IAA of Henry the Fourth, King of France and Navarre. By G. P. R. James, Esq., Author of " The Life and Times of Louis the Fourteenth," &c. In three volumes.
The Unity of God's Moral Law as Revealed in the Old and New Testa- ment. By the Reverend John Macleane, B.A. Trinity College, Cambridge, Principal of Brighton College.
Three Years Wanderings in the Northern Provinces of China; including a Visit to the Tea, Silk, and Cotton Countries; with an Account of the Agriculture and Horticulture of the Chinese, new Plants, &c. By Robert
Fortune, Botanical Collector to the Horticultural Society of London. With Illustrations.
The Ancient World; or Picturesque Sketches of Creation. By D. T. An- sted, M.A., F.RS, Professor of Geology in King's College, London, &a The Dispatches of Field-Marshal the Duke of Wellington, during his va- rious Campaigns in India, Denmark, Portugal, Spain, the Low Countries, and France. Compiled from Official and other Authentic Documents, by Colonel Garwood, C.B., K.C.F.S., Esquire to his Grace as Knight of the Bath, and Deputy-Lieutenant of the Tower of London. Volume the Eighth.
Florentine History, from-the Earliest Authentic Records to the Accession of Ferdinand the Third, Grand Duke of Tuscany. By Henry Edward Napier, Captain in the Royal Navy, F.R.S. In six volumes. Volume V.
Omoo: a Narrative of Adventures in the South Seas; being a Sequel to the " Residence in the Marquesas Islands." By Herman Melville, Author of " Typee."
The History of the Saracens; comprising the Lives of Mohammed and his Successors to the Death of Abdalmelik, the eleventh Caliph. With an Account of their most remarkable battles, sieges, revolts, &c. Collected from authentic sources, especially Arabic EISS. By Simon Ockley, B.D., Professor of Arabic in the University of Cambridge. The fourth edition, revised, improved, and enlarged. (Bohn's Standard Library.) [Ockley's History o f the Saracens is well known from the praises that have been bestowed upon it by various authors; Gibbon himself, both in his great history and the story of his life, having recorded its merits and his own youthful obligations to it. Mehemet and his Saracens soon fixed my attention; and some instinct of criticism directed me to the genuine sources. Simon Ockley, an original in every sense, first opened my eyes." The work, however, has been more known than read; for the book was scarce, and the author's genius, though lively and scholastic, had a quaint simplicity, which was not likely to be relished by the sceptical or artificial ages of the later Georges. Simon Ockley stands a better chance of appretiation towards the end of his century and a half than he did at the end of his century; although he views Mehemet as the "arch impostor," rather than the believer in his own revelation, which it is now the habit to regard him. Mr. Bohn has added notes from modern Orientalists and travellers, a Christian and Mahometan chronology, a synoptical view of the latter period of Saracen history after Ockley's history closes, together with an index and other useful matter.] Memoirs of the Life, Writings, and Character, of Henry Hatcher, Author of " The History of Salisbury," &c. By John Britton, F.S.A., &c. [Henry Hatcher was a Wiltshireman: at fourteen years old he was teacher in a school; before twenty he became amanuensis to Archdeacon Coxe, and assisted him in his numerous publications; in 1817 Hatcher's friends got him appointed Post- master of Salisbury, which office he found unsuited to his habits, and quitted it about 1822-23, to establish a school; in this undertaking he continued till his death in December last, and succeeded sufficiently to satisfy himself. Besides his connexion with Archdeacon Coxe, Hatcher published several books on local an- tiquities; but he is perhaps most generally known for a literary squabble, which took place in 1843 between him and the late Mr. Benson, Recorder of Salisbury, touching the authorship of a history of that city, compiled at the expense of the late Sir Richard Colt Hoare. In this dispute Hatcher, as Mr. Britton thinks, had the best of the case; he certainly had the worst of the argument. This pub- lication, forming an extract from, or addenda, or Envoy to Mr. Britton's own au- tobiography, tells all that was to be told of Henry Hatcher, not forgetting to in- troduce Mr. Britton himself.] Baron Dercsenyis Researches for a Philanthropical Remedy against COM. numism; or a System of Philanthropy applied to National Economy, Na- tional Education, and the Political Life of the People. Translated from the German.
[This is a clever book, judged by a German standard of government and opinion; but of little bearing upon British objects, though the translator seems to think that parts of it might usefully apply to Ireland. The Baron's principle to defeat the advocates of a community of goods is just in theory: he would satisfy men with the present system by giving every one "goods" enough. The leading plans for this purpose are emigration, home colonization on waste lands, and the creation of a peasant" or rather yeoman "proprietary," either with a freehold right, or a fixed tenure at a low rent. This is easily said; but the difficulties are to accomplish it, and to sustain the descendants in the " proprietary " status, when their forefathers have " increased and multiplied and replenished the earth."] The Churchman in Scotland, or the Scottish Crusade.
