A Hundred Years Ago " THE SPECTATOR," MAY 30TH, 1835.
PRISON Discirilsz.—In the. House of Peers, on Monday, Lord MELBOURNE pledged himself to bring in a bill to improve the state of the prisons, in conformity with the resolution of the Coinmittee on Prison Discipline. From a statement of the Duke of RICHMOND, it appeared, that the substance of the recommendations of the Committee was, that Government, should without loss of time in- troduce a bill for the amendment of the 4th Gee. IV., c. 64, com- monly called the Gaol Act l that that bill should enact one uniform system of prison discipline for every gaol and house of correction in the kingdom ; that the rules of the gaols, which had heretofore been submitted to the Judges of Assize, should in future be submitted to the Secretary of State for the Home Department ; and that there should be an authorized appointment of inspectors of prisons.