The Pre-War Population of Cilicia. By Boghos Nubar. (Pettitt, Cox,
and Bowers.)—Mr. Lloyd George said the other day that the Turkish and non-Turkish statistics for Cilicia were irre- concilable. He cited the Turkish figures-546,000 Moslems, 130,000 Armenians, 36,000 Greeks, 18,000 of other religions. This pamphlet gives the Turkish official estimate of 1892 as 294,762 Moslems, 215,482 Christians, and 54,756 of other religions. As the author points out, the Turkish population does not increase ; disease and the waste of war have kept it stationary. It is inconceivable, therefore, that the Moslems in Cilicia can have almost doubled their numbers in a generation. The Armenian Patriarch counted 407,000 Armenians in Cilicia in 1912. Their numbers have been reduced by massacre to a third in order that the Turks might be able to claim a majority in the province.