3 DECEMBER 1892, Page 11

Baron and Squire. Translated from the German of W. Nordelen

by Mrs. Pereira. (Nisbet and C s.;—The scene of the stool, is laid in the latter half of the Thirty Years' War, and re :mints the adventures of the two brothers Von Steinach, lieges of the Elector Palatine. The great figures of the war, Tilly, Pappenheim, John of Werth, Gustavus Adolphus, and Bernhard of Saxe- Weim or, are introduced into the narrative with great effect, and with no deviation from historical accuracy. We c en heartily re- commend Baron and Squire as one of those historical fictions sure to give a great insight into the period of which it treats; indeed, it will give young readers a very fair grasp of the significance of the v mous moves in that complicated g ums of international chess. Mrs. Pereira has alone her p art of the work well, and rendered with some success the spirit of the origin sl. Let all boys in- terested in history and in great men read Baron and Squire ; it will teach them m ore than histo ies, — the real lessons and motives of the chief actors in the Thirty Years' War.