The Unionists have lost another Member by an election petition.
Mr. Clayton, M.P. for the Hexham Division of Northumberland, was unseated by Mr. Justice Cave and Mr. Justice Williams on Tuesday, for having given a cheque to Mr. Baty, who had paid the deficiency in the cost of certain political picnics and entertainments provided for Conserva- tives during the year before the election. By this payment to Mr. Baty, Mr. Baty was made Mr. Clayton's agent, and it was clear enough that Mr. Baty had rendered Conservatism popular in the Hexham Division by these cheap treats and railway excursions. Mr. Clayton was declared guilty of corrupt practices by his agent, but not personally guilty of anything of the kind. Mr. Clayton won the seat which is now vacated at the General Election by a very narrow majority, so that both in the Hexham case and in the case of Walsall, decided last week, where Mr. James was unseated for providing hat-cards for the voters at his own expense, the issue of the next election must be very doubtful.