The French Government received, yesterday morning, despatches from Turin, s t a ting
that Marshal Radetzky had agreed to an armistice. Turin is not to be entered by him; but Alesaandria is to be occupied by a joint garrison of Aus- trian and Sardinian troops: the Sardinian fleet is to be withdrawn from the Adriatic, and Austria is to have liberty to proceed by sea and land against Venice, so as to resume the whole territory guaranteed to her by the treaties of 1815.
The new King of Sardinia, Victor Emmanuel, entered Turin on the 27th in- stant, amidst joyful demonstrations.
Letters from Naples, to the 21st instant, state that the Palermitans have re- jected the terms proposed through the French and English Admirals by the King, and that the population is in a fever of resistance; women and children assisting in the construction of trenches and field-works.
At Frankfort, the Gagern Ministry resigned unanimously, on the 22d instant; and on the 27th instant the Regent was still without responsible advisers.
It has been authentically notified in London, that the Malmoe armistice is pro- longed to the 15th of April; the Danish blockade being suspended.