Considerable inactivity has prevailed in the market for all National
Securities during the week, and prices generally have had a drooping tendency. On Monday, Consols, both for money and the account, left off at 941, ; yesterday they closed at 94k, Reduced and New Three per Cents. were done at 941, ; India Five per Cents., 112/ to 113 ; India Bonds, 65s. to 70s. premium ; Exchequer Bills, 25s. to 30s. premium. Bank stock was quoted at 261 to 263 ; and India Stock, 220 to 222. Foreign Bonds, Bank Shares, and miscellaneous securities have commanded very little attention. English Railways have been heavy, but Indian lines have shown more firmness. Money has been very abundant, at 11 to 11 for the best short bills. The stock of bullion in the Bank of England is 23,574,726/. ; in the Bank of France, 37,967,807/.