One of the finest exhibitions of coolness and determination which
have been given since the German submarine campaign began was that of the captain of the British steamship 'Vosges' lest Saturday. When sixty miles off the Cornish coast Captain Green was hailed by a German submarine but refused to atop. The submarine gradually overhauled the ' Vosges' and opened fire with shrapnel, which was concentrated on the bridge. For two hours Captain Green prevented the submarine from torpedoing the vessel, although the chief engineer was killed. All the officers were more or leas wounded, and the funnel was wrecked. Eventually the submarine abandoned the chase, bat not before she had fired a parting shot which opened the side of the ' Vosges' below the water-line. The ' -Vosges' after- wards sank. The final touch in the captain's narrative is delightful, and shows the excellent pride of the Merchant Navy; "I am thankful that the enemy did not know he bad fatally struck us and did not see ns aink."