The New Philosophy. Part I. [These tiny books are counterparts in externals, and seem to emanate from the same author. Their composition is promising at first,—a mixture of the styleit of " the platform" and Disraeli the Younger; which, after all, are generically the same. The promise of The Churchman and The New Philosophy is, however, very disappointing. At starting the reader expects the wisdom of an oracle; he gets nothing but the obscurity. We cannot even satisfactorily make out what church the writer is of. He talks of the old Romish Establishment in Scotland much as an English Tractarian might do. Then he speaks of the Reformed An- glican Church with respect, and an unction not Evangelical: yet the inference is strong that he is a member of the Established Presbyterian Kirk. Perhaps he is a Scotch Newman, and these are "Northern Tracts," I. and II.] The Bell; its Origin, History, and Uses. By A. G. [The reprint of a series of articles from the Sheffield Times; displaying ingenuity, reading, and a lively. variety. The bell is first considered in itsgeneral history; then in the application of the great bell to ecclesiastical use; afterwards in its metallic composition; the statistics of the more renowned bells, and the feelings the sound excites; with a variety of other topics, touching the art of bell-ringing,• the events of history connected with bells, such as the Sicilian Vespers; on all which the changes are rung in an agreeable way. The model of The Bell seems to have been those works of mingled learning and pleasantry in which scholars have occasionally exercised their leisure,—as Southey 's Doctor. The Bell is worthy of a better dress than its. present garb, which seems merely the types of the Sheffield journal rearranged: but a more expensive edition probably would not pay.] The Irish Priest; or What for Ireland?
[A framework of a common kind introduces the autobiography of the Irish Priest; who intermixes the stories of some other people with his own memoirs. The writing is good enough in the forced style; but the incidents. are not very probable; and no result " for Ireland" seems reached, unless it is that Irish land- lords should have surplus means, energetic minds, active habits, and good plans for improving their estates and employing their peasantry. In return for all this, Cornelius, the pattern landlord of the story, gets shot; but as he was mur- dered in mistake, the neighbours attend his funeral, and raise the Irish cry.]
English Hexameter Translations from Schiller, GOthe, Homer, Callinus, and Meleager.
[Judging from all the examples we have ever met with, the hexameter is not adapted to our language, except to furnish a topic for parody. So little of agree- ment has it with English, that we question whether the hexameter would succeed even in ludicrous poetry unless it recalled some original which it ridiculed. If a master of style like Southey failed, it is not likely that success should attend others.] Dreams: the Dream of a Missionary; the Dream of the Opium-eater; the Dream of Another World. By Owen Howell, Author of " Westminster Abbey," &c. [There is some fancy in the plan of each of these three Dreams: but the idea of
Bing to sleep, and then calling up a variety of scenes from history, fable, or theo- logical speculation, is common and easy. There is an analogous merit and defect in the execution: the mechanism of the verse is good and well-sounding, but novelty and independent thought are wanting, let alone poetry.]
One Hundred Songs of Pierre-Jean de Biranger; with Translations by William Young. [This translation of Beranger preserves the sentiments of the original, and if not 'poetical is not prosaic; but it generally misses any nicety of allusion either of idiom or manners. This, however, is almost inevitable.] A Pocket Dictionary of English and Hindu' skint. By Captain Robert Shedden Debbie, Madras Army. [" The inconvenience of carrying about the bulky and expensive tomes of Gil- christ" has induced the compiler of this vocabulary (for dictionary it is not) to offer it to the public. From this intimation, and from the circumstance that the book consists only of a Hindustani-English part, we presume that it is meant for the use of such of the Company's servants as, having rather neglected their studies, require to refresh their memories when obliged to speak with a native. It must be a bore of the first magnitude to have to walk about with several bulky volumes under one's arm, were it merely to ask one's way or the price of an apple; and to Englishmen in India, whose philological studies have been neglected, this more portable memory-aid will be welcome. The compiler informs us that where two or more Hindustani words occur in explanation of one English term, " the first is to be understood as the one most commonly employed, and the rest are the
more refined or scientific signjfications"—expressions, wepresume, is meant. Thus, the term in common use for "blockhead" is be-wziklif'(Scottice," cod");
for "blackguard," luchcha: but the "refined or scientific" epithet for the former is ahmak; for the latter, makkar. Hindustani has its elegant Billingsgate, its rose-water abuse.]
Outlines of Geography, principally Ancient; with Introductory Observations on the System of the World, and on the best manner of Teaching Geogra- phy.
