3 FEBRUARY 1838, Page 9



The Consol Market improved in the early part of the week, and some large Purchases forced the prim up to 92i. The rise in price, however, brought • large quantity of stock to market ; and the closing price on Wednesday was 91; 92. The intelligence received yesterday from Canada caused a decline to 91# ; but the price rallied again, and closed at 91# 3. This morning, the price has 'me more fallen to 91*, and rallied to 911. The premium upon Exchequer Bills has fallen about St.; it was on Wednesday 62, yesterday 56. and is to-day 56 58. India Bonds have not fallen in a like degree; there being very few Of these seem ities at minket, and the mice% nearly nominal. Those which are to be paid eff are toadied to-day at lbs. peril.; the others are 56 to 58, the same price as Exchequer Bills, though for some time the premium has been from 5s. to 6s. below that of the Covet nment Securities.

In the Ftiveign Maiket. the Dwelt and other European Continental Stocks maintained their ground during the decline of Consols. The Dutch Two-and-a• Half per Cents, were never lower than 523, nor the Five per Cents. than 1013; and both desciiptions have to-clay reached their previous quotations. Belgian Bonds were done at 101#, and at to-day again at 102*. Russian Bonds maintain their quotations. Brazilian Stock has been in demand, and has improved about 2 per cent. Intelligence was received on Wednesday from Rio Janeiro, per Tyriun, which sail' d f thence on the 27th November, and from Pervambuco tin the 21st December. The recent revolution at Bahia had caused a great sensation at Rio Janeiro ; but little doubt WAS entertained that it would be speedily sup- pressed. The Local Stock, which had fallen 3# per cent. on i the first receipt of the news, hail recovered its formei price, and at the sailing of the packet was quoted at 88 and 883. Exchange 27#. The other South American Bonds are without material alteration. Portuguese Bonds are still heavy, without any transactions of importance having occurred. Spanish Stock is also heavy, and has continued at 19 and 19i during the whole week.

The Railway Shares are still in general demand, at prices &freeing little from those of last week. The business transacted has been principally confined to the lower-priced varieties ; but the fluctuations have not exceeded 15s. per Share. The Lancashire capitalists still continue to purchase largely ; and a considerable number of Brighton Shines have recently been transferred into the names of individuals residing at Liverpool and Manchester. SATURDAY, TWELVE O'CIA/CS•

Consols have been at 92 arid 913, and are now 913 ;. Very little has, how- ever, been doing : buth Exchequer Bills and India Bonds temain the same. In the Foreign Market, Brazilian is 1 per cent. lower than yestetday. This decline is merely a reaction of the market consequent upon the recent raise ; for though we have letters from Alaranham and Bahia this morning to the 29th November, they have been anticipated by pre- vious arrivals, our intelligence from those places coming down to the 2.1 Decem- ber. The Railway Shares are nearly as yesterday, with the exception of of Brighton, which are 4 prem. or 9/. per share-about 10a. higher. Black- wall are 43 i ; Commercial ditto 33*; ; Croydon 22 23; New ditto 9 10 pretn. ; London and Birmingham 72 74; New ditto 22 23 prem. ; Green- wich 16 17 per share ; Southampton 39 40 per share; New ditto 15 16 prem. ; Manchester and Birmingham 2 prem.

Ditto for Account Danish 3 per Cent. Reduced Dutch 24 per Cents Bank Stock Ditto 3 per Cent.

99 92121012464g 74 74*

73t 744 524 3i lit 184