Revolutions, 154, 225, 705, 752. Return of Santa Anna, 897, 921, 968, 1066.

Poland-Movement in, 154. Insurrections, 225, 249, 251, 273, 298, 345, 899. Riot by peaaanis, 816. Ukase In favour of the peasantry, 872. State of the Aus- trian provinces, 991. Seizure of Cracow , 1132.

Portugal-Change of Ministry, 515. In- surrection, 536, 562, 545, 610, 655, 897. Flight of the Cabrals, 536. Another re- volution, 1014 ; resistance of the people, 1033, 1063; els ll war,. 1088, 1109, 1134, 1183, 1206, 123'. • Prussia-Troubles at Pose. n 201. Inter-

ference *I, h the press, 842. Tumults at ceanzne, 779. 837.

• and French 22ar-

fare against Roses, 107, 368, 850, 873 ; negotiations, 922, 945, 968, 1016, 1088 ; hostilities, 1135.

Rome-The Emperor of Russia, 7. The Minsk Nuns, 250. Death of the Pope, 562, 585; new Pope, 610, 655; amnesty to political prisoners, 729; popular mea- sures, 752, 777, 825, 846, 872, 897, 944, 971, 991, 994, 1086, 1110, 1134. Murder of the Chevalier Stewart, 849.

Russia-Livonlan deputation to the Em- peror, 655. New tariff, 656. Reverses in Circassia. 991.

Spain- Queen's marriage, 57. Disruption of the Ministry, 178. Wreck of the Great Liverpool, 250. Ministries, 273, 298 ; return of Narmez to power, 298, 322 ; fall of, 344, 345, 367. New Minis- try, 392. Insurrection, 417, 441, 465. Marriages of Isabella and Luisa, 824, 846, 850, 870,896, 899, 919, 924,943,967, 989, 993, 1015, 1038, 1183. Escape of Cothst cin 1.1onsemdlie;919. rAfcabal, 108else`; theiqri %ids; 11,83. 'Gene-

ral tbe1 Iri30. • • ' • Switzerland-Revolution In Geneva, 990, 1063.

Twkey--Load Palmerston's Interference ou slavery; 1086. Massacre of Chris- tlarsts th•Kurdistan, 1 i 34. Cholera, 1134.


London and Dublin Corporation addresses to the Queen, 26. Birth of a Princess, 510; Christening, 726. Queen's marine excursions,- 799, 822, 842, 866. Rural fete at Osborne, 842. Royal tour, 1010. Visit to Arundel, 1154.

Free-trade meetings, 2. Executions, '27. Sheriff Laurie's plan for employ- ing prisoners, 50. League meeting, 50. Address to Lord 31ethalfe, 50. Cen- tral Protection Society, 51, 105. En- tertainment to Mr. Duncombe, 79. Steam warfare on the Thames,,105, 132, 272. Peel's measures, 113. Westminster Election, 152, 176. Meeting respecting destitute children, 176. Breach of Pro- mise of marriage-Smith v. Earl Ferrero, 177. Libel-Braun v. Globe, 197. Com- mon Council-City gaols, 246, 362 ; new streets, 246; Indian victories, 341 ; Chtist's Hospital, 311; qualifications of freemen. 1202. Mr. Twyford's resigna- tion, 246. Juvenile offenders, 247. Asy- lums for destitute prisoners, 271. Rag- ged Schools, 171, 559. Slander-Pember- ton v. Culls, 318. Anniversary meetings and dinners, 342, 362, 415, 438, 462, 559, 1154,1203. Railway robberies, 342. Wal- brook, 362. Steam to Australia, 370. Lord Mayor's Dinner to Miniaters, 389. Death-punishment meeting, 415. City traders, 415. Murders, 416, 438, 462, 532, 560, 583, 800, 822. Railway acci- dents, 438. Court of East India Proprie- tors-Pensions to Viscount Harding° and Lord Gough, 461 ; Scinde, 9.4. Insub- ordination at the Post-office, 962. For- gery of Railway Scrip, 463, 532, 915. Protectionist meetings, 985. University College Hospital, 486. Polish gift toLord Dudley Stuart, 486 Meetings of Peers on the Corn Bill, 510. National School Society, 510. Meeting of the New Zea- land Company, 515; twentieth report of the Court of Directors, Supplement to May 30. Anniversary of the London Li- terary and Scientific Institution, 531. Street advertising-vans, 531. Changes in the Post-office, 532, 559, 586, Visit of Ihraham Pacha, 539, 5b3, 584, 611, 634. 684. Society for Promoting the Amend- ment of the Law, 558, 1202. Louis Philippe's reply to the London Address, 539. The Hydropiithic system-Dr. El- lls's trial, 580, 607. Liability of Railway Committeemen to return deposits, 544. Presentation of the National Testimonial to Mr. Rowland Hill, 583. Dr. Relies ventilation, 594. Suicide of Mr. Hayden, 608, 630. City election, 650. Protec- tionist dinner at Greenwich, 652. Tower Hamlets election, 680. Mayoral visit to Oxtbrd, 680, 701, 727, 748. Military flog- ging at Hounslow, 680, 703, 727, 749. Provident Booksellers Retreat, 702. Ac- cident on the Eastern Counties Railway, 702, 728, 915. Health of London, 748. " World's Temperance Convention," 749. Remarkable thunder-storm, 749. Error in the Corn Act, 775. Shipowners Society meeting, 775. Meeting to corm a Flogging Abolition Society, 799. Evan- ,gical Allience, 822. Legal educatlbu;842. Times -Test lmontal" di nil er, 042. Charge of forgery-against Captain Richardson, 843, 866,915 Outrages on the dead, 867, 814, 924, 963, 986. Treatment, of Bt. ancras poor, 867, 890, 914, 939, 9 61 r034. Registration, 914. Fires, 915. Mayoralty, 938. 962. We Wigton Statue, 938. Bishop of London's vialtaton, 10,0. National Prevalent and Beilevolent Union, 1058. Mr. G. C. Lewis v. Mr. Ferrand, 1058, i 130. Destruction of the Garrick Theatre by lire, 1059. Deputa- lions to Lord John Russell on the open- ing of the ports, 1063, 1135. Gibbs v. Flight, 1131- " Deaths by starvation," 1155, 1179. Malt-tax, 1178. Railway cases, 1179. Hurlestone v. Clayton-trial in the Queen's Bench for libel in the Spectator, 1203. Disagreement between the Court of Aldermen and the Common Council, 1226. Election of Common Councilmen, 1226. Vice-Chancellor's Court-custody of infants, 1226.