[This is a very excellent book of its kind; founded upon good principles well worked out. The main feature of the plan is first to impress the natural features of a country upon the mind,—as its boundaries, mountains, and rivers. When these are well imprinted, the author proceeds to details and names of places; be- ginning with a river, tracing it downward to its month, mentioning the towns on its bawls or near them, and then pursuing an analogous coarse with its tributa- ries. By this means, an idea of the country is formed in the mind, and the names are connected with things, instead of the vain but common attempt of giving ideas of things by names. A much luster conception of the nature of the country is formed from the skeleton than is attained by the usually crowded and co- loured maps, where the eye is also distracted by the arbitrary divisions. There are various other good points of the little book; which issues from the Edinburgh press under the eminent authority of Professor Pillans.] A Familiar Explanation of the Art of Assaying Gold and Silver; and its bearing upon the interests of the public demonstrated : with Considerations on the importance of the Pia Jury; a review of the past and pre- sent state of the goldsmith's trade; and a table showing the mixture and sterling value per ounce of every quality of gold that can be alloyed. By James H. Watherston, Goldsmith. This little volume is upon a rather technical subject, and too much of the nothing like leather" principle predominates in Mr. Watherston's mind: but the directions for testing gold and silver by the assay are very clear and simple. The process would seem to have the interest of a chemical experiment.]
Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation. Sixth edition. LVarions additions have been made to this sixth edition, prompted by the consi- deration of objections that have been made to the writers facts or deductions. The only entire novelty is a " Note Conclusory "; which goes over the general ground of the objections, maintains that they are narrow, and if right in detail (which they seldom are). do not touch the main argument. The author finally reasserts his confidence in his theory.]
The Farmer's Friend; a Record of recent Discoveries, Improvements, and Practical Suggestions in Agriculture. [The Farmer's Friend may prove better entitled to the character than some noisier claimants of the title, for it may be a "friend indeed." It consists of ex- tracts from periodicals, and other publications relating to agriculture, on the topics mentioned in the title, arranged under their respective heads,—as Live Stock, Implements, Draining, Manures, Cultivation, and Crops.] Shatpe's London Magazine; a Journal of Entertainment and Instruction for general reading. With elegant Wood-Engravings. November 1846 to April 1847. [The volume formed by a cheap illustrated periodical. The work is a collection of verse and prose, original and select, essays, tales, and miscellaneous pieces of information; not of great pretension, but, so far as we have looked into the book, suitable to the class of readers for whom it is intended. The illustrations are wood-cuts, somewhat mechanical in design, but effective in execution. Among them are a few by Mr. Franklin's more living and vigorous hand.] The Provincial Letters of Pascal,. with an " Essay on Pascal, considered as a Writer and Moralist," by M. Villemain, Peer of France, late Minister of Public Instruction, &c. Newly translated from the French. With Me- moir, Notes, and Appendix. [The first complete translation of Pascal's celebrated assault upon the Jesuits; including all the illustrative matter which AL Villemain introduced in his French edition.] Selections in Prose and Poetry, from Living and Deceased Authors. Edited by John Bleaden. [A miscellaneous selection from a mixture of authors, on no very definite princi- ple, with a few original pieces. The poetry predominates.] History of Europe from the Commencement of the French Revolution in 1789 to the Restoration of the Bourbons in 1815. By Archibald Alison, F.R.S.E., Advocate. Volume the Fourth. Seventh edition. [Contains the campaigns of 1793-94, and the Reign of Terror.] . Memoirs of a Physician. By Alexandre Dumas, Author of " The Count of Monte Christo," &c. Part L Joseph Palsamo. Volume L (The Parlour Library, Volume IL)
A translation of the first volume of Dumas's Memoirs of a Physician, for a g. The second will appear when the literary dandy is at leisure to complete the original,]
Wanderings of a Pilgrim in the Shadow of Mont Blanc and the JUnafrau Alps. By George B. Cheever, Author of " Lectures on the Pilgrim's Progress and on the Life and Times of John Bunyan." [A cheap reprint of an American book, of which we reviewed the first part, re- lating to Mont Blanc, when it first appeared in 1845.]
Half-Hours with the Best Authors. Part L [This new speculation is a species of elegant extracts," without their classifi- cation of subjects, but with a completeness in each particular extract which Mr. Knight thinks the older work did not attain, though its ballad specimens at least were pretty entire. The title, "Half-Hours," intimates the time which every example will fill up with a (slow) reader; every seventh extract will be from a re- ligious writer; and the entire work will furnish half an hour's reading for every day in a year. The selection is various, but rather of the gravest: a short biogra- phical notice of the writer is prefixed to each extract.]