Tuesday, March 30.
Aire and Calder, Bottle Company, London ' • as far as regards Whiterbottom-W. C. and J. Ealing, tentham, Norfolk-Hadley and Drake, Woolwich, linendrapers-Tilbury and Co. Gloucester Place, New Road, coach-builders-Smith and Chapman, York, soda-water-manufacturers-Blagrove and Bust, Margaret Street, Cavendish Square, music-suppliers-Croker and Stowe, Bridgewater, coal-dealers-Milnes and Arkwrighe Blackburn, grocers-Rubbins and Harrison, Gedney, Lincolnshire, millers-Morgan and Bette, Bliston, Staffordshire, porter-dealers-Scandrett and 'fudge, Worcester, plum- bers-Lonie and Hudson, Liverpool, shipbrokers-Janlon and Rider, Welchpoul, Mont- gomeryshire, boa ding-school-proprietors-Cox and Drake, Leeds, scribblers -tilislazi and Paddy, Southampton Row, Bloomsbury, drapers-Read and Co. Duke Street, St James's, wine-merchauts-Whiteside and Powell, Liverpool, tailors-Irons and Austen, Oxford Street, Ilnendrapers -Cogger' and Jones, Bread Street Hill, hatpressers-Es- combo and Sidebotham, Harp Lane, Tower Street, Customhouse agents-J. and W. Chadwick, Liverpool, lime-burners-Warren and Fowler, Old Street Road, St. Luke's, pawnbrokers-Black and Co. Aberdeen, brewers ; as far as regards W. Copland-Reid and Son, Leith, booksellers. BANKRUPTS.
BONDS, WILLIAM HEATH, Deptford, victualler, to surrender April 18, May 14 : soli- citors, Messrs. Symes and Co. Feuchurch Street ; official assignee, Mr. Groom, Ab- church Lane.
Boasews, Jazzmen, Sutton-in-Ashfleld, farmer, April 16, May 7 : solieltoes, MORK& Stevens and Co. Queen Street, Cheapside ; Mr. Jessop, Alfreeton ; official assignee, AC. Freeman, Sheffield.
CHAPPEL, STEPHEN and JAMES, Hunalet, Leeds, earthenware-manufacturers, April 12, May 6 : solicitors, Messrs. Wiglesworth and Co. Gray's Inn ; Mr. Smith, Leeds ; offi- cial assignee, Mr. Freeman, Leeds.
CHATTERTON, JOSEPH, Manchester. coach-builder, April 13, 30 : solicitors, Mr. Arm- strong, Staple Inn.; Mr. Woodburn, Manchester ; official assignee, Mr. Hobson, Man- chester.
Haler, JOHN, Surrey Street, Strand, merchant, April 12, May 10 : solicitors, Meesrs• Wilde and Co College Hill ; official assignee, Mr. Turquand, Old Jewry Chambers.
HODGSON junior, WILLIAM, Leeds, victualler, April 19, May 6 : solicitors, Messne Jacques and CO. Ely Place; Mr. Greaves, Leeds ; official assignee, Mr. Freeman, Leeds.
Boerne, MUMS, Shrewsbury, draper, April 10, May 8: solicitors, Messrs. Soles and Turner, Ablerarehary ; official assignee, Mr. Follett, Sambrook Court.
jEBB, Tome, Bitschurcli, Shropshire, grocer, Apri18 : solicitors, Messrs. Notteram and Kmowles, Manchester; official assignee, Mr. Valpy, Birmingham. LOVATM, WILLIAM MONEY, Wolverhampton, factor, April 13, May 18 : solicitors, Mr. Robinson, Wolverhampton ; Messrs. Motte.ram and Knowles, Birmingham ; official assignee, Mr. Christie, Birmingham. lllansitALL, EDwARD, Clifton Street, Finsbury, pewterer, April 13, May 14 : sollettor, Mr. Buchanan, Basinghall Street ; official assignee, Mr. Edwards, Old Jewry. SHARP, JAMES, Bingley, Yorkshire, coal-merchant, April IT, May 6: solicitors. Messrs. Sharpe and Co. Bedford Row ; Messrs. Weatherhead and Co. Bingley ; Mr. Bond, Leeds; official assignee, Mr. Hope, Leeds. &mu., Thomas, Liverpool, publican, April IS, May 7: solicitors, Messrs. Chester and Co. Staple Inn ; Avison and Co. Liverpool ; official assignee, Mr. Bird, Liverpool. SOAR, GEORGE ATKINS, Great Marylebone Street, glass-cutter, April 5, May 3 : soli- citors, Bicknell and Co. Connaught Terrace ; official assig., Mr. Graham, Coleman St.
TIPPER, AUGUSTA SOPHIA, and Co. Upper Thames Street, stationers; April 9, May 7-: solicitor, Mr. Spicer, Great Marlow ; official assignee, Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard. SWAIN, Wittiest, Cheltenham, builder, April 14, May 14: solicitors, Messrs. Winter- botham and Co. Cheltenham; official assignee, Mr. Hutton, Bristol. Tasursat junior, Jaws, CM:ureter, timber-merchant, April 14, May 5 : solicitors, Mr. Palmer, Rugeley ; Mr. Smith, Birmingham ; official assignee, Mr. Valpy, Bir- mingham. DIVIDENDS.