Lord Morpeth for West Riding, 2, 9. Agri- cultural Protection meetings, 3, 30. 33, 52, 59, 80, 106, 125, 152. Railway acci- dents, 5, 31, 55, 81, 106, 198, 364, 390,

512, 584, 631, 704, 823, 869, 893, 916, 1060, 1204. Herefordshire peasantry, 9. Elections, 27, 52, 80, 106, 124, 152, 177, 198, 203, 223, 227, 247, 272, 363. 532, 776. Free-trade meetings, 28, 33, 54, 59, 80. Meeting of agricultural labourers at Goatacre, 29. Mr. Hill's plan for re- claiming juvenile offenders, 54. Peel's proposals, 108, 125, 130; Manchester Chamber of Commerce, 486. Cobden's letter, 108. Pusey's sermon at Oxford, 128. Lord Ashley's Short-time tour.224. The Gosport duel, 298, 681. late-assur- ance trials, 248. 481, 176, 825. Libel- Gathercole v. Mall, 272. Lord Mount- Edgcumbe's letter to his tenants, 295. Short Time, 342. 1083, 1131,1156. Lord Essex a Free-trader, 363. Birmingham Athenic Institute, 364. Fanatical "re- vival" at Birmingham, 364. Opening of Railways, 364, 533, 6:31, 750, 916, 940, 964, 1107, 1184. Strikes, 416; building trades, 439, 463, 486, 609, 631 ; Liver- pool, 533. Squadron of evolutions, 963, 537. Murders, s63, 659, 800, 8e9, 916. Wholesale poisonings in Norfolk, 487,

534, 561. Steam-boat collision on the Mersey, 512. Mr. Sanders of Liverpool on the Corn-laws, 533. Earl of Mount- Edgcumbe on the Corn-laws, 561. Dis- solution of the League, 630. Cobden Testimonial, 631. Addresses to Peel, 631, 653. Election movements, 631. Corn Bill rejoicings, 634, 844. Minis- terial elections, 652, 657, 680, 703, 843. Mr. Cobden's temporary retirement, 653. Mr. /alines and the Russell Ministry, 653. Mr. V. Smith and the Ministry, 680. Prince Albert's visit to Liverpoul, 731. Dinner to Lord G. Bentinek at Lynn, 750. Responsibility of railway engineers, 750. Great storm, 753. Din- ner to the Marquis of Granby, 776. Po- tato disease, 800, 825. Manchesterparks, 823. Robbery of a Berwick bank, 823, 1035. Trial of Captain Gordon, 825. In- jury to vegetation by alkali works, 844. British Association for the Advancement of Science at Southampton, 850,867,891, 900. Salt-trade-Indian monopoly, 850, 916. Warwickshire dinner to Mr. New- degate, 868. Steam-works at Devonport, 893. Testimonials to the League Coun- cil, 893. Agricultural Societies, 916, 940, 963. Condition of the agricultural la- bourers at Byrne, 964. Representation of Manchester, 986, 1156, 1102. Mr. Walter on Agricultural Associations, 987. Treatment of paupers, 987, 1011, 1059, 1065. Total Repeal of Malt-tax Asso- ciation, 1011. Earl Fitzhardinge and his nominees, 1011, 1059. Manchester Athe- mum Soirée, 1018. Representation of Weymouth, 1035. Mr. Hill on crime in Birmingham, 1035. Barks Sessions- vice engendered in workhouses, 1035. Buildings for workmen at Birkenhead, 1060. Tea-duties, 1107, 1131. Colliery explosions, 1108, 1131, 1156. Sanatory meeting at Exeter, 1179. Distress, 1179. Proctorial imprisonments at Cambridge, 1180, 1204. Mr. Hudson's dinner at York, L:27. Lord Morpeth on state education, 1227.


Repeal Association, 6, 224, 365, 440, 487,

513, 534,632, 654, 683, 704, 870, 919, 942, 966, 988, 1061, 1109, 1181,1229. The Times Commissioner, 6, 81. Law changes, 56, 98. Elections, 153, 219, 751. Relief of the destitute, 273, 296, 417. Famine, 3,5, 391; food riots, 365, 391, 895, 900, 924.940, 967, 988, 1041. Repeal " split,"

535, 584, 609, 683, 704. National Board of Education-teachers, 584. Smith O'Brien's " tritimph " at Limerick, 585. The new Ministry, 654. Lord Milltown's proposal respecting Repeal, 655. Dinigar- van election, 683. Secession of "Young Ireland" from Conciliation Hall, 728, 751, 777, 800, 845, 870, 1037, 1181, 1204, 1208. Potato (allure, 777, 800,823. Relle1 expenditure, 777. Restoration of Magis- trates, 800, 845, 895,942. O'Brien's ova- tion at Cahermoyle, 845. Famine and the measures to meet it, t69, 894, 917, 941, 947, 966, 1012, 1036, 1060, 1083, 1108, 1156, 1181, 1204. Repeaters and Desborough, 869. Deputation on the famine to Lord John Russell, 917. Ba- ronial sessions, 917, 941, 966, 1013, 1108, 1132, 1181. Anti-rant movement, 917, 1104. Accident to the Great Britain

steamer, 922, 947, 970, 993. Ref ,rod, five labour, 941, 966. 31r. Osbo the Relief Act, 942. Proposed cl 'lion in Dublin, 966, 971. Relief." onvee

tion, 987. Mr. Scrope on the at r,. land, 988, 1040. Meetings i* 1036. Letter from Lord John the Duke of Leinster, 1041.

of the clergy of Ballinrobe, 10 condition of the people, 1061, It monstrance of Young Irelander. 1084 ; meeting, 1162. Royal Age ral Society, 1132,1157. O'Brien's le 1132, 1157, 1182. Traffic in tire- 1137, 1157, 1180, 1205. Frauds c people In obtaining relief, 1157. 2 gages, 1157. Amount of relief, Sharman Crawford's proposals, Export of cattle to England. 1208. dification of the drainage system b ; vernment, 1228. " Reproductive; ployment Committee," 1228.


Lord John Rae441 made a freeman of gow, 55. Pretestion meetings, 56 Elections, 153, 416, 439, 1182. 1 riots, 153, 155,, Law of entail, 241 Public nursery at Glasgow, 343. Philippe's reply to an address from burgh, 534. Distress in the Shet 562. Glasgow address to Sir 1 Peel, 610. Election of new Min 655, 681, 704, 751. Scott monum- Edinburgh, 800. Highland aml cultural Society, 870. Destituthe 919, 943, 967, 989, 1062. Meal . Dundee - Juvenile Industrial Sc 896. Union of United Secession at lief Church, 909. Chalmers's las lion, 1014. Sunday Trains, 1037. burgh Philosophical institution, Glasgow Rectorship,1109. Meet; Edinburgh-distress in the kligi and Islands, 12.29


Opening of the Session, 74, 98. Admiralty reform, 582. Agricultur Reties, 485. Andover union, 799. . Enlistment, 746 ; flogging, 701, 75 799. Art-Unions, 726. , Bentlnck's (Lord G.) charges agents Lyndhurst and Lord Ripon, 796 819. Brazil, commercial relation 820. Bridport election, 415, 484 Buckingham Palace, 779. Budge Buenos Ayres and Monte Video Business in Parliament, 283, 41( 674, 747.

