rbe lattropoils.
The Marylebone Vestry had a meeting on Saturday. The subject 06. the deficiency in the poor-rates was brought forward by Mr. Daniell— Although the rate made in 1846, amounting to 344001., was found barely, sufficient, the rate for 1847 had been voted for 3,5001. less; and the coasequenca was, that, having spent in the three quarters of the year which had expired 36,5001., they had exceeded the estimate for the year by 5,0251. In fact, they had not money to go on with, and they must borrow. He therefore proposed a resolu- tion authorizing an application to Sir-Clande Scott and -Co: for an advance of s sum between 5,0001. and 8,0001., secured upon the rate of 1847.
The resolution having been agreed to, a letter was at once despatched to the bankers; and before the meeting separated an assent was received.
The wood pavement is rapidly disappearing from the streets of London: that in St. Paul's Churchyard is to be removed forthwith; and it is in con- templation to replace it in several other parts of the City with granite.
The second anniversary dinner of the General Theatrical Fund was held; on Monday, at the London Tavern. The chair was filled by Mr. Maoready supported by Mr. Charles Dickens, &c. Mr. Buckst,one, the treasurer, an- nounced in the coarse of his speech, that in eight years the institution had. invested 4,0001. The donations amounted to 3691., including one of IODL from the Queen.
Some old shareholders of the Oxford' and Birmingham Railway have carried their grievances into the Vice-Chancellor's Court. Their case—Motley versus Alston—was partly heard on Wednesday and Thursday. The object of the suit is to obtain an injunction to restrain the Board of Directors recently constituted in the North-western Railway interest from acting in the affairs of the Oxford line. The further hearing is adjourned to the 13th instant.
The Coroner's Jury that sat at Tilbury on the bodies of the men drowned in the Rose, which was run down by the Royal Victoria steamer, have returned a verdict of " Manslaughter" against Mr. Micklereid, the master of the steam- vessel.
Some alteration having to be made at a pump in front of Covent Garden Thea- tre, Warren, a plumber, descended the well, on Saturday last, by a ladder: he had not got far down before the foul air, or gas which had escaped from the mains, overpowered him, and he fell into the water at the bottom. The Aare of the air prevented any one from aiding: at length, by means of drags, he was pulled out, a corpse.
A serious fire occurred early on Saturday morning at the manufactory of Messrs. Samnda, Blackwell. A large pile of building, containing materials, machinery, and patterns of considerable value, was utterly destroyed.