General Delarey. who had just given further proof of his
goodwill by coming on from Ventersdorp, also made a striking speech. endorsing all that Mr. Chamberlain had said about misunderstandings in the past, and the duty of Boers and British alike to join hands and work for the good of the
country. When he heard of Mr. Chamberlain's mission, be at once gave up the effort to "gather together a few pennies on the Continent," in order to place his knowledge at the die. posal of Mr. Chamberlain on the spot. Mr. Chamberlain, he went on, was a great man in Europe. "He holds the key with which he can lock and unlock. But his greatest piece of statesmanship will be the restoring of South Africa to as former prosperity." On Tuesday afternoon the trek was con. tinued trici, Ottoshoop to Mafeking. where Mr. Chamberlain arrived in the company of General Baden-Powell, Sir W. Rely. Hutchinson, and Sir Gordon Sprigg. Here Mr. Chamber. lain received a number of deputations, gave audience to Khama and the Protectorate chiefs, and in reply to an address of welcome eulogised the heroism of the defenders of the town.