Canada, trade with, 459 ; Canadia, lation on free trade, 515. 530 ; 706. Canning and Peel, 580, 58f ritable bequests, 221 ; trusts, 46 726. Chartist convicts, 243. C 731. Colonial Government, 747.. vict system I, 222. Corn-laws. 8: 227, 243, 292, 300, 434,442, 458, 41 506, Supplement to 'Slay 30, 55 578, 587, 602,612, 779. County el 388. Cracow, 774, 798. Cuba, ca trade to, 797. Czartoryski, Print Danish claims, 415, 5, . Death b dent compensation, 9. Education, 685. Lie -in tiomps 7000 Enlistments, 2 Factories, boars of la .3414,41 Fees in courts of ju commercial relations, sites, 557. Friendly Fit

Game-laws, 197. Govei policy, 99, 122, 146, R.

202. Greek loan, 197. '

Haydock Lodge Lunatic Highways, 341, Houses •.

the new, 318.

Imperial duties in the colon -Army of the Sutlej, 218, and Gough pensions, 134, Ireland, agricultural. imp 560 ; crime in, 151 ; eje.

employment, 122, 818 ; 268, 340, 369, 794 ; fever litical and agricultural le 196 ; poor in, legal relief laws in, 122 ; potato-c Commissioners, 130; pr in, 196, 227. 243, 290, 31!

39.5, 410, 418, 554, 564, works, 83, 102, 151 ;,' appointments, 437 ; Church, Lord Line° stabulary, payment gistrates, the dism.: local tribunals for, 387 ; waste -.- Juvenile offenders, 151.

Lace-factories, hours of labour in, Land, special burdens on, 174. La form, 300. League and the registra 22,. Legislation fur towns, .140. Chief Justices, salaries of tht, *- Malta Carnival, 747. May..

Mexico, commercial relation° Militia, 123. 31inistt eat and plans, 74, 98 ; resiguat Naval estimates, 706 ; Hump:, Zealand, 485, 607, 665, 779 O'Brien, Mr. Smith, 412, 419. 485, 488. 510. Ordnance board, 775. Oregon, 83. 266 • Peers' interference with the Parliamentary elections, 176. Petition trade, 221. 318. Polish insurrection, 341 ; nuns, perse- cution of, 223, 245. Poor-law adminis- tration : Andover Union, 221 ; Mr. Day, 389 ; Poor - law Commissioners, 820. Poor-laws, 293. Poor removal, 538, 678, 699, 726, 747. Post-office mismanage- ment, 387 ; reform, 821. Private bill business, 774. Pnblic records, 821.

Quarantine, 485.

Railways, 102, 122, 130, 151, 294, 538; railway board, 798, 803; gauges, 485, 582 ; labourers, 415 ; legislation, 269, 317, 339, 386, 414, 418. Reform Bill amend- ment, 607. Religious disabilities relief, 413, 461, 747. Repeal, 700.

Retiring allowance to naval officers, 799. Roman Catholic disabilities, 123, 244, 437, 606. Rum-duties, 773. Russia, re- ligious peritecution in, i51.

Shaw (Mr.) and Slr J. Graham, 317. Ship's-boats, 539. Shore's (Mr.) case, 748. Short time, 103. Sites for dwel- „:' tinge for the poor, 747. Small debts,

' 798. Smith's (Mr. T.) case, 461. St. Asaph and Bangor sees, 700, 747. Sta- tistics, inaccurate, 388. Sugar-duties, 582, 607, 698. 706, 722, 731, 747, 770. Supply, 779.

Tariff, 243, 251, 266, 275, 482, 530, 603, Tea-duty, 388. Tobacco-duties, 678, 747. Transportation to Van Diemen's Land, 701.

Wales, education in, 245, 821. Warner's inventions, 679. Waste lauds Austra- lia, 779, 821. Wellington statue, 706, 799. Close of the session, 821.

New Tariff, 104.-Divisions, 203, 229, 300, 542, 613.--Corn bill, 245.-Lord Broug- ham's resolutions on private bills, 437.- Mr. Hume's sugar resolutions, 489.-Re- port on burdens on real property, Sup- plement to May 30.-Gauge report, 558. -Protests against the Corn bill, 629.- Sugar resolutions, 701.-Andover Union Inquiry, 730, 753, 778, 801.-Report of committee on private bills, 748.


Agriculture an Art, 1211.

Alsager'e (Mr.) Death, 1116.

Andover Inquiry, Disclosures of the, 804. Anti-Slavery, the, that Might Succeed, 708. Arbitration, International, 302.

Art-Union Lotteries, 733.

"Avoid Wicked Men," 1166.

Banks, the Two, 1212.

Beauties of English Law, 397.

Belgium andMilitand, Trade in, 1092. Bentinek, Lord G.-The New Great Un- known, 231 ; The ileutinck and Lynd- hurst Affair, 827.

Borneo, the late Expedition against, 973. British Artists (the) • and the Spectator, 212. British Association-Popular Advance- ment of science, 876.

British Museum, the Library of the, 468, 518; The Catalogue, 493.

Brougham on Oaths, 661.

Buehanites, the Last of the, 134. Buckingham Palace, A House for the Queen, and a Use for, 828.

Canada, Government of, 852.

Capital Punishment-The Waste of Blood, 157 ; Death-Punishment, 420. Charitable Trusts Bill : Courting Defeat, 348.

Cholera Panic, Moral of the, 751.

City Eating, .Fstbeties of, 709.

Election, the, 972.

Civil and Religious Liberty, 445.

Coalition, 231.

Cobden Testimonial, a, 566; Premium for Agitation, 687.

Cockney (the Great) Itnperium in Queen Victoria's lumen°, 733.

Colonial Post-office Arrangements : Ca- nada, 206.

Colonial Office, Probable Change in the Permanent Staff at the, 638; the New, 659.

Commercial Movements in the Far East, 852. •

Comparative Bigotry of the Romish and Engl‘h Governments, 326. CopanttershiP in Little Wars, 110. Corn-Jews-How to facilitate Corn-law Repea., '1; The Newest Movement, 62; The Measure, 84; The House of Commons as itnow stands in Relation to the-List of Members, Supplement to January 24.

Cracow-Central Europe: the Broken Treaty, 805; The Itheroational Import- Nape of Small States In Europe, 1237.

C. als -Crime-Fostering, 36; Human Nature the Basis fur Human Laws, 62 ; Criminal Discipline, 660, 709.

Dearth, Cotton, and Railways, 998.

Dependent on Foreign Supplies," 232. 'De gee/Ian's (AL) 'Agricultural Improve-.

ment, 1023.

Destitute.' and Emigration, 469.

Dismal Rejoicings, 206.

Disraeli and Peel-Atfairs of Dishonour, 421 ; Disraeli on Mill, 444.

Duelling--" Absurd " Verdicts : the Gos- port Duel, 253.

Eastern Archipelago, English Interests in the, 516.

Education, Province of a Government in, 1021 • Education of the Educator, 1068 ; Iteconit on of the Individual in, 1093 ; The Work and the Men, 1139. Ellenbomugh, Lord, and the Navy, 277. Ephemeral Popularities, 421.

Famine and Free Trade, 1022.

First of May, the, 422.

Fleet Street, Impassable, 782. France: the War-faction of the Salons, 182.

