3 APRIL 1830, Page 7

LAWYERS IN PARLIAMENT.—It may be worth noticing, that the House

of Commons is at present deprived of the services of no fewer than the following nine members of the law, who are absent pursuing their profes- sional avocations in various remote quarters of the United Kingdom ; so subordinate are public ditties held to be to private interests, and so much does it depend on the chapter of accidents, whether, when lawyers are returned to Parliament, the nation will, upon any question, or at any time, have the benefit of those peculiar requisites for legislating, which gentlemen of that profession are supposed by some to possess ! The Irish Solicitor- General, Mr. Doherty; the English Attorney-General (down on a special retainer at the York Assizes) ; the recently returned member for Winchelsea, Mr. John Williams ; the member for Milborne Port, Mr. North ; the mem- ber for Knaresborough, Mr. Brougham ; Mr. John Wood, the rnember for Preston ; Mr. Slaney, the member for Shrewsbury ; Mr. Macaulay, the new member for Caine; and last, though not least, Daniel O'Connell, Esq. (gone on a special retainer to the Downpatrick Assizes). Were names of less note to be added, the list of lawyer-members who are attending at present to any thing but their Parliamentary duties would be found to be formidable indeed h—Morning Chronicle. EX-COMMANDER RUSSELL.—This young gentleman, \rho was broken the other duty for the loss of the NVolf, is not yet twenty years of age ! How many lieutenants are there at present on the half-pay list, who received their com- Missions before Master Russell was born ? He is said to be a brother of the Blarellioness of Cleveland.


Ax EXPENSIVE SNACK.—Ditring a trial last week at the Maryborough Assizes, one of the petit jury, after being sworn, slipped out of the box. When the jury was called to try the next case, he was missed: He at length appeared ; admitted that he had not been present when the verdict was given ; and craved mercy, as he had merely gone to get a snack. He was fined 100/.

LIBERTY OF TILE SUBJECT IN NEW SOUTH WALES.—A singular CAW of false imprisonment was tried at Sydney in October last. The plaintiff was a Mr. Thompson, a free settler ; the defendant, Mr. Willet, Master of : the brig Faith. Thompson paid 70/. for his passage. During the voyage, he had seine quarrel with Willet, who, without ceremony, put him in irons, and confined him in a hole where he cmild not turn.—Damages, 500/.

THE CURE WORSE THAN THE DISEASE.—At the Secondaries' Office, this week, a jury were summoned to assess damages in an action brought by a farrier, or veterinary surgeon according to the fashionable phrase, for curing- a horm's knee. The charge was 49/. 16s. 6d. One of the witnesses! thought the horse, vhen cured, might be worth 10/. ; the jury estimated hi worth at 41. ! They gave a verdict for 29/..5s. 5d. HEADS UP !—The writer of a letter in the Jahn Bull, having described:' the first levee of Charles the Tenth, after the prorogation of the Chambers, ' in the true Noodle and Doodle style, proceeds thus—" In fine, never, never was stuck a day seems at the Tuilleries ; and Royalty again held high its.i head, as it were wont to do in the good old times of Henry IV. and Louis XVI."—A bitter wag this, who bolds up the head of Louis the Sixteenth as the triumph of Royalty ! Wooemix SnewLs.—This elegant fabric is giving way to silk. The- Paisley papers regret the change, as indicating a falling off in trade. We.: take it to indivate rather a rising of the thermometer.

JEWS AND CaldISTrAxs.—Iit 'Warsaw, the Jews have increased during. the last ten years, in proportion to the Christians, as four to three. The greater mortality of the Christians is attributed to their more licentious ha- bits, and particularly to their love of ardent spirits. English missionaries: are busily employed at Warsaw in converting the Polish Jews. Their sum • cess is not mentioned.

EmioneTiox.—The women seem not to relish emigration. A rune fellow belonging to Perth' who was bound to America, received lately nc fewer than thirteen refusals from as many damsels. The rejected swain has. in COnSeqUeliCC, .given op his intended voyage. A FRUITFUL VINE.—There is now living on Barrick Hill, in the tom ship of Bredbury, near Stockport. a widow, named Mary Hopwood, in 'ass, eighty-fourth year of her age, who has been the mother of 13 children-. grandmother to 67, and great-grandmother to 38, making a total amouni of 118!

THE LAST OF PRINCE CHART.TE'S MEN.—Died, last week, at tie North Muir of Forfar, Peter Smith, in the one huudred and third year of his age. Fe was one of those who were pressed, in the year 1745, to assist in coaveying Prince Charles Edward's baggage from this quarter to tle North, and was a walking Chronicle of the occurrences of those times.— &tin/meth Paper.

ANOTHER LEG Docron..—At the Tower Eamlets Court of Requests Arthur Sopwith called for a verdict of U. Ns. 10d. against Henry Gardiner. for attendance on Gardiner's leg. Gardiner demurred to the charge, miles; much. as Dr. Sopwith had not effected a cure, butt, on the contrary, had lef the leg worse than he thund it. The doctor was asked for his account, am produced the following document :—

"June the 1 1825

"Mr Hennery Gardner depted to Arthur Sopwith for cuering his leag That Docto. Scott Could not cuer and by lier Greament Betwen ouer selves i was to have live pound but when nearley twered left Me to rang me of my monuey—Before we a gread for tb sartain He the said above paid me A Sopwith one shilling per dressing witch now charge saim for fortey days whiteh i charge 11. 19e. Hid."

The Court were of opinion, that the leg was not nearly cured whei Gardiner left the Doctor, and dismissed Dr. Sopwith's action accordingly. Ax ABSO L UT E Etc T.—The Glasgow Chronicle says, "it is an absolut fact that boys are now set to sew." How did the " ca'-the-shuttle bodies' get their breeches made before now ? by girls ?

BATHING THE Cnoss.—Letters from Erzerum to the 21st of Januar mention a ceremony which had not taken place in the Euphrates for m wards of nine centnries—that of bathing the cross—which was attended lr a vast concourse of persons, Turks as well as Armenians and Russians. Th Psissian garrison formed part of the procession, of which not the least extrs ordinary feature was the vast concourse of Turks who attended to witness is hum Saxe- Fitcsin.—Lanney and Camill, his paramour, were hange at Tralee on Monday sennight for the murder of the husband of the latter Lanney's sister was present, and when the parties had been turned oil she lighted her pipe, sat down, and took a whiff at the gallows-foot with a the coolness imaginable.

Inren PHRASEOLOGY.—On Wednesday night a party of men brok into the house of Patrick Williams, of Knocknaslina, and gave him a gm beating. On the same night a party visited the house of Denis Ganley, Cabaska, dragged himself and wife out of bed, and gave them both a gra- beating.—Limerick Paper.

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