April 20; Falsbaw, Farrhigdon, Berkshire, grocer—April 23, Flews, Store Street, Bedlbrd Square, timber-merchant—April 20, Ogle, Clements Lane, bricktnater—April 20, Pettigrew junior, Woolwich, tailor—April 20, Roberts, Blackman Street, Borough, linendra.per—April 20, Vaughan, Freeman's Court, Cheapside, coffee-house-keeper- April 20, Gladstone, Crisp Street, East India Road, Poplar, shipwright—April 20, Jeffrey, Tunbridge Wells, grocer—April 20, Skater, Portsea, grocer—April 21, West, Commercial Wharf, Commercial Road, Lambeth, coal-merchant—April 21, Tipple, Wymondham, Norfolk, bombazeen-manufacturer—April 22, King, Newgate Street, hill-broker--April 21, Chambers, Ipsley, Warwickshire, needle-manufacturer—April 22, Wilkinson, Stockton-on-Tees, wharfinger—April 22, Cowper and Co. Darlington, linendrapers—April 23, Longbottom and Bentley, Rochdale, wool-merchants—April 23, liackayALiverpool, tailor—April 21, Lockwood, Birstal, Yorkshire, worsted-spinner. CERTIFICATES.
To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.
April 20, Bond and Morgan, Oxford Street, shawl-manufacturers—April 21, Gros- smith, Portsmouth, baker—April 21, Parisian, Pelham St. Mary Magdalen, Norfolk. baker—April 21, Hitchcock, Hogaton, Buckinghamshire, victualler—April 20, Luck and Ctoft,, York Road, drapers—Aprli 21, Flews Store Street, Umber-merchant—April 20, White, Sunderland, merchant—April 22, Morris, Gloucester, coach-builder—April 20, Gandell, Rock Ferry, Cheshire, dealer—April 20, Thompson, Liverpool, factor—April 20, Goaded and Brunton, Birkenhead, commission-agents.
To be granted unless cause be shown to the contrary on or before April 20. Griffith, Liverpool, stationer—Samson, Essex Wharf, coal-merchant—Blunden, Ba- singstoke, baker—Pattie, St. Alban's Place, Edgeware Road, stationer—Mullett, West Peckham, paper-manufacturer.
Hodgson and Bradbury, Blshopsgate Street, ironmongers ; first div. of 6s- 8d. March 27, and three subsequent Saturdays ; Mr. Groom, Abchurch Lane—Victoria Colliery; a first and final dlv of Is. 71d. on the separate estate of R. Dunn, Wakefield, March 30, or any subsequent Tuesday; Mr. Hope, Leeda—Badger, Sheffield, tailor; first div. of 4s. 6d. March 30, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Mr. Hope, Leeds.
Comiasers, J., Glasgow, merchants, April 5, 26.
Casio, J., of the Horse Repository, Glasgow, April 2, 23.
FLEMING, D. C. B., and CHALMERS, R., Glasgow, iron-founders, April 2, 30.
MACLAREN, W., Glasgow, perfumer, April 5, 29. Rtnizarsoir, J., Denny, grocer, April 5, 29.
WALLACE, W. and A. IL, Glasgow, merchants, April 5, 23.
Friday, April 2.
G. and T. Arnold, High Street, Shoreditch, silversmiths—Fairciough and Frost, Liverpool—Brearley and Shaw, Mftfield, Yorkshire, plasterers—Lightfoot and Unthank, Nottingham, surgeons—Burnet and Leslie, Alton, Hampshire, surgeons—Caines and Parry, Halkin Street West, booksellers—Corbett and Horton, Wedneabury, Stafford- shire, auctioneers—Mellor and Sykes, Huddersfield, woollen-manufacturers—Banks and Co. Wigan, chemists—R. Shotton and Co. Warner's Yard, Mincing Lane, grocers ; as far as regards R. Shotton—Harris and Sons, Salvador House, corn-faetors—Hasle- burst and Greavea, Sheffield, brewers—Taylor and Lloyd, Wombridge, Shropshire, spade-manufactures—Harwood and Co. Sheffield, merchants—Taller and Carter, Cam- bridge„surgeons—Garnett and Mowbray, Paternoster Row, druggists—Lindop, Son, and C&Cansion Street, toy-merchants-- Dixon and Clarke, Liverpool, 000pers—Rendell and Co. Newton Abbott, milliners; as far as regards C. Paige—Sollory and Long, Kimberley, Nottinghamshire, brewers—Drew and Charlton, Manchester, stock-brokers—Prickett and' Watson, Aylesbury, attorides—W. and H. Pearce, Grantham, jewellers—Ingo and Co. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, ship-brokers—Marrow and Co. Liverpool, corn-mer- chants; as far as regarda W. W. Worthington—Wbllgreave and Strongitharm, Walsall, Staffordshire, lime-masters—Wllkinson and While, Birmingham, glass toy makers— Last and Palmer, Ware, Hertfordshire, attories—Belay and Cock, Plymouth, tobac- coniats—M`Intyre and Co. Glasgow, merchants.