Free Trade Contagious, 207. Genealogical-Society of London, 232. General Tom Thumb and his Carriage, 547. Germany : the Third Centenary of Luther's Death-day, 133; The Letter-post in, 1142.

Gladstone's (Mr.) Future, 61.

Grand Juries, Abolition of, 1188.

Great Britain, the, 1044.

Hares-More Sacrifices of Old Friends, 207. Harmony of Customs, 902.

Hutt, Mr. John-Colonial Governors, 614. Imperial Import-duties in the Colonies, 758. India-The Sikh Invasion and its Con- sequences. 158 ; The Sikh Territories, 325. International Copyright, 901.

Ireland, How can, be made Governable? 205 ; The Rationale of Coercion, 301; Relief of the Destitute Poor of, 324 ; Pro- gress of, 781 ; Ireland's Weakness, Eng- land's Opportunity, 805; The Present Task, 997 ; The Lands of, 1067 ; The Irish Confiscation, 1187; The only Genu- ine Shop, 1211 ; The Irish Redemption, Scheme, 1136.

Irish Absenteeism, 637.

Irish Union, English Repeal of the, 396.

" It Can't Be Done," 830; It Can Be Done, 878.

Juvenile Modem-The New Social Agi- tation, 181.

King Ernest on Love, 279.

Land, One Unjust Burden on, 348; Pecu- liar Burdens on, 516.

Law, a Faculty of, for London, 372. Law Amendment Meeting, 566.

Lawyers as Law Reformers, 35. Leagues-How to Prevent them, 638. Legal Education, 85.

Literary Men and Artists, What Can be Done for, 614.

Lord Chancellor, Incompatible Offices of the, 12.

Louis Philippe-The Attack on, 396; The True Amphytrion, 902.

Low Morals in High Places, 325. Macaulay-Fallacies of Declamation, 1116. Mexico, the Fate ef, 901 ; What can be Done for ? 926.

Military Flogging, 758.

Ministerial Seats in Parliament, 206. 3lontemolin, Count of-How to be "Dis- tinguished," 1165.

Mouthpiece (a) for the Hungry, 37. National Education Controversy, 853. National Gallery-The Trafalgar Deter- gent Elixir, l238.

Naval Patronage, 444.

Naval Retirement: the Brevet, 1092. New South Wales -Spite's Folly, at Syd- ney. 1237.

New Zealand-The Next Subject and the Next Government, 539; Recent Corre- spondence between her Majesty's Go- vernment and the Directors of the New Zealand Company, Supplement June 6.

Novel Exhibition, 207.

O'Connell ( Mr.) and the Times Commis- sioner, 12.

Official Costume, 1045.

One Touch of Nature makes the Whole World Kin," 62.

Oregon Territory, Discoveries in the, 208. Palmerston in Paris, 372.

Panama Canal, the. 901.

Parliament - Getting through Business, 181.

Parliamentary Resignations, the, 132. Party, the Slavery of, 541.

Pasiey, General, the Use of, 1069, 1089. Peace in Danger, 230.

Peace-Pudding, 85 ; More Intelligence wanted about the, 156; More Messages about Maize, 492.

Peel Lyrics, 639.

Peel's Faults and Merits, 132 ; Peel out of Office, 565; Peel and Canning, 589; Par- liamentary Scandal, 613; Results of the Late Administration, 636.

Penal Law, Reform of the, 614.

Poland, the Vocation and the Hour for, 1188. '

Police-Court Justice, 854.

Police Portraiture, 927.

Polish Insurrections, 252; Poland : Na- tionality, 277 ; The Press in Poland, 303 ; Polish Insurrection andEuropean Revo- lution, 349.

Political Associations, 109.

Political Noviciates, '80.

Political Parties, Fusion of, 205; The Party of Sense, and the Party of Nonsense, 276; Rumours and Speculations, 467; The Next General Election, 490.

Poor-law Reform : How England has hitherto dealt by her Poor, 878; Clash- ing of the Rude and Artificitte 902 ; Con- founding of Poverty with Pauperism, 950; Nature of a Real Poor-law, 974; Refractory Paupers, t is ; A Guardian's Suggestions, 1141 . • The recent" Deaths by Starvation," 1.65.

Poor-laws, Practicable, 373; in England, Scotland, and Ireland, 687.

Post-office Marvels, 37.

Post-office Reform : the National Testi- monial, 590.

Post-office Reform In Prussia, 638. Potato, the Post on the, 828.

Principles of Partisan Strategy, 156. Private Bill Legislatiou, 232 ; Business In Parliament, 637.

Princege, 397.

Prostitution-The Modern Sphinx, 615. Protection, the Poetry of, 4fi8.

Prussia, Banking In, 949, 973.

" Putting Move" Vice, Art, lite., 927. Quarterlies, the Poor Old, 1020 Race f,,r Good Opposition Seats, 1211. Railway Parcels, 757.

Railways-The ,Resister Disease of Par- liament. 156; Railway Gauges, 183; Regulation of, 252; Responsibility of Employers In Works of Danger, 253; Fewer Railway Acts, 302; Railways : the Wind-up, 347; The Wind-up of Rail- way Schemes, 372 ; Uniformity of Gauge, Supplements to May 2 and 9; the Rail- way Gauges, 445 ; Hint to Railway Speculators, 517; Uniformity of Gauge, 566 ; Accident on the Eastern Counties Railway, 708 ; The Proposed Railway Board, 806; Regulation of, 877; Rail- ways and Taxation, 1022 ; Quadruple Railways, 1141.

Rationale of Public Rewards, 444. Records-Necessity for a Public Record Office, 1092; The beat Site for a Publie Record Office, 1115; Requisites of a Building for, 1140.

Religious Opinions Relief Bill-Lonkingfor Support In the Wrong Place, 492. Russell, Lord John-Windsor not Eton Grammar, 110.

Russell Government, Things which the, might Do presently, for the Public Good and its Own, 636.

Russian Propaganda in Poland, 853. Salt Monopoly In British India, 829. Sanatory Enterprise, the : Land in Sight, 1189.

Scandal in High Life, 1021. Schleswig-Holstein Succeselon, the, 782 ; What will the Contest do for the Peo- ple ? 926.

Scholastic Reform, 398, Scotch Entails, 278.

Scotch Poor-law, the, 854.

Scotland, Popular /Esthetics in, 1166. Shakspere in France, 974.

"Short Deeds" Onestior, the, 373 Short Deeds, 1/1.

Slavery srd ?Irne, 712.

Smith 0 Brieu Correspondence, tae, Smith, Vernon-The Ostracized States- man, 688.

Social (the) and the Political, 1b36. Social Cant, Supplement Dec. 5.

Social Progression. A Vision of thee, attire, 9%.

Spain-Queen Isabella's Marriage, 877; War with Spain and France, 925; The Forbidden Bans, 949 ; The Fourth Alter- native, 998; Palmerston and Guizot on the Spanish Marriage Question, 1020; True Diplomacy, 1043; Angers brewing between France and England, 1067; Pal- merston Hostilities with France, 1091 ; One of Lord Palmerston's Blunders, 1114 t A Question for the French Government to answer, 1114 ; Royal Immunity, 1140; English Journalism on the French Ques- tion, 1164 ; Ministers and their Journals. 1188.

