30 SEPTEMBER 1893, Page 1


THE cue in polities, we fancy, is " quiet " till next January. Everybody is worn out. Mr. Chamberlain has gone to America, and the winter sitting is to be devoted to non-conten- tious business. The only break in the quiet is the effort to raise .a cry against the House of Lords, and that lecke spontaneity too much. The English are masters, when all is said, and they think the Lords quite right in destroying any Home-rule Bill with the Ninth Clause in it. Allowance must, however, lee made for accident, and for the furious internal contests which are breaking out in the Irish Nationalist ranks. They are already calling one another liars, and if they should use the shillelagh on one another's heads, the tranquillity of the ,Gladstonians will be disturbed. Mr. Gladstone might even he induced to speak in Ireland—say, at Mitohelstown—and then God knows what would follow,—certainly not the Millennium. At present, however, all is peaceful ; and for politicians, healthily dull.