Barrow senior, Jona, and GILL, JAMES, Calvert'a Buildings, Southwark, hop-factors, to surrender Apill 14; May 13 : solicitors, Messrs. Gregson and Newell, Angel Court, Throgmorton Street; official assignee, Mr. Johnson, Rasinghall Street. Btatutm„ ANDREW, Salford, vinegar-manufacturer, April 12, May II : solicitors, Mears. Johnson and Co. Temple ; Mr. Snowball, Liverpool ; official assignee, Mr. Cazenove, Liverpool. COOK, Hauer JAMES, Hedge Row, High Street, Islington, linendraper, April 12, May 17: solicitors, Hardwicke &Co. Weaver's Hall ; official asaig., Mr. Graham, Coleman St. JEBB, Jousr, Bascluirch, Shropshire, grocer, April 8, May 1 : solicitors, Messrs. Mot- teram and Knowles, Birmingham ; official assignee, Mr. Valpy, Birmingham.
JoNEs, HENRY, Grosvenor Row, Pimlico, eoloarman, April 9, May 14: solicitor, Mr. Shaw, Fish Street Hill ; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Basinghail Street. donors, 6E0110E, Bilston, Staffordshire, victualler, April 13, May 4: solicitor, Mr. Baraleet, Birmingham ; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Birmingham. Mecums, ROBERT, Bolton, cotton-spinner, April 20, May 18: solicitors, Messrs. John- son and Co. Temple; Mr. Woodhouse, Bolton; official assignee, Mr. Fraser, Manchester.
PRICE, Joint JONES, Build], Breconshire, tanner, April 16, Stay 13: solicitors, Messrs. Britian, and Sons, Bristol; official assignee, Mr. Hutton, Bristol.
April 23, Hamby, Blackftlars Road, boot maker—April 23, Bond and Morgan, Oxford Street, shawl-manufacturers- April 23, Kirkpatrick, Newport, Isle of Wight, banker— April 16,-Bartlett, Southampton, merchant—April 23, Ufford, Holloway, brewer—April 23',. Gale senior and Gale junior, Love Lane, ropemakers—April 29, Smith, Aberga- vebny, innkeeper—April 23, Rigmaiden, Liverpool, wine-dealer.
To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting. April 23, Parsons, Medway Street, Horseferry Road, baker—April 26, Hallett and Parker, Thornton Street, Dockhead, linendrapers—April 23, Rule, Saffron-Walden, vete- rinary surgeon—April 28, Jungmichel, Austlnfriars, merchant—April 22, Goodwin, Great Guildford Street, cement-merchant—April 26, Neep, Colchester, carpenter—April 23, Payne, High Street, Camberwell, beer-retailer—April 23, Newstead, Norwich, linen- draper—April 23, Payne, Saville Row, Regent Street, tailor—April 27, Vaughan, Bristol, victualler— April 23, Lungridge, Liverpool, stay-manufacturer—April 27, Clemson, Daw- ley, Green Shropshire, victualler—April 27, Lewis, Dawley Green, Shropshire, butcher. To be granted unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before April 23. Grossmith, Romsey Extra, Hampshire, brewer —Lelpold, Birmingham, muslcseller- Timmis, Newcastle-under-Lyne, brewer.
Wyatt, Oxford Terrace, Chelsea, builder; first div. of 2s. 10d. April 3, and two sub- sequent Saturdays ; Mr. Edwards, Old Jewry—Ford, Birmingham, hosier ; first dlv. of Is. 6d. any Thursday ; Mr. Christie, Birmingham—Spencer, Denholme-in.ThorntOn, Yorkshire, worsted-piece-manufacturer ; second illy. of ls. 6d. and 4s. on subsequent proofs, any day after April 7 ; Mr. Young, Leeds—Hodgson, Richmond, Yorkshire, iron- monger; second div. of 3s. 4d. and 13s. 44. on subsequent proofs, any day after April 7 ; Mr. Young, Leeds—Cochrane, Manchester, Merchant ; &et div. of Is. nil. April 6, and every thlluvring Tuesday ; Mr. Hobson, Mancheffter—Openshaw, Prestwich-cum-Old- ham, Lancashire, brewer ; third dlr. of 7d. April 6, and every following Tuesday ; Mr. Hobson, Manchester--Puckering and Makt-ns, Kingston-upon-Hull, woollen-merchants ; first &v. of 9s. April 7, or any subsequent Wednesday ; Mr. K,ynaston, Hall.
CLARICE, J. and W., and Scost, J., Glasgow, merchants, April 9, 28. HRAINGER, R., Glasgow, upholsterer, April 8, 29. WACAVLAY, J., Glasgow, chemist, April 8, 29.
MACLEAN, D., doctor of medicine, Kinlochspelve, Argyteshire, April 7, 28.