St. Bennet Finks, 62.

Stanley, Lord-The Protectionist Leader in the Lords, 232; and the Colonies, 516; Political Antiquarians, 757. Statesmanship, 1164.

Sugar-Duties, the, 491.

Sugar-The Sugar-trade and the West In- dies, 659; The Main Points of the Sugar Settlement, 686 ; The Dark Spot on the Sugar Settlement, 781.

Sunday Trains in Scotland, 1045. Taxation Made Easy, 1138.

Tea, the Duties on, Supplement Dec. 5. Temple Bar, 254.

Tobacco-duties : the Next Slice from the old high Tariff, 732.

Town-burial, Indecencies of, 926. Training to Murder, 1044.

United States-The Oregon : American "Pleas In Law," 12; Settlement of the Oregon Controversy by Arbitration, 35; An American Voice for Arbitration, 61; English Opinion of America, 134 ; Arbi- tration of theOregon Question, 158 ; The Oregon Boundary Question, 325. Wellington (the Duke of) and the Lords, 540.

Wellington Despatches, the Lesser, 303. Wellington Statue, the, 517, 949 ; Unpre- cedented success of, 1069 ; Notice to Quit, 1093.

West Indian Free-traders, 278.

Whigs, the-Whig awaking of Epimenides, 36; Whig Tremors on Retunato Office, 689 ; How to keep Peel out and Russell in, 613; The Ministry, 1114.

WIlderspin, the Old Age of, 397; His Pen- sion and Testimonial, 734.

UNCLASSIFIED PAPERS. Ministerial changes, 7, 57, 107, 128, 155 ; Mr. Macaulay's Manifesto, 8 ; Corre- spondence between Mr. Hogg and Sir R. Peel, 8; The Herald's Indian express, 9 ; What was Lord John Reading ? 10; A Whlgllng's Account of the Over- throw of the Corn-laws, 37 ; Note- The League and the Spectator, 83 ; Fuss about Lord Stanley, 179 ; The Niger, 179 ; Peel's original intention respecting Sugar, 275 ; On the Return of Spring, by Swynfen Jervis, 345 ; Mr. Leahy's remedy for Irish Oils, 345 ; On Dits, 315 ; Winding-up or Railways, 368 ; Annual balance-sheet, 370 ; Wilderspin subscription, 395 ; /Cradle Civilization, 422 ; TJ a Butterfly, by Swynfen Jervis 443; A Corn-law Ballad, 612; Char' 311nIstry, 612, 626, 630, 635, 61'"

Treaty, 701; The Slaver Mathew Annuity. "" Tagore, 752; Mr schools, 755 ; Qt Portable Loden: C. Wetherell- Colonial appoint bell and Miss et pun and the Cur 898, 922, 1017 •

froih Elbing. I

elite, 873 ; C ron de Bode, 970; Mr. II

brother, 971, 1011, 1041, Stewart on Conveyancing, letters by Lords of the Tre Death of Mr. Rowboth Dutchy of Lancaster, 101' Colonel Thompson and the Public Records--Corresie Niger Expedition,--111/ ; ties In Switzerland, 1112 , _ bone, 1112, 1162. 1.8.5 ; France England, Supplement Dec. 5 Italian Opera-house, Supplement

5 ; Rowlantl Hill's appointment, Transportation, 1206 ; Plan to p incrustations in boilers, 1231.


Alexander's Switzerland and Churches, 1023.

Allson's History of Europe, 12.l- America, Mr. Francis Wyse's, Amos% Trial of Somerset, 1071 Andersen's Poet's Bazaar, 978 Angas's Australia and New Annuals, 1026, 1073. Anrentine Republic, King's 11. Yearsin, 617. -"tell .

Australia, Discoveries in, 422. • Austria, Koubrakiewlez's Revelations of, 689.

Bedford Correspo4nce, 1118, Bella Life of Centring, 3.50.

Biblical Legends of the Al ussalrnans, 1047. Blanchard, Life and 3liscellanies of Leman, 114.

Pornec, aae..71roe2s5., 1:4".

hrsz:l. t.a.tIner s Tre•als t Prtnen (A knital), :den** o,, 1.44. Brodie's Surgical Lectures, 353. BuchanItes, Train% history of, 1097. B urrinrs (9e.) C3 Cerebral Circulation, 521. Bud (Dr.) on Protection to Home Indus-

try, 2•i2.

eidifoi Lite In, 400.

Camp and Barrack-room, 929.

Campbell's (Lord) Lives of the Chancel- lors, 63, 1167.

Carps:,, in '45, 1025.

Carus's (Dr. ) Journey through Britain, 281. Cbaracteristles of Men of Genius, 1193. Cholera, Kennedy on the Epidemic, 929. Classical Studies, Amos on, 137.

Clay, Cotton's Life and TimeseL116,.. Cooper's Ravensneat, 711.

Costello' (Miss) Tour to and from Veal's, 736. ' • Meteorology, 377.

Davidson's Trade and Travel it the far East, 185.

Davls's (Thomas) Poems, 521.

Debutante, the, 570.

Dickens's Pictures from Italy, 497; Derr bey and Son, 954, 1172; 'fie: Battle Life, 1240.

Durham( Admiral), Murray's Memoir of, 40.

Dyee'a Beaumont and Fletcher, 1119.

Earl's Enterprise In Tropical Australia,I36.

Eastern Europe, 543.

Ellis's (Sir Henry) Original Letters Illus- trative of English Ilistery, 616, 952.

Fall of the Nan Soung, 16.

Father Darcy, 786.

Faucher's England, 14 ; Note, 115.

Fawn of Sertoritts, 88e.

Fergusaon's Professional Notes and Recol- lections, 471.

Feuerbach's Remarkable Criinhisi Trials 133.

Forsyth's Posthumous Sermons, &a., 423.

Fremont's Exploring Expedition to tie Rocky Mountains, Oregon, and Cattier.

nia, 38.

French Historical Memoirs, 976.

French Possessions ht Africa, Visit to the, 664.

Fuller's (Margaret) Papers MI Literature

and Art, 930.

Gatty'a Sermons, 663.

Geddes's (Dr.) Clinical Illustrations of the Diseases of India, 641.

Giles's (Dr) ) Life aid Letters of Thomas Beckett, 520. Gore's (Mrs.) Peers and 'Parvenus, 234.

Grote's History of Wee" 327.

Gully's (Dr.) Water Cure in Chronic Di'-

ease, 832.

Hatton, Nicolas's Life of, 1214.

Haydon's Lectures on l'ainthtg and Des:


Head's Emigrant, 1046.

Highland Minstrelsy, 424.

Hinds's History of Christianity, 1024.

Historical Pictures of the Middle Ages, 640 Hochelaga, or England in the New World.


Holland's (Mrs.) Daniel Dennison, 1096.

Hood's Serious Poems. 89.

