Short Stories about Animals. By Gertrude Sellon. (Griffith, Ferran, and
Co.)—This is a new edition of a book publishe I un ter the title of " A Min's B tot, and other Tales,' an I since reissued with the name given above. It doubtless desery is the gr oat popularity which we are told it h Is enjoyed.—From the same publishers we have also received Leena's Pales for Children, by Mrs. Quincey Lane, stories of the " f " kind for the most p irk and likely to be favourites. —Als ) four little vo nines under the common title of "Tiny Natural History.' These are, Our Dng Prin. by SI try Hooper, with illustrations by Harrison Weir and others ; The Tiny Penagerio, toy Mrs. It Lee, with illus- trations by Harrison Weir. containin; descriptions by pen and pencil of fourteen animals ; the Artful Pussy, by the auth or of " Trottie's Story-Book ; " and The Pet Pony, by the s ome author.