31 JULY 1964, Page 3

—Portrait of the Week— ME 1959 PARLIAMENT ended at last,

without a bang and with hardly a whimper. So ended Sir Winston Churchill's sixty-four years as a Com- mons man—an event that was recognised by a special resolution of the Commons, putting on record its 'unbounded admiration and gratitude.' and by a visit to Sir Winston by Sir Alec Douglas Home, Mr. Harold Wilson and Mr. Jo Grimond. After passing the resolution, the Commons turned to discuss a Tory back-bench measure to prevent National Savings being used in nationalised in- dustries without parliamentary approval. No wonder the MPs went home for the last time with the opinion polls in utter confusion—with the NOP's finding that the Tories had firmly cut the Labour lead to four points, while the Daily Telegraph's Gallup Poll showed Labour moving away at about nine points.

BEFORE THE COMMONS dispersed to Berwick or the Scilly Isles it permitted itself one more flare-up for old times' sake, over the Lang report into the Bloodhound rocket contract. Having made a profit of 82 per cent on costs on the rocket, Ferranti offered to repay £4} million of the £5f million Profit that they made—an offer that was grate- fully accepted by the Government. Some of the money could go to paying for the increase in Postmen's pay, which was conceded after a complete postal stoppage was threatened. Other big pay claims were rumoured to be in the pipe- line. Mr. Marples promised £1,000 million of roads in the next five years. Mr. Brooke visited Dart- moor—and commented that it was pleasanter than London prisons; while Alfred Hinds was awarded £1,300 libel damages against the ex-police officer who arrested him eleven years ago.

JOHN BLOOM stepped down from his chairmanship of English and Overseas, while attempts to breathelife into the washing machine company failed. A new pirate radio, Radio Invicta, had to send signals for help before it could begin broad- casting. Finchley Council may run its own bus service as London Transport's coverage is 'in- adequate.' and the Earl of Sandwich renounced his peerage to become Mr. Montagu. Five men Imprisoned through the work of ex-Det.-Sgt. Challenor had their sentences quashed, and the Exclusive Brethren caused embarrassment to Methodists by booking Central Hall.


THE US PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN began, with Gold- water and Johnson sparring over civil rights and defence programmes. President Johnson promised a new strategic aircraft capable of, 2,220 m.p.h. for Americans would have been more grateful tur means of ending racial riots in New York State. Meanwhile a US Ranger rocket was head- ing for the moon, Mr. Butler landed in Moscow, and President de Gaulle brought a row with Bonn to a head by calling for independence from the US. The Malta Independence Bill went through the Commons in one day, Sr Moro returned to °Ince in Italy four weeks after his resignation as Premier, and Bahrain is to issue a new currency, the dinar, in place of the Gulf Rupee.


NOT A WEEK to be proud of in the sporting world, though England did defeat Finland at athletics. In the war of attrition for the Ashes, England and Australia took five days to bowl each other out once, but could not spare another five days to bring the match to a finish. Less than one month to go to the new soccer season, and ten foot- ballers were summoned for match-throwing.