31 MARCH 1849, Page 11



The Stock Market, though subject to some fluctuations, has improved nearly 1 per cent upon our last quotations. The price of Consols had at one period hilly advanced to that extent: it has since experienced a slight reaction, and closes this afternoon at 92/ for Account, being f per cent higher than on Saturday last. The warlike movements of the King of Sardinia were considered of no importance, but it was not expected that he would have fallen so suddenly. His abdication is re- garded as having settled the question of peace or war in Italy. The Moderate party in France are now regarded as firmly fixed in power, and the general anti- cipation is in favour of the establishment of good order in Europe. It is not surprising, therefore, that both here and in France the prices of the Public Funds are advancing. The better class of the Foreign Funds are higher. Dutch Stock of both varieties has recovered the depression occasioned by the death of the late King, and the prices are today nearly the same as before that event. The other Northern Bonds have also improved. Spanish Stock is today rather firmer; and Portuguese Bonds have continued in limited demand, at rather improved prices. Mexican Stock has not fluctuated materially; the range of variation not having exceeded 1.per cent. Considerable anxiety has been experienced on account of the delay in the arrival of the Dee, West Indian steamer: it is reported this afternoon that she has been telegraphed off the Isle of Wight; and Mexican Stock advanced in consequence, closing at 311 f. The South American Stocks are not quite so much in demand as they have been; but the general complexion of the market is firmer this afternoon.

The Railway Shares are all rather heavy. Great Western are an exception to the general rule of decline, and, after having been at a depression of between 81. and 41., are today at the quotations of last week. Eastern Counties are again lower, and have fallen to 9. The French and Foreign Shares are firmer, and are at higher prices than in last week. The business transacted in this class of securities is not ;lake so great as usual, notwithstanding that prices are ad- vancing. The arrangement concluded between the East India Company on the subject of the East Indian Railway has given currency to the shares of this undertaking, which had been previously quite neglected. The price has been as high as 21. premium per share, but has gone back again to 11.


The French Funds rose considerably yesterday in Paris upon receipt of intel- ligence of the conclusion of the armistice between the Austrian General and the Sardinians; Consols have consequently risen more than 1 per cent. The cpening price was 921 both for Money and Account; the quotation has since reached 924 and is now 925 5. In the Foreign Market there was a disposition to sell Mexican Stock as soon as it became known that no further remittances on account of the dividends were brought by the Dee steamer. The opening price was 31; but the stock has since improved, and is now 314 1. The other Foreign Bonds are unchanged. There is no material variation in the prices cf the Railway Shares; which, however, are generally rather firmer in consequence of the improvement in Consols. French Shares, as well as those of the East Indian Railway, are higher. The following are the principal. bargains occurring: Eastern Counties, 95; Great Northern, 111; Ditto, Extension, 11; North Staffordshire, 14/; East ladisas, 44; North of France, 111; Rouen and Havre, 111. per-cent Consoli

Ditto for Account 3 per Cent Reduced 921

928 shut Danish 3 P. Cents

Dutch 21 per e,,It,a .

Ditto 4 per Cents 68 71 49 50 78 79

al per Cents


Ide.xiclui 5 per Cents 1846-,.

311 Long Annuities shut New Granada 18 19 Bank Stock shut Portuguese N.4 perCents 1842 28 29 Exchequer Bills 39 42 prem Portuguese Old 1824 73 6 India Stock shut Russian 5 per Cents .ex. WI,. 103 105 Brazilian 5 per Cents 82 4 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 161 17 Belgian 41 per Cents 80 2 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 301 Buenos Ayres 38 40 Venezuela 28 30 Chllian 6 per Cents 94 7

The accounts of the Bank of England for the week ending the 24th March exhibit, when compired with those of the preceding week, the following resulta-

BANK'S.) DEPARTMENT. Increase. Decrease.


Public Deposits Other Deps,sits Seven-day and other Bills Government Securities, Including Dead-weight Other Securities Notes unissued Actual Circulation ISSUE DEPARTMENT.

Notes leaned Bullion Total Bullion in both Departments Actual Circulation


An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and Rth Victoria, cap. 32, for the week ending on Saturday,.the 21th day of March 1849.


Notes issued £28,582,185 Government Debt 411,515,160 Other Securities 2,941.900 Gold Coin and Bullion 14,265,418

Silver Bullion 323.889 £28,582,185 E28,582.181 BANKING DEPARTMENT.

Proprietors' Capital Rest Public Deposits' Other Deposits 9,317,120 Notes Seven Day and other Bills .... 1,082,864 Gold and Silver Coln

£2,235 581,436 4539,706 40,905 95,275

30,265 39,012 This week. 15,322,701 17,628,835

23,142 70,010

Last week.

15,283,779 17,698,845 £14,533,000 Government Securities, (M-

3,663.114 eluding Dead W eightAnnuity)£14.072 .844 7,585,694 Other Securities 10,814 922

10.953.300 740,8E8 £36,381,712 £26,101,722 • Including Exchequer, Savings Banks, Commissioners of National Debt &Dividend Accts.