Howitt's (Mary) Ballads and atte- neous Poems, 1210.

Humboldt's Cosmos, 903.

Home, Burton's Lifc of, 2.55.

Hunt's '‘ s History of Civilization, 39. 's Miscellaneous Works, 785. Ir.) United Irishmen, 735. hurch In thesCatacombs, 905. el, 66.

elvi Ile's Residence in the, 209. rateer's- Man, 665.

*Ion, 1143.

ssilss) Forest and Game Law 'ales, 161. • sie's Summer Ramble in Belgium, &c. 6.

,nriey's Memoirs on the Red Italians Indian Affairs, 858.

irs of a Church of England MIssiou- n the North American Colonies, 569. ,n's Wanderings in South Africa,

General Waddy Thompson's Re- ens of, 592 Consul Gilllam's -• in, 639.

People, 3.51.

em of Logic. 587.

-ff:res of Country Life, 1001. % Travels, 305.

's (Mrs.) Wanderings in India .e, 472. )Captivity of Napoleon, I t l. i's.tes and Remarks Abroad, 691. Ay, Mr. Dudley's, 928.

24apier's Florentine History, 1047. ' Nelson's Dispatches and Letters, 14, 804, 882.

Nichol (Dr.) on the System of the World, 882.

EForton's (Mrs.) Aunt Carry's Ballads, 1240.

N•ovpir l,fcht •Dae-•-Perrpt RR, pares • Idieges, 3140 SanieFs ;Ad; :Wm Snl Xoreiff • Novitiate, Andrew sitsinmetz's, 28u. Hozrani In Egypt andS5yria, 1170. 4wegon Question Exatelvd:De.:Tsriss'si

' 163. • • • • • r Ormerod's Clinical Collectittits, 422! • •

' Ontram's (Colonel) Reply to die Wrottiers Napier, 545, 761. t

Over-Population and its Remedy, Thorn-

.; ton's, 233.

' Pasilogia, 931.

Peak's (Mr. W.) Court Intrigues, 210.

• Pedestrian Reminiscences at Home and • Abroad, 376.

Perez (Antonio) and Philip the Second, 160. Pericles, 399.

Pitt and Fox, the Age of, 40.

• IPeatt's Summary of Savings Banks, 162. Prior's Country House, 1048.

• ?rotes ant Refugees, Burn's History of the I °reign, 112. ' PanjauJ and the Sikhs, History of the, 494. Readea Prose from the South, 905. Velasco, 136.

kRegistrar-General's Reports, 1072.

!..terne, Pagan and Papal, 955.

Romer's (Mrs.) Tour in Egypt, Nubia, and Palestine, 882.

Rowcroft's Bushranger of Van Diemen's Land, 329.

Semis under Nicholas, Ivan Golovine's, 208.

1 -11taesian Geology, 65.

1 Sales Brigade In Affghanislan, 690. Schlegel's Collected Works, 977.

I Schroeder's Shores of the Mediterranean, / 810.

Scotland, its Faith and its Features, 328. Stantula, Mr. B. Phillips on, 495. Mehemet Ali's Sikhs and Affghans, 1193. *tieldon's Minstrelsy of the English Border, 1145.

*alley Smith's Sermons, 976.

South Australia and its Mines, Dutton's, 618.

Southey's Life of Wesley, 999.

Spalding Club Selections from the Ecclesi- astical Records of Aberdeen, 542. Spence's ( Mr.) Equitable Jurisdiction of the Court of Chancery, 710.

St. John's Wild Sports of the Highlands, 809.

Stephens's (Mr. G.) Dramas for the Stage, 377.

Stephens's Ecclesiastical and Eleemosy- nary Statutes, 304.

Stray Leaves, 1074.

Streets of London, 977.

Strickland's (Miss) Life of hlary of-Modena, 808.

Sturrock's Principles and Practice of Life Assurance, 1241.

Leonard, 593.

Thomson (Dr. R. D.) on Food of Animals and Man, 953.

Thomson's (Mrs.) Memoirs of the Jacob- ites, 398.

Illitamson's (Dr.) Translation of Salverte's Philosophy of Magic and Miracles, 662. Olsten, the New, 257.

vitmarsh'KJourney from CornhM to Grand ''etre, 88.

B urslenis Peep into, 664.

'" ) Lives of Twelve Erni- 'scan Lectures, 16. my, Handbook of, 1074. Angling, Hints on, 642. Angio-Smoolca, 138. Anglo- Saxon Tongue, 425. Anthon's Homer, 811. Antipodes, Visit to the, 692. Ars chosolog,ical Institute, 884. Aristocracy of England, 258. Assaying, Mitchell's, 642. Auctions, 284.

Babington's Hulsean Dissertation, 283. Barriere's illbllotheque des Memoires, 90, 425. Barrow's Arctic Voyages, 114. Beatles Popular Fallacies, 691. Black's Brewing, G6; Tourist of Scotland, 844. Blackgown Papers, 474 Boat (the) and Caravan, 1217. Rogue's European Li- brary, 18, 139, 451, 546, 1098, 1171. Bohn's Standard Library, 139, 451, 546, 642, 1171. Brandreth's Homer, 498. British Museum, On the Supply of Printed Books from the Library to the Reading- room of the, 594; Sir H. Nicolas% Ani- madversions, 643. Bureaud-Riofrey's Londres, 738. Burns' Fireside Library, 211, 593. Burr's (Mrs.) Sketches, 474. Butt's Protection to Home Industry, 211. Cabinet Lawyer, 980. Cairn, the, 8'.5. Capital Punishment, 378. Captive Mai- den, 878. rearr's Manual of Classical Mythology, 450. Cary's 1.Ives of Poets, 90. Catholic History of England, 1194. Charles the First, 1121. Charlotte Cor- day, 763. Child's Vision, 642. Chol- 'erten, 787. Christian in Palestine, 498. Christmas Books, 1146, 1171, 1194; Gins, 1218; Rhymes, 1171. Combe's Moral Philosophy, 378. Continental Scenery, 1121. Conveyancing, 474. Cook, Fran- catelll's 258. Cooper's Baron's Yule Yeast, 1,7. , Cornish Provincial Dialect, 18,.• •Corrf.g.gic'N: Fesr,bes, 74.; County XPldaddrs 154. °Owe's', Foims, 18, 67. Cootuis,,i/a11-of, 235. 'Bros:twang Letters and Speeches, 593. Customs Laws, 186. Dale's Domestic Liturgy, 354. Deacon's Ln.wing of Real-Objects, 212. Debater, vie 619 Dodd'sPeerage, 354. Druidical Tems,ls. of Wilts, 884. DutTy's Library, 402. Dumas's Count of Monte-Cristo, 523.

Early Days of English :Princes, the, 1942; Magnetism, 811. Ecclesiastes, 788. Education, 691. Edward the Black Prince, 498. Egypt, Sharpe's, 523. Em- bassy, the, 258. England, Rome, and Oxford, 691. England's Colonial Empire, 932. English Etymologies, 1195; Matron, 12:2. 'Evelyn Stuart, 881.

