Mr. Channing on Friday week raised an important debate by
proposing to give the Board of Trade power to compel railways to limit their servants' hours of work. He made an excellent speech, with some exaggerations, and it soon became evident that both parties in the House were willing to go some way in his direction. Sir Michael Hicks-Beach, therefore, while anxiously deprecating the grant of any such power to the Board of Trade, ended his speech by confessing that legislation of sonic kind would ultimately be necessary, and suggesting a Special Commission to inquire into the best method. The motion was only rejected by 141 to 124, and will doubtless be renewed in some other form, all borough Members being well aware that the cry for the limitation of hours will greatly affect the next elections. Already that cry, and the question. of the rights of Unions as against " black-. legs," are more influential in deciding returns than all the wrongs of Ireland.