31 AUGUST 1861, Page 11


(By Electric Tekgr_aph.)

BRIGHTON, Friday Morning. The inquest will be resumed to-day, and the evidence of the engine- driver in charge of the third train will be called; increased interest will doubtless be exhibited. The jury sat last night till a very late hour, long after the last London train had left ; but whether this was arranged in order to keep any evidence from the metropolitan press which might be given after they had left, or to enable a series of absurd and trivial questions to be put which are in many instances re- ceived with derisive laughter, we leave to the local magnates who rule to decide. The railway companies placed a special train at the dis- posal of the members of the London press, and thus enabled them to render a complete account of the day's proceedings.

An accident of a triffing character occurred yesterday on the South or Brighton side of the t aterham Junction, by the breaking down and turning over of one of the luggage vans in a goods train. The worst result, however, was that the guard was somewhat shaken.

The patients at the hospital are progressing very favourably, and we arc also ,o.lad to be able to state that Coleman the guard, who is at Hassock's Gate, can manage to move about his room a little this morning, and will probably be removed to his own house tins after noon.