Family Affairs, 7ri3. Fauna Antique Blvalensts, 212. Field-Sports of France, 619. Finance and Colonies, 90. Flax, 401. Flora Calpensis, 329. French Do- mestic Cookery, 523 ; Oral Exercises, 884. Frost's Astronomy, 787.

Game-laws, 979. Gauge Evidence, 523. German University Education, 787. Glsssford's Italian Translations, 306. Gore's (Mrs.) Sketches, 425. dorgon, the Ship, 1217. Graham's EnglishSyno- wales, 186. Grammars, 1003. Grimaldi, 354. Guide for the Writlug-desk, 258. Halrby's Rambles in Normandy, 306. Holy on Education, 787. Hay's Sym- metrical Beauty, 1049. Herdsmen and Tillers, 1171. Herodothis, 42. Hinds's Three Temples. 1002. Historical Centu- ries, 1121. Homeopathist, Confessions of an, 18. Honey Stew, 401. Horn Apostolicai. 570. Horse, the, 114. Horse's Foot, 138. Hugh Talbot, 1194. India, the War in, 425. Indigestion, 980. Irish Diamonds, 1195. Isaiah, Fifty- third Chapter of, 1075, Jewish Faith. 112L John of England, 1121. Jones's Gray's Elegy, 330.

Keightley's Notes on Virgil, 283; India, 1049. Kerr's Newleafe Discourses, 1002. Knight's History of England, 138. Knox's Faust, 1146.

Lays and Legends of Germany, 570. Lear's Excursions in Italy, 546. Lee on Me- dical Organization, 474. Legend of La- timer, 691. Leonora, Julia Cameron's Translation of, 1242. Letters m a Bride, 787 ; my Unknown Friends, 979. Lasses, 18. Liberte du Commerce, 307. Ltebig's Chemistry, &c. in relation to Physio- logy, 979. Lionel Deerhurst, 979. Li- ving (the) and the Dead, 235. Llewelyn's Heir, 523. London Catalogue of Books, 692. Long'a Lives from Plutarch, 115. Loudon's Tales, 1049. Love, War, and Adventure, 354.

Mackay's Lakes, 593; Voices from the Crowd, 665. Macbeth, 473. Macnevin's Confiscation of Ulster, 571. Macone- chic's Mark System, 783. Mantell's Ani- malcules, 329. Maps, 236, 307, 788. Margaret Russell, 546. Martin's China, 1171. M'Caul's Lectures, 425. 31.'Nelle's Church and the Churches, 283. Medical Directory, 115. Mesmerism in India, 665; note, 739. Military Miscellany, 90. Milner on the Elevation of the People, 498. Modern Hagiology, 114. Moore's Use of the Body iu relation to the Mind, 763. Morals, Theory of, aon ; of Manners, 884. Morgan's Letters, 665. Mosaic Creation, 1242. Mosses from an Old Manse, 738. Munk's Palestine, 138. Musings of a Musician, 763.

srional Music of Ireland, 932. Navy, ' sad Future of, 619. New Navy Newspaper Press Directory, '14, 498, 619, 642.

• rdinance, 378. OCon- ;peeches, 401.. 1194. Henry the Eighth, ex, 42. Oriental Al-

eture, 1075. Pam-, Parker's Discourse, schisms, 979. Par- 215 Theatres, 1195. of Potts, 8cc. 354. 883. Periodicals, 16, 666, 763, 1075. Petits Chefs-d'oeuvre Historiques, 425. Pilleau's Sketches in Egypt, 90. Poems, 18, 90, 115, 284, 450, 523, 570, 619, 642, 665,991, 738, 835, 1003,1049,1098, 1146. -Potato, 1217. Potts's Euclid, 115. Pre- Adamite Earth, 1027. Priestess, the, 498. Prints, 67,90, 187,546, 1098. Pro- gress of the Nation, 1217. Progression by Antagonism, 763. Puritan's Grave, 787.

Questions on Generalities, 1098.

Railway Conveyauces,401. Railway Share- holders Manual, fi6. Ransom, the, 523. Religious Houses on the Witham, 523. Retrospect, the, 1146. Ritchie's Rail- ways, 42.5. Robert the Fox, 187. Rome, Christmas Holydays in, 1217. Royal Gems, 498, 738. Rural Pickings, 1171. Scenes in the Life of a Soldier of Fortune. 354. Scientific Phenomena, 1121. Scott's Sketches from Scripture History, 283. Searle's Why and Wherefore, 811. Secession from the Church of Scotland, 523. Sermons, 450. Sewell's Speaker, 1171. Shakspere's Dramatic Art, 306. Ship of Glass, 884. Shooting, Recrea- tions in, 90. Silver Swan, Madame Cita- telaIn's, 1243. Simla, Views of, 884. SO- dal Influences, 570. Southey's Doctor, 1217. Soyer's Gastronomic Regenera- tor, 665. Spanish Ladye's Love, 90. Spelling by Dictation, D'Orsey's, 1242- Squire's Daughter, the, 474. St. John's Enchanted Rock, 18. Stars and the Earth, 1027. Stowell and Eldon, Sur- tees's Sketch of, 763. Suggestions to the Theological Student, 523. Sumner's Oration, 211. Sureune's French Dic- tionary, 06. Swanwick's Selectionsfrom Goethe, 1003. Sybil Spell, 884.

Tales of the Century, 1194. Tate's Mechanics, and Arithmetic, 835. Tay- lor's Modern British Plutarch, 329. Technological Dictionary, 1003. Teeth, Robinson on, 642. Theodore, 1098. Thornberry Abbey, 473. Time Tables, 884. Tobacco, 378. Toulmin's (Miss) Poems, 474.

Vandenhoff's Elocution, 884. Village Tales from the Black Forest, 523.

Walpole's Letters, 763. Washington and Adams, Administrations of, 835. Weav- ing, 498. Wellington Despatches, 41. Wigwam and the Cabin, 186.

Zoology, Introduction to, 1098.

Note on Publications sot Published, 139. Mr. W. Poake's "Court Intrigues," 236, 379.

"The Philosophy of Wealth," 236.


Adelpht-Leoline, 131 ; Judgment of Pa- ris, 804; Eugenia Claireille, 900; Jockey Club, 994; Giselle-Mrs. Gimp's Tea and Turn-out, 1066.

Amateur Theatricals, 34, 84, Ill. Christmas Pieces, 1134.

Drury Lane-Island Nymph, 180; Open- ing-ballet, 971 ; Mademoiselle Fooco, 1113.

Easter Pieces, 370.

French Plays--Madame Albert, 34 ; La- ferrlere, 84 ; Hermance, 131 ; Felix, 229 ; Ma lemoiselle Rose Cheri, 443; Ma- demoiselle Rachel, 186, 706, 734, 754, 780; Opening-Mademoiselle Brohan, 1113 1137; PerIet, 1163; Bourgeois Gentilhomme, 1187 ; La Famine Poisson, 1209; Bertrand et Raton, 1234. Haymarket-Mini Cushman's Romeo, II ; 1011, la.; The Old School, 131 ; A Beg- gar on Horseback, 303 ; Birds of A.risto- phanes, 370; Mr. Peter Piper, 490; opening, 948 ; Queen Mary's Bower, 994; Spring Gardens, 994; Look before

you Leap, 1042; Story-Telling, ; Round of Wrong, 1234.

