On the 28th inst., at Eu ham Douse. near Andover, the Don. Mrs. PRowsis, of a son. On the 25th iust., the Lady of the Rev. C. PASLEY VIVIAN, of a son. Oa the 23d inst., at the Shrubbery, Widmer, the Wife of G. P. It. JAMES, Esq.. of a _daughter.
On the28th inst., at Wimbledon Common, the Liuly of Motor OLIPHANT, of is daughter. On the 14th inst., at Thum, h. Switzerland, V.A., Lady of WILLIAM NATION, Esq., of daughter.
Ou the 21st inst., at Markinch, Mrs, Wu, BALLINGAL, of a son. On the 19th inst., at lut erness, the Lady CHARLES Mama:arum, Esq., of Aberarder, of a daughter.
On the 25th inst.. at Av ranches, Frauce, the Lady of J. W. Caowav, Esq., late Captain of the Forty-seventh Regiment, a son.
On the 30th inst., the Wife of Mr. F. C. WESTLEV, Child's Place, of a son. alarlItIaGES.
On the 2eth List., at Mint% Lurd Jo:is Rea: ELL to Lady FANNY ELLIOT, second daughter of the Earl of Minn).
On the 22,1 inst., at Uttoxeter. the Don. RICHARD CAVENDISH, brother of Lord Water- park, to Miss HALT. only daughter and heiress of T. Ilart, Esq., suit niece of Sir T. Cotten Sheppard, P. art. On the 21st hest , itt Muchness Douse. Forfarshire. Lieutenaut-Colonel JOHN CAMP- BELL. Thirty-eighth Regiment, only sou, Lb-au:molt General Sir ARCHIBALD CAM ricut.. Bart., of Garth. awl K.C.T.S., to Maass MARGARET, only child of the late Colonel Jolla Crow, of the Him. East India Company's Service. Ou the 6th April. at St. Helmet. Colas CAMPRELG, Esq.. Ninety first Regiment, third son of Colin Campbell. Esq.. of Jula, to ELEANOR, eittett uaughter of the late R. Seale. Esq.. Coloniai Secretary of that island. On the 28th inst.. at Chelslield, Keel, LLEWELVN FALKNER Luove. Esq.,of Pentriffith and Kilkeu Hall. Flint, to Maar Sus k?i, only daughter of the late Rev. William Wick- ham Drake. Rector of .Malpas, Chester. On the 28th inst., at Colored, Her's, the Rey. EAnDr.Et CHAUNCY Dora-, B.A., of Brazetiose College, Oxford, Curate of Surrey, and second MO-living son of the late John Dolt, Esq., of Totteatitun, to ELIZAUETH, third daughter of the Rev. John Walker, Rector of Cuttered, Hens, and late Principal of Trinity liadl, Cambridge. On the 26th lust., at St. George's, Illwnlsbnry, Mex-rkovi: Viutams, eldest S•41 of Vernon Abbott, Esq., of Gower Street. to L,UISA ANN. only child of George Laudmanu, Esti.. late Lieutenant-Colouel of the Royal Engineers. On the 19th Olt., at Paris. the Count DE MOREToN CHARRILLAN, to CECILE, third daughter of the late Veer de Domecq, Esq., of Xerez de la Creator s.
On the 30th inst., at Cheltenham. Colouel Sir CHARLES SHAW, Ku:ght Commander of the Military Order of the Tower and Sword of Portugal, Knight Commander of the Military Order of San Fernando of Spain. Fac.,. to LOUISA HANNAH, only daughter of the late Major Martin Curry, Sixty-seventh Repmeut.
On the 20th inst., suddenly, on board the Reindeer steamer, Lord Dermot-I.
On the 20th inst., in Belg,rave Square. Lady DES VOEUX, Wife of Sir Charles Des Voeux, Bart.
On the 28th April, at Calcutta. Sir ALEXANDER MACKENZIE. Bart., of Tarbol.
On the 234 inst., at Tuubridge Wells, CAROLINE, fifth daughter of the Bishop of Chester. On the 25th inst., in Devonshire, HENRY HUDSON, Esq., late of the East India House, in his 634 year. On the 17th inst., on board the Hon. Company's ship, Edinburgh, Captain W. B. STAFF, of her Majesty's Twenty-sixth Regiment Cameronians, on his passage home from China.
On the 20th inst.. IssliSt.i.A. Relict of the late Isaac Hitchin, of Gerrard Street,. Soho, in her 834 year.