31 AUGUST 1901, Page 16


Snn,—The hermit of Cape Malea existed long before the days of steam. I happened to be reading Lamartine's account of his passage through the Straits of Cerigo in 1834. Perhaps some of your readers might like to compare it with Mr. Bullen's description ; they will find it at p. 85, Vol. I., of Lamar- tine's " Voyage en Orient." I personally distinctly remember the hermit at Cape Malea thirty-three years ago. It was the custom for ships becalmed there to send him ashore biscuit and beef, for which they received vegetables in return.—I am, Sir, &a., Waldron, Sussex. ERNEST RASON. P.S.—At the time I mention the hermit was a very old man, and there was no visible road to the land.