Lyceum-Robin Hood. 443; The End of June, 754 ; Magic Horn, 827 ; To Pa- rents and Guardians, 900; Which Mr. Smith ? 972 ; Mrs. Harris, 1019; Battle of Life, 1234.

Olympic -Opening, 1019; The Relapse, 1042; Life, 1113.

Liston, 324.

Princess's-The King of the Commons, 490 ; Barber Bravo, 780; A Curious Case, 804 ; Love's Telegraph, 875 ; Clarissa Harlowe, 948.

Public Amusements, 419.

Queen's Theatre, 686.

Sadler's Wells, 736 ; Miss Laura Addison, 851, 900; Measure for Measure, 1066. " Star " velem 180.

Summer Amusements, 615.

Theatricals, 279, 324, 707.

Whitsun Amusements, 538.


Ancient Concerts, 258.

Beethoven Quartet Society, 258, 619. Birmingham Musical Festival, 811, 835, 860.

Cramer's Morning Performance, 594. Dragonetti, 371, 402.

Drury Lane-Adventure of Don Quixote,

131 ; Crusaders, 229 ; Belgian Company -31ayerbeer's Huguenots, 692 ; Guil- laume Tell-La Juive, 735 ; close, 804; Madame Bishop, 972 ; Loretta, 1089 ; The Bondman, 1187.

Dulcken's (Madame) Soirees Musicales, 91, 187.

Ethiopian Serenaders, 91.

Handel Society, Publications of the, 714. Hereford Musical Festival, 811, 907. Mullah's Singing Classes-choral meeting, 129 Hutchinson Family, Vocal Performance of the, 162.

Italian Opera-Preparations flu- opening- Coats's retirement, Ill ; Opening-the interior decorations-Nino, 224 ; ballet,

228, 564,686, 707.;Linda di Chamounl, 324; I Paritani, 371 ; I Lombardi ella Prima Crociats, 467 ; L'Ajo nell' Lmba- razz°, 734 ; close, 803.

Italian Opera Pit-The pursuit 6CH/insure . under Difficulties, 396. Italian Operas, the Rival, 9117.

Madrigal Society, the, 67.

Musical Entertainments, 1163.

Musical Union, the, 330, 492,451, 499,547, 595, 643.

New Musical Publications, 259, 546 884, 1003, 1027, 1121, 12.8, 1242. Philharmonic Concerts, 279, 330, 402,.454, 498, 546, 594, 643.

Pleyel, Madame, 547..

Princess's-Night Dancers, 1043.

Quadrille Music and M. Jutlien, 42. Quartet Concerts at Crosby Hall, 139. Sacred Harmonic Society, 523, 1066.


Angas's Pictures of New Zealand and Australia, 346.

Art-Union Prize Cartoons, 43 ; Hicks's Outflow, 284 ; Non-delivery of Prints, 1219.

Bell's School of Art, 1122.

British Institution,.162, 187 ; Portraits at, 595.

Clarke's Lectures on the Cones Writers of England, 254.

Colosseum, the, 731. Haydon's Pictures, 346 ; The late B. It. Haydon, 643.

National Gallery, the, 1049 ; The Titans in the, by an Amateur, 1076 ; Titian and Nicholas Poussin, by a Foreign Allia.• tear 1091 ; Threatened Destruction of, 1146% Danger of the National Pictures, 1172 ; Letter from William Coningham, 1190-

Panorama of Constantinople. 299. Parliament, Decorations of the new Houses of, 956.

Park's (Mr.) Statue of " Modesty 17n- veilod," 812.

Photographic Miniatures, 763 ; Portraiture, 812.

Prints in Preparation, 91.

Royal Academy Exhibition, 451, 474 Portraiture, 714.

Royal Scottish Academy of Painting, 1219. Sale's Defence of Jelialabad, 346.

School of Practical Design, 91.

Scotland, Encouragement of Art In, 1850. Society of Arts, 1219.

Society of British Artists, 346, 371. Thibert's Coloured Models, 346.

Toschi's Engravings from the Frescoes of Correggio at Parma, 547.

Turner's Heidelberg, Engraving of, 666. Wallis's " Letter to the Council," 91; his resignatIon.of Isis Mastership, 281. Water-Colour Exhibition, 425.

Wellington Statue-The Trench-Wyatt- Wellington Statue, 1027.

Wells's Picturesque Antiquities of Spain, Iv Wilkie, Recent Engravings atter, 1075.


Agriculture of the Season, by W. F., 230, 251.

Bolton Ecclesiastical Inquiry, by W. H. Brandreth, 1019.

British Museum, Library of the, by Cleric U.S, 635.

Buckingham Palace-The Royal Resi- dence, the Public ltecords, and the Gal- lery of the Fine Arts, by B. W. Green- field, 851.

Butcher-meat, Scarcity of, by Ignoramus, 230.

Criminal Code, the, by a Barrister, 56e, 658, 688, 707, 756. 807, 830, 855, 879. Criminal Law, and Insecurity of Personal. Liberties, by J. Toulmin Smith, 627. Currency, the, Abolition of the Corn-laws, and Free Trade, by John Lewis Phipps, 131 ; by a Scottish Heir of Entail, 155; by T. L., 165.

Domestic Baths, by Experto Credo, 948. Emigrants, Aids to, by J. C., 420.

Facts showing the Free-trade principles of Whigs and Conservatives, by A. B., 759.

Farmer's Prospects, the, by W. F., 301. Great Britain Steamer- Coin tarative safe- ty of steamers and liners, by-, 1055. Ireland, the Master-Evil of, by Anglo-Hi- benticus, 1166. '

Irish Estates, Enfranchisement of, by M. N., 1070.

Irish Land Question, by B. F., 1189. Irish Lands, the, by M. N•, 1,.34.

Irish Poor-law Question, by G. Ponlett Scrape, 1209.

Italian Opera, 419.

Newspaper Thieves, by lIonestus, 83. Parson's (a) Report of his Parish, by W. J. B., 60.

Poor-law Reform, by Marcos hlidrington, 1019; The Poor-law System our Al- ternatives, by a Guardian, 1070; Settles_ silent, 1094; What would the Repeal thy the law of Settlement do ? 1 ins Now, far may we safely go ? 1137.

Poor Removal AM, by T. L., 1163. Railway Operations ; their effect on the money-market, on trade, and the em- ployment of labour; by James li,ytoun, 994.

" Short Deeds," by a Conveyancer, 420, 470 ; by a Scotch Conveyancer, Supple- ment to May 30.

Taxation Made Easy, by S. T , 1238. Teachers, Proper Training for, by F. W. S., 1091.

Tea-trade, the, by NV. J. Bland; 1187; by Economist, 1210 ; The Duties on Tea, by a Merehast and Economist, 1209;` The Tea Question, by W. J. piano; 1235 •